Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)

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1WI -I SurhJoumd LawMon Makio Saturday Dacambar 9 1989 FLOOR MAINTENANCE people SyotlHvqwegu with bennits Auburn Moll Monogemont botwepn am' to EXPESIENCED HDSThMtfH weiterweifreu wanted Cathy Hut 1114 LUen SI Lewtyten EXPERIENCED wait-RESSWAITER fhxibta hour Weekend dldiwothor Apply ot ProncalM Mt Contor Strict Auburn FRANCOISE RESTAURANT Enporloncod brcobloU ond lunch cook Ipll time refer men Apply hi pcrion IM Auburn Center St ATTENTION NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Patient caring poroon to wort with ono dovotopmontolly dtt-oblod bidlvlduol on weekend Coll Pou lotto it 7M-04I2 24 Old Lisbon Rood Community Sup-port Servtcoe Inc- SOCIAL WORKERAdepSan Cu werharpert time (2ite2llieud per week) AMnbwim SSW an year ceuwerk experience iv quied Prefer MSWMA bi cun-utbig Pesittqn invatvu wariUng -with adoptive lemiiiu end teedng patent education grave Feranrdyeur resume to: Sreeneg rent POlulMLLtwt pm No phono cel is ptotu EOE CNAfRN ond LFN POSITIONS gigfig m-MM OunhHI Temper ory Syetem 2 Greet Fails Plaia Auburn to-shs EARN UP TO I1N to ISM monthly tram hom*o on Iho phone aerate-big our cuotomon In your oroo Coll 140S44S4012 GROWTH Srlentolod plMlic com pony I bi jwtd of nMit ihltt toromon Mutt bo Mffttertor able to handle change and men ogt poroonnol Pay cam menu rate with oiporicnco Send re umeto: ADVERTISER IOX A17 See JoornolSuodoy -IM Peril Shut LowMtn ME 04MI HAIRSTYLIST WANTED 1 Encollcnt wogtt gndbtncflh HAIRIENDERS tU-IIlT EXTBA nil trl worker Coll JM HX FREE Lingerie and CASH from Undertow Wear to FAV lor Chrttmo Coll Amy ot 2 1771 6AI -STATION attendant mutt hove clean drivbig record and bo obto to oporoto wrecker X4 nw MAIN- STYLIST- wonted Choate fobr own working hour Moherf Riliu EARN EXTNA mono felling Avon to fomll trlonai ond go Hiijna JOB OPENINGS OPPORTUNITY LICENSED ELECTRICIAN MASTER OR JOURNEYMAN ickupl Administrative Motrlot Mo wW he ec-mpHns uppRcottono lor tub tbne oubotttula AbrnrcetMtan and part-time substitute driven For mare Information end application! contact: CoLuMim Cmbv DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION Box 471 Farmington Maine 04938 Tstaphorw 207778-4307 axU 400 Appkcoftone wM dose Friday December 15 IVSt An Equal Opportunity Employer Trailer Mechanic For I cialwork benefit residential cortimer Top wag package' and 1: Leader in traininc 1 Scheduled pay raises 1 Fdl benefits 4 Team work environment 5 $1027 2nd shift startinf pay CALL 1 -897-2634 Think qbouf it and call 784-6901 Equal Opportunity Employwr Camden Yams Inc Help Wanted Wa ara now hiring Suparvlsors Finish Tenders Spinners Spinner Trainees and Fixers on all shifts If 'you have the necesaary skills to fill pne of these positions apply in person at Mill Street Lisbon Center ME Telephone: MS-4371 PLUMBEROIL BURNER TECHNICIAN 3-5 years experience Excellent benefits" 'including insurance paid holidays vacations truck -i- ortheast tuiCAL coemAcrosi ntc I PLUMBING AND HEATING WANTED experienced mechanic to wnrk on term and lawn end gertat equipment Salary and hanetHi te commeneurpte with experience Send remind to: Delahto Brslhdri toe Iff Slver-side Drive RFD I Box 444 Air burn ME 471 7S24WI: WANTED SCHOOL CROSSING GUIDE for the City of Lewiston Apply directly at' the Personnel Office Lewiston City building by December IB INF X-TXA MONEY iwed thru ertlcuiete telenter betid to work tram convenient Auburn attic Part-time hours full-tbnt pay Full training pro- vlded Advancement lor the right perun to management Call Bob Franca at TO-Tpi between 1) and p-m (Selu petit line etu 1 evaileble) IHi i fal AUSUBN Mother Geou Daycare hu openinge hr ages 2 and up -Largo lenceHt uutdur duy era Warm loving itmuphid nutritional meals end pm wheel pregrem ottered 7I4-2U4 lABYSITTER WANTED wd5h days 2:21 to 4pm 11 Month eld intent Pdtarably bi my Jlem Call otter 7pm 712141 dARINO MOTHER wtilbw hkahy-lit bi WeluMeameuth area Reuenehte Retu 1422-2SI7 dAklNG MOTHER at 2 will baby-lit yeur chlldm In my Lewiiten Cell 777 r- childcarefettinBiLL Scheel aru Call tweenlandl LEwiITAn HMTMLLV cated Oeinlag ter 2nd and 3rd shift Intents menlhe 4 veer aid 7R-1431 after II neen lewiSton Licensed heme fiy age nwnthe to 4 yeaie Fw mere information plouo celt Laurie t4-712 LEWISTON ON WILDWOOb Drive talking ter infante-te 2 years eld fldl and third Wiitls CaU 704190 LldENSEA DAY tARB hu'W bw lor Hm pnidMiM 1 iftRini DQtri cMMran- Laii af Ttnrttr Uvlni Cara Nan- smafcar Call liaphanla MHMI L0OKIN6 Td bASYSir yeur children betwaubwagu all 7 In tha Lewtetan araa Houd 7am-- 4pm Fur mare tntormotten ceH 777-MU ARE YOU SOMEONE SPECIAL? Ara you a uniqua indMduri wtn la wal organizsd and detol oriented? Do you hate good oommon aanaa Judgement abates prevtoua ctartcal oxparlonca and basic typing and Mng skis? Do you haw experience with personal computers and tho aMRy to compose routine Mars? We nesd someone wMi these quMMsa and a profeaaionaJ attitude to handto a wtds variety of dullea Inckidbig record-keeping foBow-ups qpadal projects anddertcal support In the ofttoe of our Marketing VloaPreaident youYa someone special give ua seal apadat too i i Please contact Ms Bgoae at 783-2001 todtocussyourquaMcatlonaandsetupan Interview (From touch-tone phones 777-6000 Ext 322) X33I -9- Ml POND ROAD -IEWB1DN ML TEL! 786-0019 EDITOR We are currently seeking an experienced editor for our weekly newspaper! Good writing and management skills are a necessary-requirement Applicants should have some editorial experience Preference will be given to arfin-dividual in or around the Bethel area or someone wilting to relocate in the Bethel area GEIGER BROS ML Hope Avenue Lewiston Maine 04240 Jr WELDERSPREP PEOPLE Wa havo hnmodiata opart ingo hr fittar waMarg on lacond ghHt Muot hows Muaprint knowfadga and good wilding capabilltiob In Flux -Coro and Mig WoMbig Applkant muot taka molding tail baforw MMlauAaai mptoymonr Alto hova oganing for proparaHoii pooplo pn flrit and Mcond ihlfta Panono naod to bo knowiadgoablo In Muaprint raading layout and-hoavy motal fabrication modibiofy AAlnlmum two yoan oxparianca Wogoo ronga from (800 to $1330 on hour dapandbtg on oxparlonca ond ability For confidential consideration please cal 1-800-482-0753 extension 330 Apply at: JmATNtE A Ml weald Uw te -cere tor yeur chUdtranl bt my -heme Any age anytime Ult retu Cut 7BSM7 JLailMANl Position Opening Direct Hire HUMAN SERVICES CASEWORKER (0506900) INDUSTRIES INC '29 LntaffsaSfraot ftMTirtaa Matas M24 7I4 ITS KOI JUST OUR SHOES THAJ ARE TTEll KNOWN lau A Co Is also well known for being one of Itw moot modem and pro-gresolve comport to around To tnhance that reputation they have a petition fora: PC SPECIALIST WHh over 70 personal compfatpn currentty in uae we need (tie kind of person who can maxlmlxo our PC potential you have at leaet two yeart experience dealing with PCs their connectivity and networking ooftware and are familiar-wMh MM mainframe andor Syotem 36 38 computar oyitemb you qualify If you are oggmeelve personable a good listener and aMo to enproes your thoughfi to all levalo of management you are who we want Please send a cover letter salary requirement! and reeume to: BASS CO Box 85 Wilton AAI 04294 co Nnoniwl Department EOE MF CARPENTER'S HELPER tor Auburn project Telephone 1-772-hB attar pm Inc rt Cwdtac Sehta hom*o tongtem rpoourcoo and be part dewed oil loo wid have dberi an year dew- iHoubbl wefb In bmEmHm nf dBMw thb to iMpBrip OriMr pnNIeni iMpMriUi lar Mben In cueBaRy mdtm lerab IIMIenihnralbeneRlpeGitoaludbMHpnMliiRaiiCM in sand been MMMUM QUAUKAn0N6M I bnnMRMMITMfNOtb nder enpattaMfL Sse-yjaSSr ri (8 yeira efjneferaMnel mM werit arae mmfmm wndto bemiji SSSfttSSS sEwBrSSien mtmwwlum dqne li nhlRl WHy 0WZ been In an eraradtoei MaMenln undHguaHRmlBFeMMMym 9mnmk mm prayei erag be BBRNMlid ter He mm ymm i Nb emir edualieMl iMMIbhbim hr wpariaMp Is HANDTMAN-electrklty plumb-big rough carpentry work in Le-woten per hour 7I2 MS4 Some gas cosposation el Oxford bee lull time puetllan open ter experienced LP one per-on Advancement opportunity to right individual At leat 11 year! ige antfCaWTI JIcdrtU rFt ApptieitleM token at fatten Seed OxtaK-t a 44W a- IMMEDIATE OPENISG tor llceneed leunieymen or ter ell burner JecMdaa wegei meucanem Cali Quality Heating vecaflene HUSK IMMEDIATE OPENINS -ter tub rt-time evenln in perunet: rleeent St Lewietun MANAGER TRAINEE National company noedi candl-dalxi lor management training Mint 'be oggmeive mature in dividual! qualified to train ax alee managed Earning opportunity to itart SHOSHO pur waek'wHh Ibet year potential at ISMO Coll Ttl-4144 oik I or Mike MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES I mrefSeRmto lAaimo liVWIIreRi MIIV 7B4-W5J Cenveniently connecled to level 4 Centrevilfe Perking Garage NATIONAL ENGINEERINO hai immediate opening! ter ttrudu-rat end pipe wetdere rigged millwright and pipe fitter Call lJ0bM7S4N NEED EXTRA INCOMlt lerlhe iy? Selee peeittene avail-CairTyMtalfer detail! NOW HIRING RN pool Ilea pvt or full time in family efme iphere good banefll Cell Pe-meroy Hill Hurting Home at 1-17-4740 lor an Interview OFFICE NURSE WANTED RN LPN or CAM wanted te work part Ante In bwy two phyiidan office In Farmington Employment te begin January IfM Pteew tend cover letter and return to: PaSexMI -FMYNrtiiBRBife JKtoiMM 949SL OLSTEN TEMPORARY SEEVtClT Cmco Northern Bulidlng Grant Falli Pleu 7R2-1M3 ORAL SURGERY ASSISTANT Hurjkil rltnct prtfofTvd 4 11 day tmak btcludte Saturday mornbtg 7 paid hotidaye paid vacation madlcal ineuranca and ratlra-mant plan Call Pat if 7S4-7713 PART-TIME CASHIERS muat ha Apply it Feed CNy Mali I No phene call FART-TIME TELLERS Wanted for -Oxford branch ol Ox-lord Benh end Trail Excel lent working condition! end friendly atmeuMra Apply in ponan te: Oxiere Sink Md iraeT Route Oxford Ml personal Care assistant MAI an hour Cell Larry Hanfe Livermore Faib 149-014 PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT? PROFESSIONAL FLACEMElffT RO-LAN Aeeedetee Inc Main St Aub 714-MI0 FUSLIC SAFtTY DISFATCHElt Tha Lleben Petta Pqierfmanl I currentty accepting epptlcptleni ter the pMitien ot Public lately Dtapatcnir Thl la I full tlmeO houd per weak poeHlun with ra tettng ihifti Applicant mud hive no leu Run a High Schsal level education Good can nicatlen and typing ririlk A cetlane may bt aMabad at: Pollci Deportment Main Street LNban Falli Appll-cptieni mull be returned to Iht office el Chief el Police by qun December HW EOE Quality Resumes Letter Perfect 7MW1 RA0l6: Maine teelMt growing treditien II yu have a good vote experience and are creative end wall lyauto i i a to fob lad tull-ti ready to work One Monday through Frl tlexleli heud week- Fridey On end week night It you are hen- sat sari MBBMMfltllB MMf sat etta mwwwnmswevi Rtsi vwhw andermumete: WTIM FALM Bridge Street Made Me eeaST Attn Program Dtrecter Beal Estate SALES- part time Set yeur earn hour CancantraF big on lend far modular heme ulta-4H0 REGIONAL DIRFCfOR For New Hjmoihid North Country region (BartlnLanciitay Littleton) family ceunutlng agency with growing natienel reputation seek big individual with lupith clbtcei end edmbiiitretlv Uili-ttd thorough undaetendlng if family eystomi eppreech end cenunlltiiwil to family preur-vetloni muit he Uie te aupervKe bi etracturad ttwreputic medri which le ihart term end time llm- lied Invatvu hirba and eupar-' viting a team ot eeunuten evedeelng community retetlen and participating bi agency ded-lien making Muter degree and three yood relevant experience requited and caver i cover letter to SIhHd Ksbmhcy FAMILVSTRENOTH North Mata Mreat teecerd New Heeuriibe MMl RESPONSIBLE EAEVSITTER naeded ter an yaar eld (bt tor our Lewitlon heme Heud Monday through Friday twn-4pm Cell 777-1410 Resume Service RO-LAN Aeeadatu 74-111 ROUTE (Ales PERSON- tidw with yeung company excellent opportunity tor i agggretive gp-getter 4 Day work week Send mum to: Adxeritur Bex AH Sun Joumal Sunday N4 Perk StLewtiten Me 474I4W SALES POSlftON local hueliteu hae bnmadiet opening ter voted eutilde utuparten encet-lant opportunity with email pro gram to: Advxrtiler Box SunJeur-nai Sundey 104 Park SI Lewiiten Me MM) 4400 SECRETARIES NEEDED tar Im-madieto amgnmenti bi Greeter Lewi ton Auburn area Good benefit tap pay Call 7D4J4 KELLY Temperery Servicai 1 Greet Falli Piece Auburn SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST JJ Morin Inc le now accepting applications tor immediate lull time employment at a eecretar yrecepfioniit perun Must nave good teiepnsne and word processing skill Data entry tiling customer relations a plus Call 1 4224010 STOCK PERSON riSSel an pnergttic parson to do general docking and ralatbig at our inventory Pert tone head available Flexlhl schedule Call Joyce at Tieeui NUTRI SYSTEM Weight Leu Caatod EOE SUS-CONTRACfoki Look big ter experienced ub-can-tractors tor Ml construction and rooting ON end OFF haul Should hex werh through Ike winter In yeur area Mud hava Inaurenc Call Mark Twin at: lUMSMTN tiLEFHONt RECEFTIONliVs Full ttmerpert tone 2nd-3rd Ihift Typmg skill a muat Dependxblr and have tranuer lotion Apply bi perun at UkLil-ben St Lewiston Ird Hear Celt 7M 0144 WANTEa CHEERFUL Dantai At-mtant ter part-time amrk bi friendly busy Orel Surgery attic Key Hcenu required Cell 'Mark at 7M47M during buelnuo heud WANTED DENTAL ASSISTANT Full tbne experience pd but will train Send return le: ADVERTISER BOX A ilSvndey TRANSPORT DRIVERS Scott Motor Transport a Daad Rivar Company has an opportunity for individuals with a Main Class I Ikons gobd driving record and referunews Those temporary full-time positions are based in Auburn Use your driving skills to haul petroleum products to service stations and bulk plants in southern Maine Excellent pay and benefits include well-maintained late model fleet company uniforms and 4 day work week with chance of overtime Contact: mdi dtoeal dtant mm by Mu tfMBMtonHen Af eaWc RwlannulMlenelipetoltodMriyiiHBedgMlNierlHd Ibbr bbfbi bAnmIhr eefee gdito NneRBFBBB eeMfll BteblMnDL BteNMIen gbR pBBtoMjy hr nMne belwg MRuerad Be eebra mtMrnm pra-MM arf ai niMuMn pease el die plM ufRb bbbGM to rT Or Any Usd RbhmI OepHtRMtol itll An COMA liBipieyer N4f WIHowVBB rWltoFOi I Scott Motor Transport 1-800-432-1701 RECEPnOl WANTED Androscoggin Home Health Services TEAM SUPERVISORS Hi Uvormoro Foils Offlco Auburn Offlco SHEldPy We are kxddngfiv a full-time Switchboard Receptlonlat In our fast paced Retail Advertising a Department A pleasant telephone voice la a must Position 1 tearsheet coordination and dally related office support Typing and Data Entry skills heipfuL Ability to meet CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN Mortal HedftMental Retardation Nonray Weekday Uve-ln Staff High School dlptomaGED raquirod Ex-psrianco in marital retardation andor Autism praforrad $16000 plus Room and Board Third Shift Part-TIma DIRECT CARE High School dlptomaGEO required No oxparianca nacaeeory paid trebling provided $500 par hour to start Hfu mueeilMM Md a nub ng Btouu mra raipwnraray cu Bani ei ajJlaa BNNB9 9i BBMBBUe 19 9I9RB9 I9lg9 N9to9 wW9 IUe to nB RU OTmN aswtttfawittyiRb mi fitw 4dlia wr6 wt Bfait Rwvawi rpbSbsb4o RftavtftMa ww8 tar mm Hm aMdiaraHm BIN GaNKMlly IM Nurtfeng MpartaKa a pfiiiffi4e It yMi sps IsiiBiBiit saa ai ibasa iiqaR4Bai paiSlaaii piaaaa aaN iar ONE OS TWO children to bUysi? bi Brautt Perh naar Central Ave TIMST or evening 7I24HI WANTED CHILDREN to beEySf bi my SUettoe heme heated near the Path and Ride an liw fsBIBMN vN9a rsv AM aajg qqeijSI 4R3tv imaniwnan gmi 3re9B3ii ABILITY TO SUCCEED Den Light Trucking Waeh re- Chan attici caltars Tahphana TO-M7S Heme 74M1 OHice AiCFSFraSBXKE JAL LIGHT TRUCKINS Waakly wash removal chan PK detlverhs 7t3-lffy ARTESIAN WELLS 'CENTRAL MAINE WELL A PUMP Free Estimates 7H-S24t A-TEAM DRVWALL the beet cenv pieh sarvtcu Free eetlmetu Call anytbne 7I2-MI7 Attention contractors aS acNng ana riding SM a square Metalled ether Inured Call 7IMM uk A-UMSRO'S ORVWALL experffie bi tapeflnhh Ruldwitllen merctei Fru eitlmetu 7I44I1S A-l PLUMSING REPAIRS no ab he smell Ucenud Cell Gerry 72-121 BACKHOE AND SULLPAllltf Snow Plowing Remevnt Sending Septic Sythme Dripcwoyo -Lend Cloering Etc Send Gravel Learn Trap till mete Tff-UMJIne newer SOS LAGASSE DRYWALL cempteh drywell urvtce No hb he small Cell 7241 CARFENTRY-REMOOELING Exhrhrand Inhrler -Ttow hemuqaragn end edS Rationale retu 714 TIM CARPENTRY REMODELING Repaid Inhrhr-Exhrier Reuanebh Rate Myaid experience 7S247M CARPET AND Hnahum Inalaito hen Fru estlmahe Tetaphene 7124PM hr Jntermathn CLEANING SERVICES Will chin your hom*o bi the Lewiston Auburn area Canted Sami 777111 CLEANING SERVICES Fleer carpet window Rul-dwitial or commercial Notch too My or' tau email Ul 7S4-: COMPLETE CLEANING urvicv commarcrai and residential La wtltenAuhum araa 777-2ISL CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS Floors-Slabs Fres estimates 1-395-4779 or 1-3771797 CRE-TEC Construction CREATIVE MASONRY HeSMiT Ten yenrs experience Cintom Work A Specialty Fbeptaces-Chlmney etc CUSTOM KITCHEN rawrfacini call Marnt at 345-6SSI diMUUeIviM Dttticutt take dewm Snei lhwingFbeweed Fru Eltlmahs 777-)fM OiCK'S CONSTRUCTION kuiid bw reefing remodeling paid Houu lacking 110 Sliu Irani rewmra ratniii rad 1 222-2414 celhd hum ELECTRICAL SERVICES In lata hands Call 0 Caurtait Lkwiced end etterdUh TUMI fexCAVATING Sy thelwu SackhuI Equipment with operator rr (4 hew mtmmuml hader tM Dump Mi Suitdanr-M -OM Exgfcih Cawtrachd 14242W 0 ehebdey IS IT TIME ler a change? Cuhm kitchen cehmeh peintbig web paper mg fimih work end remdS Wing American Fblieh 777-1)1 JEkkVTAFlM Textured Celling at 7B241M Jerry iOHtt New Lihienetructhir Bert Lehumeau Sebettu272ity MAR TV'S HANDYMAN Srvk Wa rapBlr tr am tha qHar i ntt CmarMKv vak rtMa Ma 4m iuaU qratpitgi raw jra rare vratn 2S2-4S41- MIDSTATE BUILDERS Time tp rpmedd bitpriorqxt rhr Call tor a trad utbneh 74 7201 GERIATRIC NURSI SPECIALIST Qaflalrt(llNiaiaadBlMMMiwilaep6lMiHWpalpliyilBkaNaiiaiaalaa4 virfaif iaiRiMBBBSBBaiB ww6 wvwiMWfiBR pppp litw w46bv 91m pppppupp rwwge ecd and dbenlc undPtane well eupanrlu an IPN and dhw parepratowleimta hr dw 4miA saWa a PH toe BaNS WnBB w9 BNmNBID IB WIBBBBk 9 ADVEBTISllfailAKAfiER 784-6411 EXT 100 ettoGNbiMB -os-M IQ lioieV SBtd Hama Neath Cwdtoc three yoore at prior I itlQaimsffltm T50nror STAFF LPN Intorailttont hom*o Caro Program aw an Avbwn Tow to prutdaNwibig undue to pattern brdwtrltwnoo Preside hlSod upend louUly mombon ooo during prauu I bnptownhrg pirn ol owe hr AH Aa a IVIIBtotoUe Mto 9BIH9toa tow 9BN9 9O9to0 JeMaeeeAHaAkAafAmlaiMmMIB aflBINNf VMUBVwNNnto mUBBiwton CARDIAC REHAB BN AUBURN OFFICE oN bpptaiawU Pboeo I wbh oroo hoepNob aw ether rwWer Cardtac Nunbif iqM CCSN STAFF NURSE oWt oheeye Modi mt vhN ot Andre AOS PHYSICAL THERAPIST 1 PwidwwerluSriaHpuMtanwwhulMauMItaiiraawukwruiiwichuepltaunawwrii 1 SNoy Sw ihuBingi id BiiihdMy ot pi onlShig wo Phy rlrd therapy bi the hom*o retting Adobe endOr ifiWAin Npa'taurx if- wiS ebiiridnhnbnpetrituwlly' WtuMoHOoueu yuur euHbia you we luneed by he StaU el Mobw or you tar MEDICAL ASSISTANTS Our expanding outpatient Health Center is seeking 2 full time medical assistants Individuals will be responsible for all day-to-day operations of a busy outpatient center as well as: Registration of patients Taking vitalshealth history Assisting physician All laboratory functions Outstanding opportunity to join our expanding outpatient Health Center This schedule is 4 days per week and includes every other weekend To apply write or com to: LOSS CONTROL RCPnEOGOTATIVB Wd have an opening in our Southern Maine operating territory for an experienced Loss Control Representative The individual will service accounts in Southern Maine Company car is provided This position requites a minimum of 88 years' Commercial Lines Loss Control experience with an emphasis on Property Casualty fines Degree preferred Wa offer a competitive starting salary an outstanding package of employee benefits and the opportunity to develop your insurance career Please send resume with salary history in complete confidence to: Employement Center John Sanaone Employment Manager Peerless Insurance 62 Maple Avenue Keene NH 03431 The bewtho ot woibbig mo omooeytoSel 1 msSperyeerloNI 2 he At PuImJ BEJmm MamllLgM FoMOMlIeto qMirai gHiMira bpaiwiM 103 Msis Street lawbtsa Males 34243 EOE For more Information an theoe poeltlanb please coll: Chorlono McPhoo RN Cllnlcol Roaourcos Specialist ANDROSCOGGIN HOME HEALTH SERVICES 1100 Minot Avo Rox 1MO Auburn ME 0421 1-1 AM (207)799-4023 or 1-B00-4B2-7412 Peerless Insurance Neooeonaon Nam Anwca mopeny end Comae Gate ogiol oppoHmiQ owWoior mb AoiRiEk Appliance PAIRS Wuhan dryer dirt- WBraiWwWW WWlftW nbw and wetkindi UMP Lewiiten Ml 47U i ifsddaad i.

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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Views: 5629

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.