Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Saturday Evening September 15 1951 COURIER By Jimmy Ratio Theyll Do It Every Time i i rank Mr files? Dorothy Dix Says Danny teachers Out of the Past Daniel Swindell Ida' in love and Mr person could sperid hi: reassurance that life i par party Burnetts Memorial state director for a three term He succeeds Beryl ama for a profi INJURES HAND Vilson sustained a severe to his right wrist while at Wins Promotion Sgt irst Class Harry Rob bins son of Mr and Mrs Harry Robbins of Clarks Hill was promoted from sergeant while serv ing in Korea with the 1st Cavalry division's 13th Signal company condition at a Kirklin cafe having smoked a cigarette him by a hitchhiker en from Logansport Called to irst Church of the Nazarene an nounced that the new church sign would be lighted for the first time this evening Rev Coil designed and constructed the sign assisted by Rev Dwight Steininger cur rently conducting evangelistic serv ices in the church inr but wa The marriage darricnn I hhI iviarv 'rirp accorainK I zsn a 25 YEARS AGO TODAY (la Th Lrytt Journal and Courier) Lafayette has a distinguished Washington visitor today in the person of rank Thiel as sistant treasurer of the United States who with his "wife was a guest of Mr and Mrs William Callison Walter Ball president of the Lafayette Joint Stock Land bank was highly honored when he was elected president of the American Association of Joint Stock Land 10 YEARS AGO TODAY (In Th Lafayette Journal and Courlar) Mr and Mrs George Davis and daughter Dorothy have re turned from a two weeks visit' with relatives in Chesley and Brackenridge Pa Mrs Adah Layton Mrs Rose Durment Mrs Bessie Gibson Mrs Walter Cooper and Stella Scarlett have returned from a mo tor trip through Kentucky North Carolina Georgia Alabama and the great Smoky mountains and Lookout mountain in Tennessee At her home on North ifth street Mrs Eugene arrington en tertained 12 little children at a lawn party yesterday in honor of the birthday of her daughter Bar vfjara Ann Mr and Mrs Camerer of Denver Colo have concluded a several visit with Mr and Mrs Edwin Clegg and left for a visit with relatives in St Louis Melvin Eaton and the late and have not completed their tions At a reunion of the Bellevue school students and Walter Casad was elected presi dent for next Walter Neff vice president Bright Albert Landis secretary treasurer aye Buckley Wise historian They se lected the second Sunday in June for the 1952 reunion DELTA CHI REUNION The sixth annual reunion of Delta Chis of DePauw university living in Carroll county will be Sunday at the Deer Creek Con servation club park in Washington township An honored guest will be Mrs Blanche Russell who for many years was house mother of the Delta Chi houie at DePauw In charge of arrangements are red MeCaln Camden Robert Justice Logansport and George Obear of Delphi The Delphi WCTU will meet Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs rank Wilcox Mrs Yantis Wells will give devotions Rev John B' Gardner will preach Sunday morning at 9 in the Delphi Lutheran church at 10:30 in the Colburn Lutheran church and Sunday eve ning at 8 in the Petit church The joint picnic for members of 'Eastern Star chapters in Car roll Cass Clinton and Howard counties will be Sunday at 12:30 in the Market Street Meth doist church Logansport Rose chapter OES will meet Monday evening for the first meet ing following the summer vaca tion A box supper has been planned at 6p0 with the officers as hostesses and Mrs Quy Surely there is no way a time which would profit him more than this a continuous thing It is no squandering of Joe in ilirv work on his farm south of Delphi He was driving a tractor and the machine hit a brace post causing the steering wheel to strike his arm The wrist was bruised and the bone splintered The trailer house owned by James Douglass which was located near Zion Bethel church burned yesterday It is believed the fire started from an oil stove All con tents were destroyed The rural fire truck was called but the trail er was destroyed before the truck arrived Donald Smith 17 son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Smith has en listed in the Navy and will go to Indianapolis Monday to be sworn in He then will go to Great Lakes for boot training He is a grad uate of the 1951 class of Monti cello high school and was em ployed in the A store SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Schools of the county have a total enrollment of 2455 Chalmers has 184 Reynolds 217 Burnetts ville 212 Buffalo 175 Idaville 180 Monon 642 Brookston 383 Wolcott 288 Round Grove 68 Springdale 28 Good Hope 31 and Meadow Lake 47 Mrs Lottie Stevensons of Monti cello will be honored Sunday in the Sitka Baptist church as th? oldest member A co operative din ner will be served at noon red Swindell an ordnanceman airman aboard tl USS Essex CV9 was surprised when his brother Calvin Swindell an elec tronic technician 2 who is sta tioned aboard the US Naval Base at Yokosuka Japan came to visit him upon the arrival of the Essex in Japan They are sons of Mr and Mrs ville 1 Members their first year at a of Thalia club held meeting of the club dinner given by Mrs Charles Teeter in her home on Beach drive Community projects were discussed Mrs Ethel Smith elected president for this year named her eommittees: Program rances Inskeep Betty Seward and Evelyn Holder project Ber tha Peet Opal Carmichael Maude Teeter Ruby Taylor Lucille Stein ke and Mabel Raper welfare Maude McBee Bertha Jackson Hazel Gordon and Helen Spencer flower Bess Greenlee and Inez Seidholz Mr and Mrs Lewis and daughter 'of Maywood Ill visited here Mrs Meldrpm Carpenter is in fair condition in St Elizabeth hos pital Lafayette where she sub mitted to an operation She has been bedfast several years Howard Totfmsley who is sta tioned in the Pentagon building at Washington has been promoted to major He is the son of Mr and Mrs A Townsley Pfc and Mrs William Tyler Jr of Camp Breckinridge Ky visited their parents Mr and Mrs William Tyler sr and Mrs Ray Banks Alexander Sinclair of ville is a patient in hospital Logansport All Tax Rates Up In White County MONTICELLO Sept All tax rates in White county will be high er for 1952 The rates as now set out by the Tax Adjustment board which will be passed upon by the State Tax board are as follows: Big Creek $235 Cass $316 Honey Creek $246 Jackson $310 Liberty $311 Lincoln $301 Mo non $325 Prairie $276 Prince ton $252 Round Grove $207 Union $251 West Point $207 Brookston $351 Burnettsville $347 Chalmers $335 Monticello $387 Monon $442 Reynolds $3 65 and Wolcott $370 NAMED SIGNAL OICER Maj Robert Merchant of Brookston has been assigned to duty with the Virginia Military dis trict at Richmond Va He will serve as signal officer of the district and also as a unit in structor for the Army Reserve Maj Merchant entered the Army in 1941 and during World war II served in England rance and Germany His most recent assign ment was post signal officer at ort Eustis Va George Bozich owner and oper ator of the Monon Crushed Stone company has purchased the Craw fordsville Brick company Plans are ufider way to put the plant into production soon' Albert Hintzman Reynolds 1 has been appointed to the White County armers Home Administra tion committee by Ralph Phil lippe year Shell Delphi Lions Club To Cheer Shut Ins DELPHI Sept The Delphi Lions club has started a unique project It is a in which each week a person who is ill or a is selected the name made public and the resi dents of the community are to join in sending cards or gifts to this person The temporary com mittee is composed of Clement Duckwall Joe Loy and Paul Wei ker The first name is Mrs Levi Rothenberger resident of Delphi for many years who fell several months ago and sustained a hip fracture She is now able to be about the house by means of a walker Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pauley were at Muncie to visit their son Donald who was in an automobile accident Pauley was uninjured but a fellow Ball State student Perkins of rankfort sustained a cut artery in his neck Had it not "been for timely assistance from several students in Pauley car been fatal place when by Donald and struck The will ate regent Mary Martin chaplain Marda Rogers treasurer and Mary Rice recorder PLOT AILS Morton Ward town marshal at Kirklin said yesterday an Indi anapolis resident was found in a dazed after given route the cafe the marshal questioned the tourist who explained he had given a stranger dressed in a sail uniform a ride en route to Indianapolis Several miles from Kirklin he had lighted a cigarette given him by the passenger who did not smoke at the time He said he began to lose conscious ness as they reached Kirklin and stopped Ward said the passenger was reported to have picked up another ride and was not located The cigarette was believed to have been for the purpose of getting possession of the auto but the plot failed Central and Main street firemen answered an alarm from Coulter street at 10 last night Both fire companies had trouble in reaching the location because autos were parked on both sides of South and Wabash streets in the region of Stott field which did not leave passage room for fire trucks to travel through A circuit in the electric system of a parked auto caused only slight damage Building permits have been is sued to Irwin Goshwehr for re modeling of porches at 552 West Boone street at an estimated cost of £300 and to Charles Powell for the construction of a modern five room house at 402 Beard street The estimated cost is $3500 TA COUNCIL TO MEET The Parent Teachers council' will hold its first meeting of the 1951 52 school year in Woodside school Monday evening at 7:30 Mrs Orpha Spaulding 1058 Rowe street president of the council will pre side and present Mrs a les Crawley a native of Australia as the speaker and chairman of the International Relations committee The devotional period will be in charge of Mrs William McCray a patron of Lincoln school who is serving as chairman of the Character and Spiritual Education committee The music program will be in charge of Miss Helen Ratts of the Woodside faculty She is serving as chairman of the music committee Mrs Spaulding will name committee chairman for the new school year Perry township arm Bureau will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 in New Hope church George Newell principal of Colfax high school will tell of his recent tour through the West A wiener roast will be i held before the meeting Parker Truitt is chairman of the group i Jackson township arm Bureau will meet Monday evening at 7 :30 i in Antioch school Walter LavlS UL LiCuanui uigH ow i speak on of Chem 1 istry to MARINE INISHES COURSE Marine Cpl Richard Ricker 20 son of Mrs Wanda Ricker 901 East Washington street has completed a junior course for platoon leaders at the Marine corps recruit depot at Parris Is land The training is to provide leadership development and military instruction necessary to prepare selected college stu dents for commissions as second lieutenants in the aMrines He has been assigned to the senior course at Quantico next sum mer Announcement was made that State Road 28 from rankfort to the intersection of State Road 29 has Been opened to travel and increased traffic is now operating to and from State Road 29 How ever the road is closed to traffic east of State Road 29 to the Tip ton county line and through routings of trucks and passenger cars are being detoured east over State Roads 47 and 26 Through routings over State Road 28 from this city to Tipton probably will not be permitted for two weeks road officials said SOCIETY ELECTS At the annual meeting of the Clinton County Tuberculosis so ciety in the irst Christian church annex Mrs Orvan Cohee executive secretary of the county organization was complimented by Chester Kelly executive secretary of the State association for her work and handling of cases in this county At the annual elec tion of officers James Himmel wright was named president Dr rank Beardsley and Mrs Claude Hampton vice presidents Mrs Maurice Hartwell recording secretary and Mrs Charles Sway zee treasurer Directors named are 'Mrs Carl Sloan Simon Irick Mrs Smith Mrs Clinton Rogers Mrs Glen Hend ricks William Goodwin Scripture Dr A Hedgco*ck Mrs Earl Biery Mrs Marshall Davis and Mrs John Beem Russell Kealiher sold the and cafe on South Jackson street to Rollie Carr who will take pos session of the business Monday BUCK ESTATE Letters of administration were issued in Circuit court to Robert Buck and Morris Buck as joint administrators of the estate of Caleb Buck By the terms of the will the estate is to be equally divided among five sons and daughters The estate was esti mated to consist of $25000 in per sonal property and $60000 in real estate Three farms are given to orrest Robert and Morris Buck andzthey in turn according to the valuation of the farms are to make up any from the personal property to meet the shares of like amounts to other heirs Alta Buck rankfort 2 and Monzell reas Muncie and Mrs Medical Marilyn Keiper Landy McGee Linda Lee Kosta Karen Kosta and Gerald Wayne Beoughter Rensselaer Charles Armentrout Wheatfield Mrs Jean Waymouth Rensselaer George Davis Wheatfield and John Snow air Oaks Dismis sals: Mrs daughter and Gerald Beoughter Mr and Mrs Hoshaw formerly of this city and now of Indianapolis visited friends here They were returning from a va cation trip to Wisconsin RANK HOOVER HURX rank (Hank) Hoover part ner in the firm of Blacker and Hoover was seriously injured in an auto accident near Goshen His neck was broken in two places but he suffered no paralysis and was able to walk arouna alter the crash It is expected he will recover but only after a long time in a cast Hoover was riding With three other men between Wawasee and Goshen when the car skidded out of control on a curve and crashed into a light pole Hoover was the only one who was hurt Hoover and Ralph had been at Wawasee at tending a convention but was not in the car at the time Hoover is a son in law of Riley and at one time the two were partners in the bakery here Hoover was taken to a Goshen hospital Where rays disclosed two broken vert ebrae in his neck He was brought by ambulance to the Jasper county hospital here scho6l party More than 300 students ticinated in an all school sponsored by the Senior class of Rensselaer high school as a wel come for new students Rev and Mrs Richard Haley Rev and Mrs Ralph Smith and Rev and Mrs Joe itch led the student body in games and singing The teach ers and ministers presented a clever skit "Little 2000 AT ISH RY Approximately 2000 persons gathered at Marion township school to eat fish at the annual Jasper County arm Bureau Co Op fish fry and Oneeting Under a Dig tent the Jonah club prepared the fish Rev Richard Haley gave the invocation Music was provided by the Melody Six on their mar imbas and accordions and Patty Courtright twirler and Carol Rob bins singer also entertained During the business session di rectors were elected to the board They are Kenneth Walters Guy Merriman Adrian Lehe Albert Kingma Carl Nesius Ray Wuerth ner and HaroldSage Charles Enlow world traveler and speak er and former government at tache spoke The Jasper County Classroom Teachers association held its first general meeting of the year today Wilbur Young state superintendent of public instruction was among the speakers Other features in cluded music by the music depart ment of Remington school Rev Richard Haley of the Rensselaer I Methodist church was scheduled to address the group this after noon The League of the irst Christian church will have a dinner meeting Monday eve ning Charles a graduate of Allegheny college and an out standing speaker before civic groups will speak He is a mem ber of the board of trustees of irst Community church Colum bus and will tell about some of his varied experiences in church work Rev Kenneth Coil pastor of the WO MINUTES ATER SAID BAWTM POOCH IE GOES ORA NICE ROLL IN THE MUD Banks at the annual meeting of association in Detroit Mr and Mrs Nelson aqd son of Churubusco are the guests of Mr and Mrs Townsend Mrs James Wiselogel and son Charles left by motor yesterday for Texas The former will visit her daughter Mrs Newby and family at Houston and the latter will report for service at the government air field at San Antonio 50 YEARS AGO TODAY (In Th Lafayetta Morning Journal) Rev Coverstone pastor of Grace church preached a very interesting sermon last eve ning on "Guns and It was a rather unique subject but Mr Coverstone is one of the most original thinkers in the city George Haywood has con sented to act as commander in the automobile floral and parade Thursday afternoon Albert Kienly who graduated from' the Purdue School of Phar macy last June has taken a po sition as prescriptionist at the Drees phanhacy The subscription dance to have (been given tomorrow evening at hall has been postponed indefinitely bn account" of the death of President McKinley Mr and Mrs Potter and son George will return tomorrow from Troy Pa Mrs George Peck Mrs mother will remain in Troy about a month longer tired of him very soon and want someone else This reaction is nothing to worry about in fact at your age much better than settling down to going steady with one beau Go out with other boys and if your lost love is really meant for you come back with banners flying DEAR MISS DIX: I have been married for six years and am now' 21 years old I have three lovely children and we are all very happy My problem is I quit school to get married and now would like to resume in the eve ning the business course I gve up Canjtake up typing athome? ANSWER: Provided you haves typewriter at home typing is one of the easiest courses to assume by yourself Your local book store has or can get for you books that give a splendid home course and you can be followed easily Typing is a very useful' thing to know and you are wise to con tinue it ir you aoni own chine one can be rented small sum When you are enough to buy your own DEAR MISS DIX: I am with a bov a year uflde't want but my mother has forbidden ifi She says if we marry have it annulled you think about time she let her son live his own life? or seven months she has done everything to try to break us up and says if we get married we be welcome in her home LOU ELLA ANSWER: You give your age but I gather both quite young since your fiance needs his consent to marry Prob ably the extreme youth of both of you is her only objection so why not wait until you are of age? Her attitude then may soften Mar riage remember is an adult re sponsibility and you will be much better equipped to handle its com plexitles if you wait a few years and 'Acquire more education property be re Whot Did He Mean? I Perhaps President Truman himself by a slip of the lip or by design has removed some of the uncertainty regarding whether he will be Candidate for president next year ew political subjects have been more intriguing in recent months Defending Secretary of State Acheson at a press conference the president declared that he would remain "as long as I am And he added might be a good 1 Now the political seers are wondering what he meant Was he merely intending to emphasize his loyalty to Mr Acheson without thpught of other implications? Or was it a studied remark designed to give the first real clue from the president himself "as to his polit ical intentions next year? It has been taken for granted that Mr Truman would not declare his Intentions until shortly before the nominating convention on the theory by keeping all parties guessing he would retain a strong er' hold over party members and affairs both in and out of Congress That way he could play one faction against the other While all and sundry were kept speculating he could exercise the whip hand Now however great interest has arisen over his press conference remark What did he have in mind VAOO uts U44W i time to spend it watching a puppy romp around a lawn The one who returns to his home from a walk knows a little more about living He may smile wisely as he thinks of the chap 'he saw running for a streetcar or his smile may have a bit of secrecy as he reflects that he is one of a very few people who know where violets are still flowering He went out for a walk on a nice after noon and he found peace and brought some of it home with him The Price 3022 Enrolled In SixtfEoRCB SOKOLSKY rankfort Schools It must be clear by now even RANKORT 15EnroU to the most unwilling that from ment in the rankfort schools at 1934 until recently the Inter the close of school last evening nationalist Communist movement al 3022 The ehraentary conducted a conspiracy in the school enrollment totaled 1990 Kindergarten eee Tli POUCE consniracv State Trooper James Harris Naturally a conspiracy of this with headquarters in this nature on a world wide scale 4s Patrolman Robert Plunkett of the difficult to prove because by its local police department re r)nrp it is secretive The return home today after spending dence Such Persons as Whittaker Autos rated by MabIe Rood Chambers Pudenz EUa beth Scirclevin and Clark Hesler 208 Bentley Hede Massing are of this wggns West character were damaged in a county high Or police agencies such as the collision near Scircleville BI maintain agents within the terday Damage to the Rood conspiracy who lead directly to the I uto wag estimated at $85 Deputy persons involved Angela Calomirts sberiff william Behr reported high and Matthew Cvetic are of tms I weedg at an intersection obstructed character the view of both drivers But essentially the best evidence Mr and Mrg Jack i has come by the slow and difficult Effingham Ill are guests of Miss process of piecing together bit by Katherine Howard former prin bit what on the surface appears cjpal of rankfort high school to be unrelated hearsay When the jrg iedler is the former Helen mosaic is put together a clear cajter a teacher in the high picture appears several years ago TAKE THE Price sisters of COUNTY TO BUY TRUCK whom Elizabeth Bentley testified County commissioners will meet before the McCarran committee as Monday to recejVe bids for the an example There are two of them chase of a medium weight Mildred and Mary Mildred was du truck for the county high according to Miss Bentley the or 1 department and to consider ganizer of the Communist party bj(Jj fof 5 000 yards Of graVel to unit in the Institute of Pacific be dei(vered from a Howard county Relations Mary was secretary to Mr Walter Lippmann the distin HOSPITAL NOTES guished columnist Mildred oper Hospital admissions: Mrs Ray ated openly Mary was secretive mond Reed Michigantown Soviet intelligence felt that Lipp gurgery jobn Kelley 354 Sims mann had valuable material from street medical Births: Mr and the British embassy in his fiiles Mrg pobert sterling 351 North which they wanted Miss Berttley tafain street son Mr and Mrs was in on this deal personally and Lloyd Padgett 4 son Dis here is her testimony: missals: Mrs Clinton Wickham and erguson Did you get baby Donna Ruth 709 South Third copies? street: Mrs Anastacia Alvarado "Miss Bentley Yes we got com and baby Virginia Ann 1 plete copies or so at least (Mary Berje riend orest 1 and Price) told us Raymond Burton 1 "Sen erguson You knBw you Miss phyllis Harland daughter got some copies? of Mrs Anna Harland 1059 East "Miss Bentley We got a tre Walnut street has entered West mendous amount I know I went ern Kentucky State college Bowl down one time and typbd a pile fng Green Ky "Mr Morris Where would you William Bratton son of Mr and go in Washington Mrs Howard ratton 1259 Ross "Miss Bentley I went to Mary ville avenue and Norman Clear house son of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Clear Morris You never went to North Jackson street have enrolled Mr place? at Purdue university Bentley Oh no because Mrs lossie Burford 951 East Mr Lippmann did not know any Boone street a field representa thing about it tive of the Indiana girls school "Sen erguson She was a secret who is on vacation will go to Indianapolis Monday to attend a Bentley She was a secret luncheon at the Athletic club in aeent I honor of Mrs Margaret Sumner erguson And you were superintendent of the girls school attempting to steal things out of whose marriage to Dr Raymond Inionannlta will take LdDUHiaiui a uico I Bentley Not only attempt place bunaay epr rankfort and Miss Mis BSr got scd or sick Eleanore Leech Chesterton 2 in the spring yesSrda Mexico on a vacation Miss Bent Miller S' a SS NOW THIS is no great shakes accident at Clay and South streets and it could happen to any one of us Ltdnihtt Anyauto operated by who hire help The importance Of Jog Deleena 9 East Paris it lies in the fact thatwhile so traveling south on Clay many believe that this is a small I and car drivep by james obscure crack pot movement their A Hagkins 19 of Lafayette members and associates managed coUided Damage to to get into all sorts of places wag egtimated at $200 and where they served Soviet Russia tj Deleenag $100 Police ar In a word the tangled web of the regted Haskins on a charge of Communist conspiracy while dlffi faiiure to yield the right of way cult to unweave Hid exist and ex ISH RY OR CLASS ists now United Workers class of the irst or instance Miss Bentley says cbristian church has planned a that Michael Greenberg a British fgh fry in qpA park at the Communist employed in the White eagt camp Wednesday evening at House when Mr Roosevelt was 530 In case of rain the president gave her papers and in meeting will be held in the church formation through Mildred Price sociai rooms Mr and Mrs Elmer This is the testimony: Mangis Mr and Mrs Russell "Miss Bentley he delivered Price and Mr and Mrs Quy information via Mildred Price to Newkirk will be hosts me He was considered extremely Miss Mary Ellen Howkinson Is tempermental and I thought it un asking the secretary of each 4 wise to have him meet me club to have the records completed and the books turned ih at the Sen erguson Did this Infor 1 xtengion office by Oct 1 mdtion comexout of the White WOMEN TO INSTALL Bentley Yes it was most i Women of the oose will hold rm I their annual installation dinner ar East on China Tuesday evening in the National AT Inn atU 52 Ind State Road 28 the White House and hwas as officerg to be installed are Blanch stant to Lauchlin Currie Carr senior regent Marcella Cue Miss Bentley Yes junior regent Lois Kaser gradu It is difficult to understand why I after all the evidence that piled up in the Hiss Remington uchs mize the cumulative effect of the Copion Greenglass and other spy evidence by calling it hearsay cases and before the House com I Some of this will come out in the mittee on un American activities courts probably under the legal and the McCarran committee ism of perjury but the truth is in there ore those who seek to mini the evidence Out for a Walk There is nothing more relaxing than taking an aimless walk just foi the sake walking One can point himself toward the busy section! of town' where milling crowds scurry along in pursuit of pleasure or profit or the quiet lane which leads to the edge of town or a park where the trees shade the paths Whichever direction the person out for a walk takes he is no mere idler He is taking a practical course in the study of philosophy and nature Just a block or so from his house he is likely to meet a neigh bor he seen for a while This time he can stop and chat about baseball or politics He is likely to observe as he goes away that the neighbor is really a fine fellow and has some good ideas about the way the country could be improved or the local baseball team man aged Or he may feel a little self satisfied at how much sounder his one an idler who picks a day to walk when young 1 1 I'M fho Klin' mnthnri wneei uieir unuuivu INCONSIDERATE RIENDS I DEAR MISS DIX: I am engaged 1 to a in Korea and I love him very much I go to high school and the girls often ask What if he come back? Ifirm' ly believe he will come back but it: bothers me when people con stantly bring the question up tANSWER: It is sometimes very hard to hold on to faith in 'the face of such pessimistic ques tioning but hold on you toust Its a poor friend indeed who will trv hard to weaken your morale at a time when it is already bound to be pretty low Avoid such com pany as much as possible and seek those who will giVe ver bal assurance tljat your betrothed will return to carry out your wee ding plans YOU MUST HAVE AITH 'Women with boys in service be they jons husbands or sweethearts need a special kind of faith They are powerless to control the destinies of their men to the smallest degree and this very Inability to help renders the situation doubly hard to bear Added to this is the uncertainty from day to day of the bojs wel fare One i of the strongest aids in combating the worries and fears of these times is the comfort of cheerful friend Hope must be the constant watchword and only false friends will try mine the defenses of faith and hope you build yourself DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I am a' girl 16 and like a certain boy At one time he like me but I care for him Now I know that I do care for him but he is going with another girl Should I hint around that I still like him or go with someone else? RANCINE ANSWER: probably feel the same rancine about many other boys before you find toe one and only Your affections work on toe not uncommon theo ry of liking what you getn vice versa If you did get tois boy back probably get LAAYETTE JOURNAL Sophom*ores Elect At Michigantown MICHIGANTOWN Officers have been elected by the sopho more class of Michigantown high school Richard Cohee is presi dent Max Sheets vice presidept Nanqy Wilson secretary Neal Perrel treasurer and Mrs Miriam Senger sponsor The group was inadvertently omitted in a pub lished list of the officers of the six upper grades of the school in paper Concessions for Italy In light of the peace treaty of for Japan and the determination to give western Germany a contract offering it virtual independence the way is paved for new Italian demands A plan for softening of conditions imposed on Italy are likely to be presented to the 12 natfon North Atlantic treaty conference opening Saturday in Ottawa There are many arguments in its favor Japan has been forgiven Pearl Harbor the "day of and many other war acts which stirred the free world It has been restored to the family Of nations The foreign office and diplomatic corps of western Germany were restored at the Big Three conference the past week at Washington and other concessions were made in order to gain co operation in building the European army being organized by Gen Eisenhower to' hold off the Communist hordes While German participation in this defense force still offers many complications great forward steps have been taken in bargaining which will make western Ger many an ally of the West All this invites new Italian demands They may well argue that if we can "forgive and forget" in the cases of Japan and Germany then surely the same can be done for Italy with far less risk Italy occupies an unquestioned strategic position in the Mediter ranean Her leaders are likely to remind those at Ottawa that Italy boasts a remarkable record in dealing with the Communists and that she has grasped every opportunity offered to contribute to the defense against communism Italy thus has many reasons to petition that her sovereignty be restored so that she may control her own economy and rebuild her armed forces concessions granted Japan She has much to sup port her desire to be allocated sufficient defense production orders so that she may give new life to her industries and reduce unemploy meninternational events in recent days as they affect Japan and Germany have been of great significance The program of strength ening the free world may well be extended to another former enemy Italy at Ottawa Journal and' Courier the JOURNAL OUNDED THIS COURIER OUNDED I An Independent Republican Newspaper 1 Entered as second class matter at the post otflce at Lafayette Ind under the aetof March 17 Mall subscription Indiana Iroquois County Illinois: Ono year six months 1360 three months one month Tic Delivered by carrier20c per week Mall rates in all other states: Ono year ltM six months IS 00 three months 1390 one month 125 All mall subscriptions axe payable in advance With order Member of the Associated Press Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Representative: Shannon Associates Inc Telephones 4011 Brothers Indicted In Jasper Slaying RENSSELAER Sept 15 The Jasper county grand jury has in dicted Kenneth Greenberg 13 and his brother Albert 12 of DeMotte I for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the Aug 6 fatal shooting of a neighbor boy Bobby raley 7 son of Mr and Mrs William raley Conviction would carry a two to 21 year term The Greenbergs are held in the county jail in default of $5000 bonds set by Judge Moses Leopold in Jasper Circuit court Members of the grand jury which returned the indictment were Donald Lakin Helen Scantlin Ross Good rank Sutton Howard Burger and Ches ter leming The last named was foreman HOSPITAL NOTES Jasper county hospital notes: Births: Daughter to Mr and Mrs Melvin Eaton Lake Village son to Mr and Mrs Eugene ettet Renseelaer daughter to Mr and Mrs Arne Carlson Sheldon Ill daughter to Mr and Mrs Clifford Adams Brook daughter to Mr and Mrs Henry Starkey DeMotte son to Mr and Mrs Charles Wat son Rensselaer son to Mr and Mrs John Smith Rensselaer daughter to Mr and Mrs Kamp enga DeMotte Surgical patients admitted: Mrs Ila Clarke and Mrs Bessie Bailey Wheatfield Okie Slavens Rensselaer patients admitted: Mrs a car following the his injury might have The accident took the Pauley car driven went out of control a telephone pole of Weckerly filed for probate di rects that all duced to cash and that one third go to his widow one third to his daughter Mrs Olive McGuire $300 to a granddaughter Nancy Carroll Weckerly with Mrs Mc Guire as guardian of the fund and the residue of the estate then be divided equally between the other children Glen and George Weckerly and Marybelle Haslet The will was written in 1939 Mrs Weckerly the widow was named executrix She qualified and gave $3000 bond Real estate is valued at $12000 Walter Clawson layman from the Methodist church at tended the first annual institute for Methodist men on the campus at DePauw university SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Yunker superintendent of Carroll county schools outside Delphi announced the total en rollment in the county schools this year is 2164 Last year the enrollment was 2127 Enrollment in the various schools follows: Adams 69 Burlington 252 Car rollton 113 Owasco 38 Prymont 53 Cutler 181 Qpmden 288 Car son 38 Yeoman 94 Burrows 631 New Hope 102 lora 473 Rock field 59 Pittsburg 188j North Central 79 Deer Creek Washing ton 74 CLASSES ELECT Delphi high school Senior class has elected Robert (Dinty) John son president He is also presi dent of 1 the Delphi Hi mem ber of the Delphi Oracle basket ball team and football yell lead er Other officers elected were Bill Jackson vice president Ar minda Hitchco*ck secretary Peg gy ischer treasurer and Jerry Crone representative on the Stu dent council Robert Landis was elected president of the Sophom*ore class Jerry Han vice president Mary Helen Mears secretary Lybrook treasurer Mary urst representative on the Student council Juniors and reshmen elec H4EVLL DO IT EVER TIME DlLBERR 6ETS ALL MUSSED UP iViNfi POOCH IE THE MUCH fiAlit TlJ wrri jrij nrMU i 11 I IT I rtw5 rrATOKta YwoiCATe woau wewn I 4 I I I I.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.