Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER Tuesday Evening August 291950 Darlington School Will Begin Year DARLINGTON school will open for Organization Day Thursday 8:30 to 11 a Class work will begin Tuesday Sept 5 The school will be' oper ated on daylight saving time until the last of September The teach ers will be Cecil Tharp principal Carroll Campbell Robert Gibbs Marie Martin Ruth McNabb Mer ton Stwalley Helen McKinsey Reggls Surface James Buckhiser Raymond Brown Max Branstetter Alberta Royer Naomi Peterson Hazel Tharp and Marion Conger CHURCH HOMECOMING St James Lutheran church four miles east of here will celebrate its 113th anniversary and home coming with an all day meeting Sunday Sept 3 Services will be held in the morning and a basket dinner at noon will be followed by an anniversary service with Rev Stroup former pastor as? speaker Mrs Walter Stewart returned home with her daughter Mrs Ned Rowland and children to Joplin Mo where she will spend sev eral weeks Mr arid Mrs Lew Bush Mr and Mrs Dan Hampton and Mr and Mrs loyd Hampton and son attended the Deck reunion at Brooklyn Mr and Mrs Leroy Winningham and son and Miss Esther Win ningham were dinner guests of and Mrs Bruno Mattioda in Crawfordsville Mrs Wilma Seybold of Chicago is here for a visit with her son Hubert Seybold and family Prayer meetings are being held each Wednesday evening at 8:30 in the Congregations 1 Christian church Mr and Mrs Buford Stewart of Eaton were here to visit Mrs Corda Stewart and attend the Lough reunion Rev and Mrs David Nelson and son rank spent a week in Som erset Ky with relatives and will spend some time in the Smoky mountains Misses Clara and Pearl Coens have returned from a visit in Tex as wifh their brother Iven Coens and Mrs Coens UNERAL NOTICES ALLEN Donald Reed riends may call at the Hippensteel funeral home after 7 pm Monday uneral services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday at the Evangelical church Dr Rosselot officiating Interment at Masonic cemetery Delphi The deceased Is the son of the late Reed Alien who died tn 1940 His paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Alba Allen of Delphi GRETTER Mrs John riends may call after 6 Tuesday at the Zahn Schneider funeral home Services In St Boniface Catholic church at 9 a Thursday Rev lavian Maltaner offi ciating burial In St Boniface cemetery St Boniface Ladies society will meet at the funeral home for services at 3 ednesday DEATHS MRS GEORGE LEENOR OTTERBEIN Aug Mrs Nora leenor of Otterbein has received word of the death of her daughter in law' Mrs' 'Gertrude (Anderson) leenor 42 Sunday at Phoenix Ariz A native of Rockford Ill shfe was a member of the Swedish American church The husband and th fie children Terry Ray and Janis leenor survive Yeoman Mrs Glenn Ken nard and Mrs Glenn Weckerly and three children returned home from a five weeks motor trip in the West They went by way of the Bad Lands and the Black Hills of South Dakota and visited the daughter Mrs Jack Orr and husband Orr and daugh ter of Salt Lake City and the Grand Canyon and spent a few days with their brother Raymond Holloway and family of Pilot Rock Ore They also spent a week with Mr and Mrs John Haflet of San rancisco Mr and Mrs Billie Piatt and children returned from a few motor trip to St Louis Mo where they visited Mr and Mrs Roy Bogue and children Mrs Elva Jackson attended the Craig reunion at Indianapolis Mr and Mrs Lawrence Davis and their daughter Mrs Joe Cro well and husband enjoyed a few trip to Detroit jThey visited Mr and Mrs Emery Crowell there and motored on into Canada and returned home by way of To ledo The Sunshine Sunday' school class enjoyed an annual picnic at the Monticello city park Mrs Charles Phillips was hostess Wayne Norris and family Wilbur Goslee and daughter and red Viney and family attended a co operative dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Gay of Monti cello in honor of the moth er Mrs Ida Phebus of here who celebrated her 81st birthday Sun day Mr and Mrs Robert Burke and two children motored to Carlisle and heard Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan speak at the Sullivan county fair They visited overnight with friends at Terre Haute Mr and Mrs rancis and daughter were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Will Robinson at Delphi Mrs rank Wigner and her mother Mrs Carl Metz returned home from Dayton they spent a week Mrs Metz under went surgery at the Good sani tarium there MACKAY Mrs Eva Linn Resting at Rogers Myers funeral home where friends may call until 1 Wednes day Services in Central Presbyterian church at 2 Wednesday Rev Dayton McCormick and Dr Graham officiating burial: in Spring Vale cemetery The casket will not be opened at the church HIPPENSTEEL INC UNERAL HOME TAr fallowing tmerJt Hit Been DO5JALD REED ALLEN 4920 5907 'or Additional Information I rVAUGHAN I I MONUMENT CO I i Authorized Dealer I in this territory for I "ROCK I I GRANITE I CEMENT and STEEL I BURIALj VAULTS ourteenth and Ball Sts I PHONE 3300 I 3 Korean Red Continued from Page 1 joined the Korean Young association four years ago fight for unification of Korea is none of your he said defiantly are you butting When Dr Bong told him the was here to defend Korean democracy Lee laughed bitterly and shook his head in disbelief During the interrogation the prisoner admitted that the North Koreans were the invaders told us the South had at tacked us but we believe he said were called up June 10 and moved to the border bn the 25th for but we knew it was to He said his only regrets were that should have waited until we were better prepared we have enough HOLDS NO HOPE One of the amazing things about this prisoner is that he think the North Koreans have a chance knew it at Songhwan when we first fought the Lee said part of the and if we stopped we would have been killed We had to fight" The he referred to was world domination by the Commu nists Russians have been our friends and have done many great things for Lee said improved our roads and railroads and gave us security and honest government the Americans you have made the United Nations your I slaves and they have to fight for (syaMihed TO RENDER THE INEST SERVICE Greencastle Men Kidnap and Rape Attica Housewife DANVILLE Ill Aug 28 (API Two Greencastle Ind men were arrested on federal kidnaping charges today after a young house wife told of being abducted and raped in the presence of her daughter Donald Wayne 19 and Robert James 23 of Route one Greencastle were arrested by Champaign police at noon today They had been the object of a wide search by Illinois and Indiana state police and the ederal Bureau of Investigation ederal agents went' to Cham paign this afternoon to return them to Danville where the district court sits Ray oreman assistant dis trict attorney identified the victim of the abduction as Mrs Jane Wethington 23 of Attica Ind She and her husband were friends of Rowings and James The prosecu tor said Mrs Wethington gave this account: ACCOUNT The two men came to the Weth ington home early yesterday for a visit When she said she had to do some shopping they volunteered to drive her to the store Her 4 year old daughter Carolyn rode along Instead of driving to the store the men headed for Danville across the Illinois line Between Attica and Danville they drove off on a side road leading to a gravel pit and at tempted to rape her She fled but the men caught her and returned her to the car under threats of harming her and Carolyn They drove through Danville and near Marshall Ill both men raped her Then they continued southward toward Effingham and told the woman they were going to Texas She collapsed from hysteria and when she came to she found they had reversed their route and were returning to Danville At Danville the men put Mrs Wethington and the little girl out of the car and fled She notified her husband where she was and took a bus home Jn the meanwhile he had reported her missing to police and a search was begun When au thorities learned she had been tak en across a state line the ederal Bureau of Investigation was asked to take jurisdiction' Truman Said Continued from Page 1 The committee approval was unanimous Budenz The House un Ameri can activities committee called Louis Budenz former editor of the Communist Daily Workter to ask him about the Communist activi ties of attorney Lee Pressman Money President Truman had on his desk for his approval a $36153490425 one package appro priations bill for fiscal 1951 An emergency $16771000000 measure embracing requests which grew from the Korean war was ex pected to follow shortly Air orce Takes Two rom Area Paul Ecklor 829 North Sal isbury street West Lafayette has been enlisted in the Air orce for four years Master Sgt Matthias A Stein in charge of the local Army and Air orce recruiting station reports He is the son of Rev and Mrs William Ecklor of Vincennes Rev Ecklor was pastor of the West Lafayette irst Methodist church until recently Charles Livengood Tangier has been enlisted in the Air orce for four years POWDER BOX BEAUTY SHOP 425 erry St Ph 2173 Dee DeVault Prop POOR HEARING IS DANGEROUS fool yourself Poor hearing now may lead to total deafness in the future Get the facts free of charge Valu able information avail able now in new booklet No cost or obligation Write: Ask for Booklet Acousticon 16 Dela ware St Indianapolis Ind State air Entries Planned By Many County Exhibitors Many boys and girls from Tippecanoe county are making plans to exhibit livestock garden produce and forestry work at the Indiana state fair Thursday Aug 31 to Saturday Sept 2 Dean Hodge county 4 Club agent announces Several 'boys from the county will stay at the 4 club camp during that week The following boys and girls will exhibit: Swine Nancy Virginia a nd Kermit Naylor Randolph town ship Raymond Bryant Wabash Bob Strasburger James inch Shelby Robert Bennett Ran dolph Robert Huff Washington Larry and Wayne Blacker Laur amie Bill Stull Washington Don ald Barker Randolph Willard Merkle Tippecanoe Phillip Bry ant Randolph Ralph Neal Sheffield Beef Virginia Naylor a dolph Delores Kesler Perry Tom McCoy Wea Ted Hunt Tippe canoe Robert and Don WelshRandoIph Larry Blacker Laura mie Richard House Sheffield Don Yundt Lauramle Nancy German Randolph William German Randolph Harry Ray burn Washington Jay Pershing airfield James Harlow Washington Ralph Neal Shef field Donald Anthrop Wa bash Bill Baumgardt Union Mary and Charles Hoagland Per ry Patsy Leevy Wabash James Buck and Marlene Buck Wash ington Robert Robertson and Robert Holm Wabash Sheep Maurice Pendleton Wea poultry Donald Anthrop Wabash Lewis Beeler Sheffield garden Lowell Brand Sheffield Kyle Dowell Sheffield Linda Maier Jacquelyn Ralph Myron Case Dicky Dexter Wabash Exhibitors for the open class show beginning Monday Sept 4 and ending riday Sept 8 are: Swine Raymond Bryant Wa bash beef Tom McCoy Wea Jo seph Welsh Randolph Ralph Neal Sheffield dairy Hoag land and son Perry James Buck Washington poultry Donald An throp Wabash Those who will stay at the 4 camp are: Raymond Bryant Wabash Lowell Brand Kyle Dow ell Thomas Moyer Lewis Jay Beeler Sheffield Robert Bennett Randolph Ralph Neal Bobby Conner Sheffield Jim Mays Jack Mays Billy Baumgardt Union Tom McCoy Wea Robert Huff Washington Ted Hunt Tippe canoe Donald Barker Randolph Jim inch 'Bob Strasburger Shel by Donald Anthrop Wabash Don Yundt Lauramle Kermit Naylor Randolph Nyle Royer Randolph rank Stoms Randolph Robert Robertson Wabash Jay Pershing airfield Richard Harlow Wash ington Robert Holm Wabash Larry Blacker Wayne Blacker Laurarfhe and Bill Stull Wash ington Mrs Eva Mackay Organist Is Dead Mrs Eva' Linn Mackay of 538 South Seventh street organist of the Central Presbyterian church for 53 years died Monday night at St Elizabeth hospital after a brief illness She was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Linn who were residents of long standing in Lafayette Mrs Mackay was born here and was a graduate of Pur due university from which she received both and the degrees 5 Organist of the Central Pres byterian church at the time of her death Mrtf Mackay had just com pleted a three vacation She had studied organ with Har rison Wild at Chicago but had spent most of her life in Lafayette She had long been active in the Altrusa club PEO AAUW and Phi Mu sorority Her daugh ter Elizabeth a member of the faculty of the biological sciences at PuYdue survives Name Teachers At Buck Creek BUCK CREEK Teacher staffs for the Buck Creek and Colburn schools have been announced by Donald Eckhart township trus tee of Washington township The schools will open Sept 1 at 8:30 The Buck Creek staff will be as follows: Peterson principal Richard Harlow agriculture and science Arthur Michael basketball coach and social studies Mary Edith Banes home economics Olive Harshbarger commercial Margaret Ayers English and phys ical education Sarah Jane Norris science and English Carol Marty music and English Dorothy Nice wander fifth and sixth grades Ada Woods third and fourth Mar jorie Black first and second The Colburn school staff will be composed of Peodker Nelson prin cipal and fourth fifth and sixth grades Lula Remaley first sec ond and third grades MaiN LAST TIMES TODAY SPONGE MOP $290 3 I Excellent fcrZ7 ZX wnoorti floare aK DOUGLAS 224 Tinkler St Ph 3417 If your monthly payments for dentist charge or oAier expenses are too high see us today reduce your pay ments and help you get in the clear Stop in or WELARE INANCE CORP MM Main 8t JOHN SWAN Mgr cw mu WGr" a I KKO I tH 801GER i I SHIRLEY BEMIS BAY A JOM D1V1S MCK HMEY JS IEMEM01 1 I RJUKES LMCOSO gf TT I numtuiu I RtnEH UMOWET ifjA I MAHUEL MJUUT VIEW I ROSMOaHMTONia I DIE TUMS MYItMA BEU DQftOTHT MAMGER Jk I rtGItUMli il 1 Si il ii IB il 11 HUI 1 fg 1 HL I MB omoh wauu I fl 4 octwcm ohah shou I itan 1" ctoa BMPI lukMrsN AND IMMST AAMDIOaSBUT fJR oamnta jSSaBr iJiil I irTtflr fa 1 1 NIGH 4 ill I WVN 1 MD MKTON Many Area Vets May Lose Bonus Several hundred Tippecanoe county veterans of World war II stand a chance to lose their state bonus payment according to the county service office Many veterans in the county have forms they have failed to mail to the bonus division It is estimated that at least 1000 have forgotten they even have applica tions and believe they have mailed them Many other bonus payments are placed in jeopardy because the veteran has failed to answer cor respondence from the bonus di vision There will be an ex tension of the Dec 31 1950 dead line to file for bonus payment Assistance is being given throughout the county in filling out bonus applications If the pres ent slow trend continues many veterans may find themselves un able to file for their bonus on the last day because of the rush REELAND PARK REELAND PARK Charles Rhanor and family are on a vaca tion trip to Arkansas Mr and Mrs A Hilterbran were in Chicago to visit Robert Hilterbran and family Connie and Carolyn Bell re turned home after spending two weeks with their grandparents near Waynetown Mr and Mrs Robert Hiltenbran of Chicago are the parents of a son born Monday Aug 21 They are formerly of this community Announcement is made of the marriage of Mildred Smith to Lawerence Stine of Danville The wedding took place at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Guy Small of near Waynetown They left on a trip to the Smoky moun tains YES INDEED go dancing after one les son at Arthur Come in and see 301 Columbia STARTS TODAY AND THE GREAT LAUGH PICK 1 Er1: 'Vx 1 SIM Jilfi IX RHl COLONNA PLUS SERIAL and COLOR CARTOON acilities at Hippensteel uneral Home are complete for finer more inspiring funerals Each funeral in every price range receives all the benefits of our skilled attendants and the full use of this completely equipped establishment ully Air Conditioned UNERAL HOME INC 1 822 9 St Dial 4920 nr 5907 WOi PT DRIVE IN THEATRES NEAR STATE POLICE POST EAST SOUTH STREET 7:40 TONITE thru THURSDAY 9:55 1 Z7 9 cm Warner bros: InfLgBj 'Silver SWEETHEARTS HI SHINE AGAINft JUNE 1 HAVER 1 GORDON 7 7 (J JAMES BARIONCUDDLES sfebGENE NELSON DAW BUTLER PLUS Color Cartoon mgm TECHNrnnD UeptunesDduqhttf a starring nrn WILLIAMS SKELTON tail MO WAN Betty GAKII Keenan TON law WAI ORCH STARTING TONITE thru THURSDAY 7:45 9:50 I GL Gains Continued from Page 1 were forced to close because of lack of funds The men in uniform had a bad Untie They had to find their own fun In the nearest town and pay fancy prices 1 In some areas even the churches frowned on attendance by fellows wearing our colors All through this' some cities through private subscription' kept going with entertainment for serv icemen One of these was Phila delphia Well the situation is turning a little more in favor of the boys In Los Angeles the A armed services organization has $1725 from the welfare federation of the area to entertain the boys Other places have come awake too NOT Actually the serviceman looking for a load" like he got when on leave in the last war As one kid on the street told me: not exactly But we would like to be treated like Master Sergeant Robert De Mars who is busy recruiting at New York said the other day that here still look on us with animosity if we are in uniform the reason most of us wear civilian clothes when we can Now things are changing The Polo Grounds is the only ball park in New York that will let a soldier in for just the tax But in Cleve land Trash ire I Lafayette ire Company 1 ex tinguished a dump fire on the Wabash river bank in the rear of the city parking lot Monday evening The alarm was called in at 7:54 Only trash and some tree stumps were burned MONTICELLO omt mlR Tonight and Wednesday Aug 29 10:00 DST With Sally orrest Keef Brasselle wabAsh DRIVE IN THEATRE On 41 Between ATTICA and WILLIAMSPORT Today and Tpmorrow August 29th and 30th "CINDERELLA" HOLDING OVER JAMES Stewart JE CHANDLER DEBRA PAGET CIMTUKTIOK It took 80 years to tell their story in 80 years it will still be remembered! rz jH Thru ri JOOl IN MUSIC" Northern ART LINKLETTER IN THE COMeoY dlliihi TOAST THE YEAR HARRY ROPKIM RONALD COLMAN CELESTE HOLM VINCENT PRICE LUt BARBARA BRITTON COLOR CARTOON 0 AIR PARAMOUNT NEWS TODAY AIK CONDITIONED fhng herg I llio JAMES DUNN BILL EDWARDS Goen DORIS MERRICK oves ORREST TAYLOR STT WELARE INANCE CORP I.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.