COMPUTER CLASS TIPS AND REVIEWS (To find a specific topic, do Control F and type it in)4

Contents Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 TIPS ............................... 271 1 13 15 Photo Gallery, IE 11, and Chrome 31......................... 2 3 10 15 Basics and Common Things ..................................... 19 4 14 15 Printing, Folder, and Default Options … ................ 33 5 12 15 Desktop,Taskbar and New Stuff. ............................. 52 6 10 14 Email Extravaganza. ................................................ 64 7 8 14 System Tools and System Restore. ......................... 82 9 9 14 Control Panel, Fix It, Bing Desktop, Win 8.1. ............. 99 10 14 14 Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11, Chrome .......... 124 11 11 14 Internet Security, Windows 8.1, Joe's Tips............ 151 12 9 14 Things to know ........................................................ 169 200 Entertaining Web Sites: ................................................. 184 100 Learning Web Sites:....................................................... 194 100 Questions and Answers. ................................................ 207 100 Songs from YouTube……………………………………...231 Microsoft WORD and Free Libre Office Suite .................... 240 Google Voice, Basics and Windows History & Photos ...... 254 1. Click on a topic above to go there. To return do Control Home. 2. Also do Control F to find what you are looking for. ======================= ====================


1 13 15 Photo Gallery, IE 11, and Chrome 39 * Dear Classmates,

On Tuesday January 13 at 7 pm: We will take photos in class, insert the memory stick from the camera into the computer, and in the FREE Windows Live Photo Gallery we will: Rename Resize, Auto Adjust, Crop, Get rid of Red eye, Retouch, Straighten, Adjust Color Exposure. Then send it out in an email. Will tell you about my experience with System Restore, it saved my sanity. Joe's Tips and Reviews

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Show you my Spotify and My Yahoo. You may want them.

Please Remember there is no meeting in FEBRUARY. Last chance to ask questions until March. Kindest regards, Joe Isaac Online Tips: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf --------------------------------------------

Look how beautiful the Earth is. Photo is from the moon. -------------------------------This dog was so happy its owner was going to buy Windows 10 in mid 2015:

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Will Demo: Windows Live Photo Gallery

======================================== Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system will debut with an entirely new web browser code-named Spartan. It will be a “lightweight” browser that looks and feels more like the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Internet Explorer is no longer the force it once was. -------------------------------Will demo: Internet Explorer 11,

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If you are running Windows 8, you should do the free upgrade to Windows 8.1, it is so much better. ======================================

United States Armed Forces Medley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnFGc5r9bJE ----------------------------------------

ANCHORS AWEIGH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4KHSjFWVhQ ----------------------------------------

I have two problems out here in Ennis, Montana. Both involve Forwarding messages. Q.1. When I forward a message and start to type something in the forwarded message, it inserts my name in italics. Do you know how I can get rid of that? A. In Windows live mail, at the top click on File, Options, Signatures, and uncheck “Add signatures to all outgoing messages” or check “Don’t add signatures to replies and forwards.” Q. 2. When I forward a message that has come into me that is NOT in html for formatting and has a hyperlink I wish to pass along, the hyperlink in the forwarded message remains in black and I believe it cannot act as a hyperlink that way. A. Put your cursor at the very last letter in the Link and hit the space bar and if it underlines it, you are in business. Sometime you think you are at the end and you are not, you might have to do a back space to get to the very end of the link. (Mike Seiler told me about this tip.) Response: Joe, Many thanks. Both worked. You are right, it is hard to tell if one is on last letter of link. Seems to be good to go now. Again, many thanks,, and all good wishes. Henry -------------------------------

Q. Joe, I cannot open the attachments in your emails. Joe's Tips and Reviews

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A. If you do not have Microsoft WORD then Bob Brown recommends Libre Office. When you download, be sure they don’t try to give you McAfee or some other program. https://www.libreoffice.org/ -------------------------------

From Myra Engle:

Move your mouse over the picture. HAPPY NEW YEAR! https://www.elion.ee/docs/joulukaart/eng/

-------------------------------From: Sheila Isaac Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2014 Subject: Colorado Doctor Finds Way To Treat Common Vertigo (This sounds great to me. Joe) This is something to try if you ever get the dizzies. It is different from what the doctor usually does at his office. This you can do yourself at home, and the studies say it works better. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/04/23/colorado-doctor-finds-way-to-treat-commonvertigo/#.VHnT7jwbO5N.facebook

-------------------------------Q. How do I stop Word from double spacing? A. Open Word, click on the arrow to the Right of Paragraph, look down a little and under Line Spacing use the down arrow and select Single, then at the bottom click on Default, select: All Documents …. then click OK. Response: THANKS Joe! now the default is single line!! THANK YOU! :) -------------------------------Technical: The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI, pronounced U-E-F-I or like "unify" it is the first thing you see when you turn on your computer, and it starts your operating system. UEFI is meant to replace the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) originally in all PCs. Joe's Tips and Reviews

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-------------------------------Microsoft: We have more than 1.5 million Windows 10 'Insiders' Microsoft officials say there are about 450,000, or 30 percent of its total registered Windows 10 Insiders, actively testing the next Windows release (I am one of the 30%. Joe) -------------------------------I was thinking that if your car gave you as much trouble as your computer, we all would be walking. --------------------------------

How to stop autoplay videos http://www.pcworld.com/article/2858421/how-to-stop-autoplayvideos.html#tk.nl_pcwbest

Microsoft Products Support Lifecycle Policy http://support2.microsoft.com/gp/lifeselect

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1 13 15 Photo Gallery, IE 11, and Chrome 39 Review * Dear Classmates, It sure was nice to see such a great crowd. We have a cool bunch of classmates with a lot of good questions. Please Remember there is no meeting in FEBRUARY.

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Kindest regards, Joe Isaac Online Tips: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf ======================= I showed the class my daily routine and please copy any of it you want. 1. Read and answer my email. 2. Sometime I click on http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/bw.asp to check my Internet Speed. 3 Check out the weather, latest news, and click on the tap Sky Cams. . http://www.wkyt.com/ Above links you just click on to open. Please use these. Below links you have to open and install. 4. Check out Facebook to see what my Kids, Grand Kids and Great Grand Kids are doing and save any photos of them posted. https://www.facebook.com/ 5. Check out My Yahoo, build you own newspaper: https://my.yahoo.com/ sample below. 6. Open Spotify and play my 1940's music while I work. You have to download and configure 4, 5, and 6. see Below: Joe's Tips and Reviews

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To Download: Facebook, Spotify, or My Yahoo: Facebook: Find out what you kids and grand kids are doing and see their photos. https://www.google.com/search?q=sign+in+facebook&rls=com.microsoft:enUS:IE-Address&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GIWA_enUS559&gws_rd=ssl --------------------------------------------------------------If you love music you got to try this. If you have a problem call me at 299-6464 or if in another state, 859-299-6464 Pick the free one, it has a commercial about every 4 or 5 songs. Spotify https://www.spotify.com/us/signup-forspotify/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=growth_paid&utm_campaign=Br and_US_Exact&gclid=CjwKEAiA28ilBRCy5cXrgtfTxTISJABgX7E2Eg4aT3avn WBw4jTHiT_ueM5FijU_03S_Sj75b16hwxoCJtDw_wcB&dclid=CKqFwcevjMMC FY1wMAodmisAzA After you install, Directions. At the top left is a search blank, type in Glenn and it will bring up Glenn Miller Albums click on one the Albums and it will bring up the songs in the album, now drag each song you want to left side near the bottom to the folder Starred. Or above Starred you can click on New Playlist and name your own folder and put your songs in that folder. At the top of the songs list, you can left click on TRACK, ARTIST, ALBUM and it will put the in alphabetical order. You can play the songs in order or at the bottom right you can click on the right icon and it will Repeat, or click on the icon next to it and it will Shuffle the songs when played. --------------------------------------------------------------Build you own newspaper, it is great. You just do it once and you will click on it every day. My Yahoo: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/yahoo-account/sign-yahoosln2056.html

sample below:

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=================================== Classmate Jerry Markenson gave a report on another music program named Pandora: http://www.pandora.com/ You enter an artist, genre or composer. They will create a radio station featuring that music and more like it. FREE FROM MICROSOFT. Windows Live Photo Gallery http://explore.live.com/windows-live-photo-gallery If you want to make a great slide show with music and titles, at the top of the photo at the above web site, click on Movie Maker. ========================================

Windows Live Photo Gallery 2012 instructions:

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Put your media stick from you camera into your computer and this window will come up, select Import all new Items now. click on Import and all your photos will show up on the screen in Photo Gallery.

Under the Tab EDIT you may Auto Adjust, Crop, Get rid of Red eye, Retouch, Straighten, Adjust Color and Exposure. If you want more adjustment, click on Fine tune, and also use the slider. RIGHT CLICK on an individual photo and Rename or Resize it. ======================================== Will demo: Internet Explorer 11,

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Right Click the space in front of the – box X and you will get:

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Click on the Star for Favorites.

Also click on the Star for History Joe's Tips and Reviews

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Will demo: Chrome


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Click on the 3 bars at the top right of Google Chrome. Items I use most here is Tools, History, Settings. -------------------------------

------------------------------Top Tracks for The Glenn Miller Orchestra: On the right, scroll for close to 100 of his songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg_E4nw4alU&playnext=1&list=AL94U KMTqg-9ApoCSvtFbP6FB2cUnj8qAB ---------------------------------Q. Hi Joe, I recall you sharing how to add a shutdown shortcut to the desktop but I can't find it in my archives. I'm using XP. If you could remind me I would appreciate it. A. This works for XP, Vista and 7 & 8. It saved time. Right click on your desktop and select New. Click on Shortcut. In the textbox, copy and paste: shutdown -s -t 01 Joe's Tips and Reviews

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Click on Next, then click on Finish =================================== If you are having a problem with Internet Explorer and would like to try Google Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95346 If you wish it to be your default, go to Control Panel, Default Programs, click on Set your default program and follow instructions. ---------------------------------------From Don Cloyd: Beautiful Train Scenes. http://www.openmyeyeslord.net/Train%20Ride.swf ---------------------------------------For the latest updates: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf ------------------------------From Bob Isaac This is good stuff to know in today’s world. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QoT0-2vu9m4 -------------------------------

Q Hi Joe: My daughter gave me Windows 8.1 for Christmas. Would you please advise me what virus, spyware and security I should download? Thank you very much Joe and have a good day.

A. For the first time in the history of Windows, you’ll enjoy protection from viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, rootkits, and other malware from the very first day you turn on your Windows PC--without spending a cent. Windows 8.1 comes with an updated version of Windows Defender. To get your Windows Defender Antivirus up to date: Go to Control Panel, Windows Defender, click on the tab Update, then on the right click on Update. Joe's Tips and Reviews

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To make sure it is activated type, on the right side of the Taskbar click on the White Flag, then click on Action Center, then the down arrow on Security. -------------------------------

Hello Mr. Isaac, Thanks for the jokes. Also, I wanted to let you know that I worked on my firewall, and now I can receive all attachments. -------------------------------Q. Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 Joe, I have been watching some really great Youtube videos'. How do I capture their complete web address? A. At top in the address bar, highlight the address, do Control C on the keyboard open Word and do Control V to paste it. Response: Worked like a charm. -------------------------------From Myra Engle: What a wonderful world sung by: #MerylStreep #BetteMidler #GoldieHawn #OliviaNewtonJohn #Cher https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=917118161666239 -------------------------------Windows 10: Another leaked internal UI concept shows off new taskbar, hints at Cortana integration and more. It is hard to see but notice the seach bar at the beginning of Taskbar, there is a microphone icon that lets you tell the browser where you want to go. http://www.winbeta.org/news/windows-10-another-leaked-internal-uiconcept-shows-new-taskbar-hints-cortana-integration-and -------------------------------Big Windows 10 announcement 1 21 15 Internet Explorer is history, the Start Menu is back, for real this time, and Cortana will arrive big time. Joe's Tips and Reviews

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http://www.examiner.com/article/10-days-until-the-windows-10announcement -------------------------------David Pogue: 10 top time-saving tech tips http://www.ted.com/talks/david_pogue_10_top_time_saving_tech_tips#t-75702 --------------------------------

How to make a Panorama photo

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I took the top 3 photos of our Windows Class Tuesday night 1 13 15, put them in Windows Live Photo Gallery and made the Panorama photo below

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To do this you have to stand in one place, make sure the photos overlap so the program can piece them together. Well I moved slightly and it did not include the 1st photo. Open Photo Gallery, find and select the 3 photos, then at the top click on Create, then click Panorama. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/photo-gallery-createpanoramas-fuse-photos =============================== Go to Control Panel click on Recovery, Open System Restore (When your computers starts screwing up, first, restart it and if that does not fix it, use System Restore, go back a few days when your computer was working OK and restore to that date.) This does not affect your documents or email, etc., only your system files, etc. Restore points are automatically created every time you download Windows updates. -------------------------------If you are going to download a new program and want to be really safe, create a Restore Point first. Joe's Tips and Reviews

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Go to Control Panel click on Recovery, click on Configure System Restore, click the tab System Protection, near the bottom click on Create. =================================== When you first go to Control Panel is looks like this:

At the upper right click on Category and then click on Small icons and get this:

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Thanks to Mike Seiler's hard work, you'll be able to see this meeting live on your computer: On Tuesday March 10th at 7pm click on:

https://www.dropcam.com/p/g5PGQK (this one link works on all CKCS broadcasts) Look to the bottom right of the screen and: Turn your sound up, and click on the double arrows for full screen.

Please Please Please click on: [emailprotected] and tell us if you watched this broadcast, we need to know.

Will demo Google Now vs Microsoft's Cortana. This is where you talk to the computer and it talks back or shows web site. I will show you a secret way to use OneDrive that you will love. Dear Classmates, Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Tuesday March 10 at 7 pm we are going into Basics and Common Things. If you have questions about Windows 8 or 8.1 please come to this class. Jerry Markussen will explain the difference Optical Zoom and Digital Zoom. 1. Spring Cleaning. Free up disk space, Delete unneeded files and uninstall unused programs. 2. Just talk to Google Chrome and it will find a web site. 3. Will Demo all 12 F keys. 4. Change the size of your Internet Page or your email? 5. Save and Save As: Control Z OOPS? Control Y, puts it back. 6. How to save your documents and photos to a flash drive? 7. Use the Details, Preview, and Navigation Panes in Windows Explorer. 8. How to view and arrange Photos? 9. Drag a photo from the Internet to your Desktop. Plus Snipping Tool 10. Add A Cartoon Touch To Your Photos It’s so easy to have a lot of fun with pictures this way. Check it out today! http://phrase.it/

Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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This is a meeting you don't want to miss.

Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ======================= Please plan to attend, invite your friends and bring your questions! -------------------------------Internet Explorer, Internet Options, Content, AutoComplete, Settings

Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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http://www.worldstart.com/why-wont-websites-remember-mypassword/ --------------------------------------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Q. Joe, Happy New Year to you and Alberta! I have a question about Windows 8.0 versus 8.1. You probably have posted this and I am sorry if I missed it. What is the difference between Windows 8.0 and 8.1? Also, have there been any problems with 8.1? I recently purchased a new laptop with 8.0 and so far I like it. A. So glad you got a new Windows 8 computer.

WINDOWS 8 TO 8.1 There are a lot of good differences. 1. You can resize your Tiles, which is fantastic. 2. It updates your apps automatically. 3. You can get rid of the hot corners if you wish. 4. The weather tile will give you an interactive weather map just like you see on TV. 5. If you wish you may go directly to the Desktop when you first turn your computer on. 6. You have to do it anyway by Nov. 2015. 7. It does other things, but off hand I can't remember them. 8. Please give me feedback on what you like and don't like. 9. Go to the tips below. Go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf click on: WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS .......................................................... 188 Please let me know if this works. Kindest regards, Joe Response: Hi Joe, Thank you for the information on Windows 8 and 8.1 and the tutorial. I have downloaded 8.1 and there are a lot of very nice features. I really do like my Windows 8 computer especially the optional touch screen and even more since I have downloaded 8.1. I really enjoy having the tiles and as you mentioned the interactive weather. Also being able to see and manage my mail from the tiles. Thank you again for always being so helpful. My best to Alberta. Take Care, ==================================== Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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If someone bought the Surface Pro, would you please tell the class of your experience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saw this bumper sticker on a car from Ohio: SCREW THE GOLDEN YEARS ---------------------------------------From Myra Engle: What happened the year you were born?? http://www.infoplease.com/yearbyyear.html ------------------------------------------------------------Q. Should I unsubscribe to spam email? A. I always do. ---------------------------------Q. How Do I Change Text Size in Internet Explorer? A. When you are on a web site, at the top click on View, scroll down to Text size. -----------------TAX FORMS: Federal: http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/index.html (you can actually fill in the forms on line, save them and print them. You can actually fill out your 1040 tax forms on this web site: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf Kentucky:


Lexington: http://www.lexingtonky.gov/revenue Fayette School: http://www.fcps.net/administration/departments/tax-office/tax-forms

======================= ======================= Mountain Top Removal in Lynch & Benham, Kentucky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj7PVR-OzFc&feature=youtu.be ---------------------------------------MYRA ENGLE Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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5,000 artists and 100,000 paintings make us the largest online Web Museum in the world! Monet, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, etc.. http://www.mystudios.com/artgallery/ ---------------------------------------EASY FIX TO SOME PROBLEMS: Turning the computer off then after a few seconds turn it back on, forces the equipment to reset and restart from a known good state. The same is true for software, video cards, network hardware, other peripherals. -------------------------------

Microsoft publishes a 2014 Windows 8.1 how-to guide http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-57617522-75/microsoft-publishesnew-windows-8.1-how-to-guide/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-020 -------------------------------Declutter your PC for better security and more storage A cluttered hard drive can be disorderly and slow, but it can also be a security hazard. --------------------------------

Worth your time to do. Give it a look see. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2064514/declutter-your-pc-for-bettersecurity-and-more-storage.html#tk.nl_down -------------------------------Hi Joe...Remember I said I could not open the attachments on your emails. Well I found I could not open any ".doc" document. My son told me how to fix it. He said it sounded like a file association problem. Go to control panel. default programs, file association, find .doc. see what is associated with. Mine was associated with "Microsoft office". I changed it to: "Microsoft word" and now it works fine. I can open your attachments. You said you wanted tom know if I fixed the problem, well that fixed it. Regards.. -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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From Jerry Heaton: 100 top movie scenes/ quotes http://www.flixxy.com/100-movie-quotes-american-filminstitute.htm?utm_source=nl#.UcBYhJJm3nI.email -------------------------------Hi Joe, Phyllis sent this. Ambulance Drone, Vicky Rauth https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yrEI4bezWc -------------------------------From Earl Crockett: Here's some really interesting photos of Chicagoans during World War II. GREAT OLD PHOTOS !!! http://galleries.apps.chicagotribune.com/chi-130320-arsenaldemocracy-world-war-ii-pictures/#chi-arsenal20ladies-20080617 -------------------------------From Carl Peter: A word of caution with 9V Batteries... THIS MUCH TOO IMPORTANT TO IGNORE!!! PLEASE HAVE A LOOK .

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnVDayI-gwI -------------------------------Google is bringing superfast internet to four cities, Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, and Raleigh-Durham will soon join Kansas City, Austin, and Provo, Utah, Cable companies should be terrified. When Google began work on its fiber project in 2010, typical broadband internet service ran at 10 to 20 megabits per second. Google Fiber is 1 gigabits per second — up to 100 times as fast. If Google could scare companies like AT&T and Comcast into upgrading their own networks, it could improve high-bandwidth Google products like YouTube and make room for new Google products in the future. -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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if you have an couple hours to kill and want to view the January 21, Microsoft Briefing on Windows 10: http://news.microsoft.com/windows10story/ --------------------------------


I am using both Cortana and Google Now and Cortana has a hard time understanding the same questions I ask Google. Cortana has a lot of improving to do. -------------------------------Q. Joe how do you remove email addresses on Windows 8.1 A. You remove email addresses from your email program not Windows 8.1.

Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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I have Windows Live Mail, I open it, at the bottom Left click on Contacts, then Right click the email contact, and click delete. --------------------------------------------------------------From Myra Engle: Lindbergh's Flight http://www.airportappraisals.com/ -------------------------------From Myra Engle: Vietnam Wall First click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city and the names will appear. Then click on their names. It should show you a picture of the person, or at least their bio and medals. http://www.virtualwall.org/iStates.htm According to Wikipedia, Dropcam was bought by Google a few months ago for $555 million. --------------------------------

Retro View-Master gets a digital makeover That View-Master you had as a kid is catching up with the digital age. Mattel and Google will release a virtual reality-based ViewMaster that is infused with Google Cardboard VR technology.. The original View-Master dates back to the 1939 New York World's Fair. http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/baig/2015/02/13/vie w-master--of-old-uses-google-cardboard-vr/23297205/ -------------------------------Q. Subject: Update problem My Windows 7 laptop has been trying to update for over 2 hrs. The message on the screen says 'please do not power off or unplug your machine. Installing update 4 of 7.' Any suggestions? I've never had this take so long. On Feb 14, 2015, at 10:19 AM, "Joe Isaac" wrote: That is not normal, something is not working right. A. If it were me, I would stop the installation, if you cannot, then shutdown the computer. Restart the computer and Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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do the install all over. Response: It worked!! Many thanks! I'm always hesitant to turn off the computer without shutting it down properly! --------------------------------

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3 10 15

Basics and Common Things Review*

Hi Gang, Great broadcast. Jerry Markussen did a great job of explaining the difference between Optical Zoom and Digital Zoom. It was really a fun night. You know you all are way up the ladder on computer knowledge and programs. Please read all of this email and even send it to your friends, there is a ton of information and entertainment here For more info: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ---------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Had great comments on the broadcast: 1. Enjoyed watching you live tonight from my home computer! Good information! 2. Great SIG tonight! I didn't get to see all of it, but I'm glad for the live streaming. Looking forward to the wrap up email. 3. Oops. The DropCam dropped the feed - or my computer did. Only got to see about half the presentation. 4. EXCELLENT! Really a good presentation and your position was perfect to see you. Your speech level was plenty loud and I only had my volume was only about half. You speak very clearly – so no problem there. Your demo of the two speech recognition programs; Google and Microsoft, went really well. 5. You are an excellent teacher, and care about sharing your knowledge. I did take down some notes and I will love using Control z for sure. 6. Great presentation - you had a good music selection You are the best teacher! 7. This was a wonderful presentation Joe! Thanks so much. I Really like being able to tune into the live feed. Excellent job by you, Mike and whomever else made this possible. 8. This is great- watching you right now- Good sound and video. 9. Very cool!

Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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10. Hi Joe, As I was unable to attend last night due to illness, I really appreciated being able to view your session online. Chrome was really dark so I switched to Internet Explorer and the screen was brighter. Thanks so much for another great session! ===================================

This is a picture folder: At the top, If you click on the name tab, it will arrange programs in Alphabetically, click again and it will put them in reverse. Click on Date at the top it will arrange the items in chronological order, click again and it will reverse them. This also comes in handy when looking at your Documents Folder or Programs and features. --------------------------------------------------------------On this same graphic, if you want to Rename, Delete, or Send to then Highlight the photos you want, Right click on one of them and this action will apply to all highlighted item. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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If you hold the Control key down and you can select like the first, third, and fifth item and it will highlight them. If you hold the Shift key down and select the first item then select the fifth item it will highlight all in between items, like the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th item. If you do Control A it will highlight every item in the folder. -------------------------------One of my favorite web sites is www.wkyt.com , I get the weather, news and Sky Cams. -------------------------------1. Spring Cleaning. Free up disk space, Delete unneeded files. Click on Computer, RIGHT click on the Local Disk (C:), click on Properties, at the middle right click on Disk Cleanup. Put a check mark in each one and click OK. Click on Documents, Pictures, Contacts, Emails, etc. and delete or save questionable ones to a Flash Drive. Click on Control Panel, Programs and Features and get uninstall programs you do not use. On your Desktop if you have a lot of document icons on your Desktop, Right Click the Desktop, click on New, Folder and name it Documents and drag all your Desktop documents into this folder. Same with Photos, Web address, etc..

2. F Key Tips: F1 = HELP: Try it in WORD, Internet Explorer, etc. F2 = RENAME: In Windows Explorer, just press this key to rename an item. It works just like right-clicking on a file or folder and selecting Rename. When you're finished renaming, just press Enter. Try it on a list of documents or Photos. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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F3 = FIND: In Windows Explorer or on the Desktop this generates the "Find or Search" window. F4 = Opens the Address bar in Internet Explorer. In Word: repeats the last action To close an open window press Alt + F4 F5 = REFRESH Press this key to refresh your active window in Internet Explorer, FrontPage, or Windows Explorer F6 = NEXT PANE OR FRAME Press this key to move the cursor around the structure of the Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. F7 = SPELL CHECK F8 = EXTEND SELECTION (WORD) In Word F8 extends a selection. Try it two ways (in Word): 1. Click somewhere in a document to get your blinking text cursor. Press F8. Click somewhere else Text is selected from the cursor to your click. Try clicking around to see how it remains active Click on an open space to end this behavior! 2. Click somewhere in a document to get your blinking text cursor. Press F8 twice to select the word Another F8 selects the entire sentence. Another selects the paragraph. Hitting F8 a fifth selects all.

F9 This key does nothing. F10 = MENU BAR: File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, and Help. Brings up the menu bar in many programs. Try it on Internet Explorer:

F11 Takes Internet Explorer window to "full screen," and back again. In Word, lets you go to the next field in forms. F12 In Word it is the same as Save As. --------------------------------

Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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3. Change the size type: On an web site in Internet Explorer: While on the web site, click on the tab View, Text size and select. (If the tab View is not there, at the top right, RIGHT click an empty space in front of the house, star and gear and select Menu bar. Email: Open Windows Live Mail, in the upper left corner click on the down arrow (if no down arrow, click on File) Click on Options, Mail, Compose and set your font size. To read, do same as above except click on the tab Read, Fonts and select. 4. Save and Save As: When I want to work on a document and keep the original, In Word 2007 click on the ball at the upper left then click on Save as and put an x after the name. Like if the name is Lexington.doc then do save as and put an x after Lexington, then Save. Control Z this keyboard shortcut has saved me so much time and trouble. When I make a mistake I do Control Z and I'm back like it was. 5. How to save your documents, photos, and Contacts to a flash drive? Put your Flash drive in your computer first, then RIGHT click the file, click on Send to, Name of your flash drive. 6. Make things a lot easier and faster: This is great thing to do. Use the Details, Preview, and Navigation Panes in Windows Explorer. Right click the Start Button, click on Open Windows Explorer. At the top left, click on Organize, then Layout. 7. Drag a photo from the Internet to your Desktop. Have it so you can see both the Internet and your Desktop, left click the photo and drag it to the Desktop. Snipping Tool: When you snip a photo you do not have to save it, just go to the email or document, and do Control V.

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8. Add A Cartoon Touch To Your Photos It’s so easy to have a lot of fun with pictures this way. Check it out today! http://phrase.it/

If you want to see it on the Internet then: Click on the following link to see the picture: http://phrase.it/show/jidar7 ======================================== Download: Free DVD PLAYER VLC MEDIA PLAYER http://vlc.begin.pro/en/?p=US-SOFT --------------------------------------From Myra Engle: Click any date on calendar What Happened On This Day? January February March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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29 30 31 April 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 October 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31


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June 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 September 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 December 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31

6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

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------------------------------From John L. Saindon: zipskinny (This is pretty Cool ! ) Very interesting web site about where you live. http://zipskinny.com/ ---------------------------------Listen to: Elvis Presley - Amazing Grace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3XdXEJEI4E&feature=related

Web Cam and see a live video of the NIAGARA FALLS http://www.niagarafallslive.com/Niagara_Falls_Webcam.htm

University of Kentucky web cams: http://www.earthcam.com/clients/uky/campus/ Louisville Road Web Cams. Just click on any little green square. http://www.trimarc.org/perl/map_form.pl?map_layers=Camera+Sna pshots

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ZIP CODE LOOKUP: https://tools.usps.com/go/ZipLookupAction!input.action ----------------------------------------

This if Fun! Click on Maps, put your street address and zip code in, use the + to enlarge, switch to Birds Eye View and see your house. www.bing.com ---------------------------------------Funny Prank http://www.wimp.com/roadblockprank/ ---------------------------------------From Myra Engle: This is the coolest online jukebox ever! There have been some good ones in the past couple of years, but this one is absolutely THE BEST! Click on the icon in front of the gear for a playlist, middle bottom. http://www.1959bhsmustangs.com/VideoJukebox.htm# ---------------------------------------------------------------I ran into my old UK ring and Navy dog tags almost 70 years old and wanted to share,.

T stands for Tetanus shot. A for blood type, P for Protestant. -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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How do I log into Windows 8 automatically? http://askleo.com/how-do-i-log-into-windows-8automatically/?awt_l=H1NeV&awt_m=IqKP4.YTDJdfbL -------------------------------What does signing into my Microsoft Account really mean in Windows 8.1? http://askleo.com/what-does-signing-into-my-microsoft-account-reallymean-in-windows-8-1/?awt_l=H1NeV&awt_m=IqKP4.YTDJdfbL -------------------------------From Bob Isaac in Virginia: This is a great 1-minute commercial. Not a word is spoken, and none is needed.. www.youtube.com/embed/uoABty_zE00?rel=0 --------------------------------

Full backup It’s a backup of everything. A “full backup of C:”, for example, would be a backup of all the files, folders, and contents on the C: drive.

Incremental backup An incremental backup includes only those things that have changed since the last backup, and saves those things into a separate, additional, backup file or location. https://askleo.com/whats_an_incremental_backup/?awt_l=H1NeV&awt_ m=JhJbHlh7zJdfbL -------------------------------GodMode essentially unlocks a centralized table of contents for all of Windows’ far-flung features and customization options, drawing all your options together into a single page and sorting them by tweak types. Activating it is easy: Just create a new folder and rename it to following: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Right click the desktop, click on new folder and copy and paste the above link in. There are over 200 items you may customize. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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http://www.pcworld.com/article/2881613/unlock-windows-10s-hiddenpowerful-godmode-tool.html#tk.nl_pwr -------------------------------SAYING: OK GOOGLE OR HEY CORTANA WILL ACTIVATE THEM. Funny things to ask Google or Cortana: How old is John Calipari? What is the weather like? Moonlight Serenade Make The World Go Away Who is the number one team in men's basketball? -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Windows 10: The best tips, tricks, and tweaks http://www.pcworld.com/article/2875600/windows-10-the-best-tipstricks-and-tweaks.html ---------------------------------------Say good-bye to the Charms Bar on the Windows 10 desktop. -------------------------------The Largest Update to HTTP in 16 Years Has Been Finalized HTTP/2 Will have a faster page load, longer-lived connections. http://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/02/18/http2-first-major-update-httpsixteen-yearsfinalized/?utm_source=howtogeek&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign =newsletter -------------------------------Are you getting the Internet Speed you're paying for? http://pcpitstop.com/internet/bw.asp?internetspeedtest= http://www.speedtest.net/ http://www.cnet.com/internet-speed-test/ http://www.bandwidthplace.com/ -------------------------------Microsoft’s Greg Sullivan gives 1.5 billion reasons why Windows 10 will change everything http://www.pcworld.com/article/2891472/microsofts-greg-sullivan-gives15-billion-reasons-why-windows-10-will-changeeverything.html#tk.nl_pcwbest -------------------------------======================================== Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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4 14 15 Printing, Folders, and Default Options*

You'll be able to see this meeting live on your computer: On Tuesday April 14th at 7pm. Click on: https://www.dropcam.com/p/g5PGQK (This one link works on all CKCS broadcasts) If your screen goes black, just click on the above link again. Look to the bottom right of the screen and: Turn your sound up, and click on the double arrows for full screen. Please click on: [emailprotected] and tell us if you watched this broadcast, we need to know. ====================================================

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4 14 15 Printing, Folders, and Default Options* Dear Classmates, Microsoft's Windows is the most-used software in the world. It runs on over 90 percent of all computers in existence. Our Windows Class will meet Tuesday April 14th at 7 pm and after class questions, we will discuss and demo Printing Options, Folder Options, Default Options, how to create a desktop shortcut to a web site, the best options in Windows Explorer, etc..

Welcome to the wonderful world of computing. Joe Isaac ======================================== Please remember Windows 8.1 is 88% Windows 7. These items will be the same in Windows 7 and Windows 8. 1. Printing Options: Portrait, Landscape, Two-sided, print black or color only, Print Last Page First 2. Folder Options: Single or Double Click, Show all folders, Display or Hide different files or folders. Make new folders. Show File extensions like .doc or .jpg. 3. Default Programs, which programs open which File extensions .doc .jpg etc… 4. OneDrive, Save some Files and Folders there, save space on your hard drive. Create a link and whoever you send the link, can open the File or Folder. Great idea if you can use it. I love it. A great way to use some of the 15 GB of free space on OneDrive. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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5. Spartan: This is the Spartan Icon Microsoft's new browser, will replace IE someday.

6. Spotify: Now with lyrics so you can sign along. 7. 10 Things you need to know today. Great email, news in a capsule. 8. Great things you can do with the Lexington Herald Leader online. =================================== In Windows 7 it is Windows Explorer In Windows 8.1 it is named File Explorer And contains all your files and folders and drives. From here you can Copy, cut, create, delete, find, move, save, shortcut, zip and unzip Files. ------------------------------------------------------------Suggestions for your new Windows 8.1 laptop: Go to http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS. ---------------------------------Q. How do I know if I have a 32 bit or 64 bit Windows? A. Control Panel, System. (It also tells you Processor chip speed and amount of RAM.) 32 bit is like a 4 lane highway carrying data, 64 bit is like an 8 lane highway carrying twice as much data. ---------------------------------Q. How do I add to the Send To menu. A. Click the Start button and type shell:sendto in the search box, hit Enter. Click on File, New, Shortcut. Browse until you find the program and click on it. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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---------------------------------SNIPPING TOOL (greatest thing since sliced bread) No matter where you are, Internet, word document, email you can draw a rectangle around what you want and save it as a .jpg file. Type Snip in the Start Search box, then hit Enter, left click and drag to capture any part of the screen. Then click on the Floppy Icon at the top to save. ----------------------------------------

Are you getting what you pay for? Check your Internet Speed. http://pcpitstop.com/internet/bw.asp?internetspeedtest= http://speedtest.net/ ----------------------------------------

From Bill Rauth: SLIDES FOUND AT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS... The pictures are so clear and the color is so vibrant, it looks as though they were taken just yesterday. http://extras.denverpost.com/archive/captured.asp -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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From WorldStart: Windows 8.1 is really confusing me. Can you explain what: an App is and do I really need it? Can I compute casually with APP? An app is simply a program. Microsoft likes to mess with our minds. -------------------------------Q. Hi, I haven't been able to open the newsletter. I've never had trouble before, What do I need to do. I love getting these, they are very helpful Thanks, A. I have done nothing differently, maybe your file association is off. Can you open other .doc files? I assume you have Microsoft Office. Any way you can: 1. Go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf and click on any date. All my emails are here. 2. If you need a free Word Processor. LibreOffice is similar to Office 2003 and install, run, and save files on the local hard drive. CNET gives LibreOffice 5 stars. http://download.cnet.com/LibreOffice/3000-18483_4-75337651.html

Response: Thank you Joe, I was able to get it on the site you sent me. Thank you so much for all you do for so many people (Thank you so much for the kind words. It means so much to me.) -------------------------------Q. We recently purchased a new computer with Windows 8.1 Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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operating system. We could use some training and or guidance Windows 8.1 along with guidance and training in Photo Gallery. Thank you for your helpful assistance. A. Go to Control Panel and do Windows Update. For Windows 8.1 TIPS go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf and at the top click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS Under that you will find Windows Live Photo Gallery tips. It will help you a lot. If you have specific questions please email me. Response: Joe: What are the requirements to join your group? I found your tips to be informative and helpful. I will have more questions as I work through the tips and apps. Thank you very much. A. I have a class the 2nd Tuesday each month at 7 pm for an hour or so. This is our web site: http://www.ckcs.org/ These are all our meeting schedules: http://www.ckcs.org/calendar/meetingcal.shtml If you wish to join: http://ckcsweb.web.iglou.com/other/onlineap.htm We would be delighted to have you as a member. -------------------------------WiFi, connects to the internet wirelessly using microwaves in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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-------------------------------Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 To: 'Joe Isaac' ; 'Undisclosed-Recipient:;' Subject: RE: Basics and Common Things Review* I knew about most of this, but the GodMode. Way cool. Thanks -------------------------------Q. Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 To: Joe Isaac Subject: new computer Enjoyed watching you live tonight from my home computer! Good information! I may have to go ahead and get a new computer. I have windows 7 now and my computer is not doing too well these days. I have had it 4 years. So I am looking to buy a new computer and maybe take Mike’s windows 8.1 class that starts April 1st! I need your great list of what to be sure and get on a new computer. I like a laptop and I have only had HP’s. Any tips you provide will be greatly appreciated! Thank you,

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A. SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR NEW Windows 8.1 Computer. Windows 10 may be out this summer. (The speed of your new computer is going to be a lot faster than your old one.)

Processor: Latest generation Intel core i3, i5, i7 processor or AMD equivalent. Memory: 4 to 8GB DDR3 Ports: Should have both USB3 and USB2 Ports (USB3 is10 times faster than USB2) Hard Drive: 500GB or 1TB In addition to the above, a 256GB Solid-State Hard Drive: (SSD) This is an expensive option but it has lightning speed. Webcam: if a Laptop. LCD Monitor: 15.6" or 17” for a Laptop, for a Desktop 24". DVD-RW Drive: To burn CD's or DVD's. Digital Media Reader: For your Digital Camera memory stick. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Windows Defender Antivirus program: comes with Windows 8.1 so you don't need Norton or McAfee. Windows Defender is a great Antivirus program. As soon as you get online with your new computer go to Control Panel and click on Windows Update. This will update your antivirus and all Microsoft Programs Please go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf and click on WINDOWS 8.1 & Windows 10 TIPS If you have a question please email me: [emailprotected] -------------------------------7 new hardware technologies you'll see in Windows 10 PCs http://www.pcworld.com/article/2907692/seven-new-hardwaretechnologies-for-windows-10-pcs.html#tk.nl_today One of the new technologies, the smaller USB Type C, and 3.1 will become mainstream in PCs around the time Windows 10 ships later this year. Type-C cable, has data transfer rates of the USB 3.1 protocol, which can transfer data at 10Gbps (bits per second), double that of USB 3.0. And USB 3.0 is 10 times faster that USB 2.0, which is on most computers now. -------------------------------From Jerry Markussen: CCleaner Complete Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EwfYCe6zng -------------------------------======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

4 14 15 Printing, Folders, and Default Options Review* Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Dear Classmates, You know from the questions and answers, you all are really advanced computer users. What makes me feel really good is that most of you help others with their computer problems. Take your time reading this email there is a ton of stuff in it. If you have any questions, please email: [emailprotected]

Take care, Joe Isaac -----------------------------Comments on the broadcast: 1. Thanks for the great SIG. Here are some photos from this evening's program. 2. Enjoyed the session tonight. Sound level was great, even from members of the audience when they spoke. I kept having to refresh the page because (I guess) TWC kept dropping the connection every 5 minutes or so. Even though I missed quite a bit, I learned a lot of new things (as always)! Thank you! 3. My screen went black while you were discussing screen shots tonight. I heard up to the point of your explaining how to take a screen shot. Where does Microsoft put the screen shot, and how can I then access it? Good job. . .interesting information. . . tonight. Thanks. 4. I did not know you could do so much with the Herald-Leader. 5. Caught the very end of your meeting tonight (where you were watching Johnny Carson). It came through a little "blocky" at times but otherwise it was very neat to be able to watch your class online. It never did "black out" on me and the Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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sound came through very well. Thank you all for making this available! I have not been to any of your meetings for several years but I used to come pretty often with my father-in-law when CKCS was over on New Circle Road. We both always enjoyed your presentations and learned a lot of "computer stuff" at your meetings. Unfortunately he is now in a nursing home with dementia but your classes are definitely "in there" with all the memories of good times we were able to share together! So anyway, thanks again for making this online viewing possible. I also still enjoy reading your emails and all of the jokes! Please keep up all of the Good Work! 6. Watched initial part of broadcast on 4/14/15. Found it most informative. Your on-site attendees asked good questions, and your answers were very helpful. How interesting to learn that Lexington Herald newspaper articles can be read to people. Would think this could be a wonderful aid to those who are sight impaired. Thanks for all you do in preparation for your classes. --------------------------------------------------------------4 or 5 other comments were emailed to CKCS: [emailprotected] -------------------------------2 Classmate questions: SCREENSHOTS: To take a full screen photo in 8.1, Hold down the Windows Key (bottom left of keyboard with 4 squares) and hit the Print Screen key at the upper right. The screen will go dark for a second while it takes a picture. To see the photos go to Pictures, and click on the folder named Screenshots. -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Q. When I try to open attachments on our Windows 7 computer, it tells me that the security settings don’t allow the opening of that attachment.

A. Open Windows Live Mail: (your program may be similar.) Click File, Options, Safety Options, then click on the Tab Security and configure like the one above. --------------------------------

1. Printing Options: Using Epson XP-810 printer. Your printer may have the same options: open a WORD Document, click on Print: Use the down arrows for all the options.

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Other Printing Options: Print current page, Print both on sides, print black or color only, Print Last Page First.

Question from a classmate: How do you print in black only. TO PRINT IN BLACK ONLY: OPEN WORD DOCUMENT: Click on File, Print, Printer Properties, Advanced, put a check mark in Black/Grayscale, click on Save Settings. Now every thing you print will be in Black.


2. Control Panel, Folder Options:

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Open each folder in the same window or its own window. Single or Double Click, Show all folders. ===============================================

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Uncheck Hide extensions of known file types. I want to see the .doc or .jpg extensions. I check Display full path in the title bar. ====================================================

3. Control Panel, Default Programs. Click on Set your default programs.

Here is where you set your default programs, that is the programs you want photos, Internet, Windows media player, etc..

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Control Panel, Default Programs. Click on Associate a file type or protocol with a program. Here are the File Extensions like .doc .jpg that you determine what programs opens them.

File extensions that might change when you install a new program are .doc .jpg .pdf etc.. here is where you change them back. ----------------------------------------

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4. OneDrive: Save some Files and Folders there, save space on your hard drive. Create a link and whoever you send the link, can open the File or Folder. Great idea if you can use it. I love it.

A GREAT WAY TO USE ONEDRIVE. The big advantage of using OneDrive is that you have 15 GB of free space and you can drag 20MB, 50MB or larger files or folders there and share them. It also saves space on your hard drive. VIDEOS take 30 MB a Minute. You can use OneDrive to share photos, documents, and other files. First click on File Explorer in Windows 8.1. OneDrive comes with Windows 8.1 It should show all your files and folders and at the top left show OneDrive. Drag the file or folder up to OneDrive. Right click the file or folder and scroll down to Share with, click on OneDrive.

Click on Get a link Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Click on Create link, it will create a link, then click on Shorten link. Highlight the link, then Copy and paste the link into your email and anyone you send the link to can open the file or folder. Caution, when you drag a file or folder from your computer to OneDrive it actually moves them but you can always move them back by dragging them to where they came from, or just make a copy of the file or folder and you will have it in both places. I drag mine up to OneDrive and leave it there, it leaves me more room on my hard drive. I created this sample folder: http://1drv.ms/1LFia4u for every one to use. The recipients that use the link should click on the first photo and then click on Play slide show. If they want a copy of the photos, documents, or other files or folders then highlight what they want and click on Download, then at the bottom click on Save. =================================== (To do OneDrive in Windows 7 it is more complicated. First have to download OneDrive, if interested call me at 859-299-6464 and we will do it together.) To download OneDrive in Windows 7: https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/download/ Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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5. Spartan: This Spartan Icon appears on the Windows 10 Taskbar. These are screenshots of Spartan.

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Microsoft's new browser, will replace IE someday. Spartan offers several improvements over Internet Explorer: lightweight browsing; support for plugins; the ability to mark up a Web page; scrawling comments using digital ink; a new reading mode; and the integration of Cortana, who serves as a personal assistant while browsing. With one tab open: Google Chrome consumed 72 Mbytes, Internet Explorer 11 consumed 83 Mbytes Spartan consumed 17 Mbytes. With seven tabs open: Chrome consumed 110 MB; Spartan 28 MB.

Video of Spartan with help from Cortana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34M8-PGvq2Q

There is a Reading View, Split Screen, Define Words, High Light parts of a web page, also draw or mark the web page with Arrows, Circles, etc.. and works with Cortana which takes voice commands, you do not have to type demand in.

6. Spotify: Now with lyrics so you can sign along. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Download Spotify: https://www.spotify.com/us/signup/?forward_url=%2Fus%2Fdownload%2F

7. 10 Things you need to know today. http://www.theweek.com/newsletters

Great email, news in a capsule. 8. Great things you can do with the Lexington Herald Leader online.

First you double click on the article and this comes up, now you can click on Listen and it will read the article to you. Click on the envelope icon and you can email it to someone. I did this for my son in Portland on the Cats Basketball news every day. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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It will also translate, print, etc.. Link to above item. http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/LexingtonHeraldLeader/LandingPage/Lan dingPage.aspx?href=TEhMLzIwMTUvMDQvMDk.&pageno=MTM.&entity=QXIwMT MwMg..&view=ZW50aXR5

Link to a comic item. http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/LexingtonHeraldLeader/LandingPage/Lan dingPage.aspx?href=TEhMLzIwMTUvMDQvMDc.&pageno=MjU.&entity=QXIwMjU wOQ..&view=ZW50aXR5

I pay $99.95 a year for online only. For hard copy and online about $233.00 a year. =================================== WORD TIP: Open Word, on the left click on Options then click on Advanced. and you get this Screen

Uncheck Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink. Now all you have to do is single click on the link to bring up the web page. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Windows Explorer in Win 7 and File Explorer in Win contains all your files and folders and drives. From here you can Copy, cut, create, delete, find, move, save, shortcut, zip and unzip Files. To Work with your files: To highlight noncontiguous files. Hold Control Key down and click on each individual file. Release the Control Key, now RIGHT click on any highlighted file, all highlighted files will act the same, select, Delete, Rename, Cut, Copy, Send to, etc.. then hit Enter on the keyboard. Mike Seiler suggested using: at the top click on View, then check Item check boxes. Just put a check in front of the files you want. To highlight contiguous files. Hold Shift Key down, put your cursor on the first file and the last file, all in between will be highlighted, Release the Shift Key, RIGHT click on any highlighted file, all highlighted files will act the same, select, Delete, Rename, Cut, Copy, Send to, etc.. then hit Enter on the keyboard. ---------------------------------------Say you want to know how to pronounce contiguous, then Right click on it, scroll to Look Up and click on Bing, Left click on: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contiguous

Left click on the sound horn below. ==================

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WINDOWS 7: RIGHT click the Start Button, click Open Windows Explorer. At the top RIGHT click on the single down arrow, then Details. This is a superior way to look at your files because it will show the NAME, SIZE, TYPE, and DATE MODIFIED. At the top LEFT click on Organize, Layout, check Details Preview and Navigation panes. Now if you click on the screen icon next to the ? mark, you go from Details to Layout. WINDOWS 8.1: Put your cursor in the lower left corner and Right click to get the Quick Access Menu, and click on File Explorer. At the top, click on View, then Details. Also click on the Navigation, Preview, and Details pane. ------------------------------------------------------------Major Microsoft WORD Keyboard Shortcuts: Control + A Highlights all C Copy V Paste S Save X Cut Z Undo Alt + F4 will close most any program. To find Control Panel on Windows 8, at the lower left corner RIGHT click and it will bring up the Quick Access Menu with Control Panel on it. ---------------------------------------Q. What is the difference between an application or App and a Program? A. None. ---------------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Windows Defender Offline is a recovery tool. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/what-is-windows-defenderoffline

======================================== Q. Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 To: Joe Isaac Subject: Microsoft Silverlight What can you tell me about Microsoft Silverlight? Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-platform, cross-browser, and cross-device plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web I uninstall it on my computer, Joe http://download.cnet.com/Microsoft-Silverlight/3000-2378_4-190345.html --------------------------------

From Myra Engle: Here are some great computer and cell phone tips. www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QoT0-2vu9m4


Microsoft to start blocking annoying adware by default starting July 1. --------------------------------

Recover files from a dead PC http://www.pcworld.com/article/2105561/recover-files-from-a-deadpc.html#tk.nl_pwr --------------------------------

Another Word option that saves time and typing is: Auto Correct: File, Options, Proofing, in box at Right click on AutoCorrect Options In Replace I typed ms Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Now when I type ms and hit the space bar I get Microsoft -------------------------------From Myra Engle: One of the best magic acts I've seen.... KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE DOVES! http://www.flixxy.com/darcy-oakes-jaw-dropping-dove-illusions-britains-gottalent-2014.htm

-------------------------------Photos taken by Jerry Markussen: Thanks Jerry, Great Photos.

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5 13 14 DESKTOP, TASKBAR, AND NEW STUFF* Dear Classmates,

Special treat: Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Mike Seiler will demonstrate Microsoft's OneDrive which use to be SkyDrive. OneDrive is now an integral part of the Windows 8.1 for users logging in with a Microsoft account. Mike Seiler will demonstrate how to use OneDrive and some of the App’s that are embedded within it. One of the best reasons for OneDrive is to access files you upload to OneDrive From different computers over the Internet. It also works with Windows 7. -------------------------------Other demonstrations that will take place. 1. Windows 8.1 update, big improvement. Windows 8 USERS please update to Win 8.1, then update it to get the security updates and also makes Win 8.1 much more user friendly 2. To upgrade your Windows Essentials 2011 to 2012 go to: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials This includes Windows Live Mail, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, etc.. 3. Super Taskbar; Jump Lists and Notification Area 4. Microsoft hopes to deliver the Start menu to Windows 8.1 users by August. This is a big deal. 5. Mouse pointer trick: Go to Control Panel, Mouse, Pointer Options and check: Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog box. Works great with: Empty Recycle Bin and more. 6. Rename and reduce long icons on desktop

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When Windows 8.1 Update came down the chute, Microsoft tossed in a surprise: if you want Windows 8.1 security patches in the future, you have to install Win8.1 Update first. -------------------------------For the very latest news about computing go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf

Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ======================= Microsoft's OneDrive by Mike Seiler This is the handout I will use when talking about OneDrive A Microsoft Account can be any valid email address along with its password. I suggest you register an email address just for this purpose. To register a new Outlook email address, open your web browser and go to: outlook.com This will open a login page. On this page find the words "Sign up now". Left click on this to open the following Window. You are now ready to enter your data for an account. Make sure you write down everything you enter for future reference.

after you type a user name, hit the tab key to see if it will accept it.

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This code will be different each time you try to sign up for an account.

Uncheck this!!!

Windows 7 OneDrive Setup Windows 8.1 has OneDrive already installed. To use OneDrive on Windows 7 you must have a Microsoft account then download and run the file OneDriveSetup.exe To do this open your web browser and goto: windows.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/windowsapp-faq

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the following window will appear:

Click on "Downloa d the free app" Ru n the download ed fil e. This will install OneDrive on your Windows 7 computer.

To check the OneDrive Settings find the OneDrive icon (a cloud) in the notification area of the taskbar: Right click on this icon, the left click on "Settings". The following window opens with the Settings tab selected. The General settings are self explanatory. I selected both of them for my demonstration. If you want to help Microsoft improve OneDrive, put a check mark in the appropriate square. If you are just experimenting with OneDrive and you decide you don't want to link your files or have the ability to fetch files from this PC with OneDrive click on the Unlink OneDrive button. Once you have made your selections on the Settings tab click on OK to exit.

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KENTUCKY MAP WITH COUNTIES, SENT AGAIN BY REQUEST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take a look at this website. Enter your birthday at the top of the screen, and it will tell you the newspaper headlines on the day you were born, sports headlines for the year, popular songs of the year, price of gas, etc. Just click on this website, then click on Quick Page. http://dmarie.com/timecap/ When I got married in 1947, gas was .23₵ a gallon, stamps were 3₵, Dow was at 181, minimum wage was 40₵ an hour. ======================= 376 DUMMIES.COM HOW-TO VIDEOS From calculus to home repair, how-to videos show you how to get things done quickly, easily, and accurately. Including: 13 results in "Windows 8.1" of type "Video" http://www.dummies.com/search.html?filter=VIDEO&cid=dn_prom o_videos ==================== Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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SENIOR HEALTH: http://nihseniorhealth.gov/ ---------------------------------------From Myra Engle: The Civil War, Part 1: The Places: Many great historical photos http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/02/the-civil-war-part-1-theplaces/100241/ ---------------------------------------Windows operating systems are supported as follows: Windows XP until April 8, 2014 Windows Vista until April 11, 2017 Windows 7 until January 14, 2020 Windows 8 until January 10, 2023 -------------------------------Q. Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 Subject: Question about Windows 8 Hi, Joe, Is there a recycle bin on Windows 8? If so, what is it called? I've accidentally deleted a file and it's an important one. Not sure what to do now, except panic. Thanks for any help! A. RIGHT CLICK on the Desktop, left click on Personalize, in the upper left hand corner click on Change desktop icons, then put a check mark in Recycle Bin, then OK. Response: Like a charm. You are just too wonderful for words! Thanks, Joe (again!!!). -------------------------------Microsoft officially introduced Cortana in Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview earlier this month, but there are signs that the company might continue the release spree with some new versions specifically aimed at Windows 8 PCs and tablets. --------------------------------

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Q. I cannot open the newsletter. If I copy and paste the http://www.ckcs.org/newsltrs/201405.pdf , I get the January 2014 newsletter. A: Click on the little curved arrow at the end when you are looking at the January 2014 newsletter.

Response: I got it!!! Thank you, ====================================

5 13 14

Desktop, Taskbar, New Stuff, Review *

Dear Classmates,

Thanks to Mike Seiler for a great presentation of OneDrive. I would love to get feedback for those of you who do the OneDrive. Great class, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you for all the good questions and suggestions.

This email has some great information in it, please take your time reading it. Thank you very much for attending. For the very latest news about computing go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf

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Joe Isaac ======================================

1. Windows 8.1 update, big improvement. Go to bottom of letter, plus you may get a real Start menu to Windows 8.1 by August. This is a big deal. 2. To upgrade your Windows Essentials 2011 to 2012 go to: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials This includes Windows Live Mail, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, etc..

3. Mouse pointer trick: Go to Control Panel, Mouse, Pointer Options and check: Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog box. Works great with: Empty Recycle Bin and more.

4. Rename and reduce long icons on desktop. Right click the desktop icon, click on rename.

5. To tell what programs are open: On the Keyboard, hold down the ALT and tap the Tab key and it will show you a thumbnail of all open programs or files. If you want to get fancy, hold the Windows Key down and click on Tab, several times.

6. To put a IE web address on your Desktop: Internet Explorer: Left click the icon that is in front of the http and drag it to the desktop. 7. Drag it: You can maximize a window by dragging it to the top of the screen. ========================================

Super Taskbar. (This is fantastic.) Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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1, Jump Lists: You Right Click on the WORD Icon in the Taskbar and it will give you the recent items you had open in WORD. If you want the document to stay put, click on the pin at the end it will stay there until you click on the pin again to unpin it. ----------------------------------------

2. To see how many Word documents are open. If you have the Word icon pinned to the Taskbar, then just place your cursor on the Word icon and it will show you a thumbnail of all the documents that are open. If you have closed some on the documents, then Right click the Word icon and it will show them. From here you can also Pin them and they will stay there until you unpin them. ----------------------------------------

3. Configure your Taskbar Right click the vacant area of the Taskbar. Select Properties from the taskbar shortcut menu to display the Taskbar Properties dialog box. 1. Lock the Taskbar. 2. Auto-hide the Taskbar. 3. Use Small Icons. 4. Taskbar Location. 5.Taskbar Buttons. 6. Notification Area ======================================== Q. How do you put the Antivirus Green Castle on the Right side of the Taskbar? A. RIGHT click the Taskbar on an empty space, left click on Properties, middle ways down on the right click on Customize, on the Microsoft Security Client line use the down arrow and click on Show icon and notifications, then click OK. ----------------------------------------

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From Arthur Anderson and Sally Kay Bradford: Wrong Number. From Carol Burnett. http://www.funnieststuff.net/viewmovie.php?id=976 ---------------------------------Hundreds of Readers Digest Videos: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=readers+digest+videos&FO RM=SSVR# -----------------Q. My Recycle Bin icon disappeared. A. RIGHT CLICK on the Desktop, left click on Personalize, in the upper left hand corner click on Change desktop icons, then put a check mark in Recycle Bin, then OK. Response: Bless your pea picking heart! It's there. And it needs emptying. :) :) Joe, thank you ever so much! I miss all the crowd at CKCS! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!! ======================= Windows 8.1 Update might change your mind about Windows 8 The Windows 8.1 Update brought to Start: at the upper Right: Photo of Owner, click on Power Button or 1st Icon and get the options below. Click on the 2nd or Search Button and it brings up the Search box.

If you Right Click a Tile you get the options below. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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I Right Clicked on several Tiles and selected Pin to taskbar and they are shown below. Now you can open the App from the Taskbar.

Next, to close an App, move your cursor to the top of the screen and on the right down will come a Minimize (-) button and a Close (X) button, like Windows 7 If you –, it will go to your Taskbar, if you X, it will close it. If you Right click on the Icon on the left side of the screen you get the options: Split Left, Split Right, etc. -------------------------------If you RIGHT click the Taskbar, click on Properties, there are new options under the tabs Taskbar and Navigation. One of the options of Navigation is: Check: When I sign on go to the Desktop. This way you boot directly to the desktop. Add This PC app, it shows everything on your computer, files like documents, pictures, and drives like C and D. Please do this it will save you time and frustration. Click the down arrow at the bottom left of Start to get to the Apps, then at the upper Right in the search box type This PC, and on the left, Right click the icon This PC and Pin to Start. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Hitting the Windows key on your keyboard will take you to Start or Desktop. Try it. Saves time. If you are in the Start, and move your cursor to the very bottom of the screen the Taskbar will appear. Mike Seiler discovered this. http://www.cnet.com/news/windows-8-1-update-might-change-yourmind-about-windows-8/ --------------------------------


Please do this now: Windows 8.1 users: Download latest version by June 10 to continue getting patches. Extended from May to June 10. Those of you who still have Windows 8, please upgrade to Windows 8.1. --------------------------------

==================================== ======================================== ======================================= = ======================================== =======================================

6 11 13 Email Extravaganza.*

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Dear Classmates, Special treat: Bob Brown will demonstrate LibreOffice

Its clean interface and powerful tools let you unleash your creativity and increase your productivity. LibreOffice embeds several applications that make it the most powerful Free & Open Source Office suite on the market: Writer, the word processor, Calc, the spreadsheet application, Impress, the presentation engine, Draw, our drawing and flowcharting application, Base, our database and database frontend, and Math for editing mathematics. ===================== Our Windows 7 & 8.1 workshop will meet Tuesday June 10 at 7 pm. You will be amazed at what your email program can do. We will demonstrate Windows Live Mail, your email program may be similar: HOW TO: 1. Automatically check for messages. 2. Change the font and size used in reading messages. 3. Change the font and size sending messages. 4. Add preset Signatures to your emails. 5. Automatically Spell Checking your emails. 6. Click on Read Receipt and get an email when the person you sent an email opens it. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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7. Insert a photo into your email. 8. Add Contacts and put them in alphabetical order. 9. Put several email addresses in a folder so you may click on the folder and your whole group will receive an email. 10. Save your email addresses to a CD or Thumb Drive. 11. Copy a photo from an email or web site 12. Use the Snipping Tool to send an email by Gene Wheeler 13. Resize a photo. 14. How to setup the Calendar.

15. Review of the latest changes to Windows 8.1 Kindest regards, Joe Isaac


========================================== WINDOWS LIVE MAIL CALENDAR

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------------------------------------Microsoft paid $8.5 billion for Skype. Google paid $1.5 billion for YouTube. ---------------------------------------Q: My Desktop Icons have disappeared. A: RIGHT click the Desktop, click on View, click on Show desktop icons. ----------------------------------------

What's different between Outlook.com and Outlook? Outlook.com is free web-based personal email service that helps you share, organize, and stay up to date like never before. You can sign in to your Outlook.com email from your browser. Microsoft Outlook desktop app is part of the Office suite. It's the world’s most popular app for reading email, managing a calendar, and connecting to people. It works with both your personal email and your work email. ===================== Windows Live Mail is a free email app that helps you manage multiple email addresses, calendar info, and contacts. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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How to configure Windows Live Mail: http://www.yoingco.com/windows_live_mail_settings_windows_7. htm ---------------------------------------Q. Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Guess what!! The last time I checked my computer—several days ago, “SkyDrive” still showed up in File Explorer. When I checked it this morning, I found that “OneDrive” appears there now. Also, Joe, the power options and search icons now appear on my Start screen/tiles. So doesn’t that mean that the 8.1 update HAS installed on my computer? A. Yes, but to double check, go to Control Panel, Windows update and check for updates. The Windows 8.1 update was over 800 MB by itself. Thank you for last night’s presentations. I always learn something, but last night I learned a lot. Thanks for the comment, it makes my day. I really try hard. Response; Once again, you have saved me!! As you suggested, I went to Control Panel, Windows Update, and checked for updates. It said that my system was set up to install updates automatically and that I had four optional updates available to download and install, one of which was the 8.1 update. I installed all four. Now I have only one optional update listed as available—Silverlight, which I do not plan to install. Thanks!! -------------------------------Take a screenshot of the entire screen in Windows 8.1 Press Windows Key + Print Screen -------------------------------======================================== ======================================== Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

6 11 13 Email Extravaganza Review * Dear Classmates, Thanks to Bob Brown for a great presentation of LibreOffice. If you don't want to buy Microsoft Office this is a good free choice. Instructions to download and install Libre Office Windows SIG – 10 June 2014 1.

Go to www.libreoffice.org


Click on “Download Now” in center of screen


On next screen, click on Download Version 4.2.4 File copying will take about 5-8 minutes Program file size is about 215 MB Name will be “LibreOffice_4.2.4_Win_x86.msi”

4. Go to where you saved the file and double-click on the filename 5.

Follow instructions (be careful with options)

6. When complete, it will add one icon on your desktop which takes you to a menu screen with choices of Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. 7.

You can make new icons for any of the programs you prefer.

You can save documents in (.doc) (.docx) (.txt) and so on. -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Please email me if you have a question on Windows Live Mail. [emailprotected] There is a lot of information in this email, please take your time reading it.

Take care, Joe Isaac ---------------------------------------. Back up WINDOWS LIVE MAIL or most any email program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sne017qhWeQ&feature=player_em bedded Make a folder on the Desktop, then highlight the emails and drag them into that folder. Works like a charm. Right click the folder and send to the thumb drive. --------------------------------

From Adrian Sparks: See WKYT's live video feed from the Centerpointe block in downtown Lexington. I highly recommend this site. I go there several times a day.

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http://www.kentucky.com/2013/12/16/2991477/see-wkyts-live-videofeed-from.html -------------------------------Class question. Q. How do you know if you have done the required Windows 8.1 update?

A. Your Start screen will have this in the upper-right corner. Microsoft has added search and power buttons to the Start screen in the upper-right corner (see image). Clicking on the power button Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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gives you options to shut down or restart your PC, while the Search button simply calls up the pop-out search panel on the right.

You can go to Control Panel and click on Windows Update. http://askleo.com/how-do-i-get-the-required-windows-8-1-update/ ==================-==================

Using Windows Live Mail (WLM), (your email program may be similar.) Open Windows Live Mail, at the very top left click on File. then click on Options and then Mail and you will get this dialog box.

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To change the font used in reading messages. Click on Read, and you get this dialog box: then at the bottom click on Fonts and select.

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To change the font and size of the emails you send. Click on Compose, and you get this dialog box: then click on Font Settings for Mail and select. Mine is set on Arial, Regular, 14. When you finish click on OK

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Call me at 299 6464 and we will do it together if you wish. Add Signatures to your emails. Click on Signatures, New and type. I have 4 different signatures. Automatically Spell Checking your emails. Click on Spelling and make selections. Click on Receipts and make a selection. Mine is Always send a read receipt ======================================== To get an email back when the person you sent an email opens it. When you have an email ready to send, in the upper right click on Read receipt. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Insert a photo into your email: Open an email message, at the top click on Insert, Single Photo, and select a photo.

Open Windows Live Mail: To add an email address. At the bottom left click on Contacts then at the top left click on Contacts and you will get the screen below:

Fill it in and at the bottom click on Add contact. Add Contacts from emails you receive. Right click their email address, if you don't have the email address in your contacts, it will say Add to Contacts, If you have the email address it will say Edit Contact. -----------------9. Put several email addresses in a folder so you may click on the folder and your whole group will receive an email.

At the bottom left click on Contacts at the top left click on Category and you will get the screen below:

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Now type in the category name like FAMILY, then click on the people you want and then at the bottom click on Save. 10. Save your email addresses to a USB Thumb Drive. First insert Thumb Drive. Click on Contacts, at the top near right, click the down arrow of Export, then click on Commas separated values (csv) click on Browse, then Computer then click on the Thumb Drive and follow instructions. 11. Copy a photo from an email or web site. Right click on the Photo click on Save Picture As, name it and click on Save. 12. Use the Snipping Tool to send an email. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Go to Start, type in Snip hit Enter on the keyboard, click on the down arrow after new and select Rectangular Snip. With the

+ cursor, draw the line around the text, then open a new email message click on the body of the message, then do Control V to paste it in. ---------------------------------------How to copy and paste and use the Snipping Tool in emails. Gene Wheeler suggests a great shortcut if you are sending it in an email. After you snip it, move your cursor and when you see a very very small dot, RIGHT click, click on Send to: Email recipient. ---------------------------------------13. Enlarge and Diminish a photo. Open Email Program and insert Photo,

put you cursor at the bottom right hand corner until it turns into a double arrow, then drag the photo larger or smaller. To download Windows Live Mail go to: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-live/essentialsother-programs After you download Windows Live Mail you have to call your provider like Insight or Windstream to help you configure it. ======================================== 14. How to use the Windows Live Mail Calendar for birthdays, meetings, anniversaries, etc.. Fantastic. Open WLM, at the bottom left click on Calendar, at the top click on Month, then double click on a date, type in the Subject like; John 1948, then at the top Right, click on the No recurrence down arrow Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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and click on Yearly. Now your son's birthday will come up every year on that date automatically. 15. Classmate suggestion: At the top, just below the ribbon, there is a Search box. to find a an email type a word that was in the email, then another search bar will come up, and you can select certain email folders, like Inbox or All email.

Past President Mike Seiler suggests using your cursor and left clicking at the beginning of the text, hold the Shift Key down and click at the end of the text and that will highlight all in between. Use Blind Carbon Copy. Show Cc & Bcc, plus show columns. Open WLM, upper left click on Email message, extreme Right, click on Show Cc & Bcc. RIGHT click on From then click on Columns and select. ---------------------------------------How to save an email in Documents. Jo Stratton Tip: Hit the F12 key while reading the email. It should take you to Documents, if not browse to Documents and click on Save. To attach a file, at the middle top, click on the paper clip, find the file and click on it. Q. Every day I get a ton Junk mail. I delete them and block them but it comes back the next day I bet I get about 20 of those if you could help me on this I would appreciated it. A. At the bottom of most of the emails, you can unsubscribe, this is what I do, and it works most of the time. Spammers know you block them so they change email addresses a lot. ---------------------------------------Q. Using Windows Live Mail, I get no photos.

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A. Open WINDOWS LIVE MAIL at the top left, click on Icon with the down arrow, Options, Safety Options, Security, and uncheck Block images and …. click OK. -----------------Q. When you receive an email with an attachment how do you send it to another email recipient? A. If you click on Forward it will be sent with the attachment, if you click on Reply, it will send the email but not the attachment. ---------------------------------Technology Tips for Teachers Many tips down left side of page. F KEY TIPS: http://www.cvs.k12.mi.us/tips/f-key_tips.htm ---------------------------------------4 out of every 5 heads of U.S. households use email. ---------------------------------Q. What is the difference between copy and paste and cut and paste. A. Copy and paste you have the items in both the original document and the document you pasted it too. Cut and paste, the item is removed from the original document and is only in the document you pasted it too. ---------------------------------------The desktop.ini files are typically hidden system files. They do, in fact, control the appearance of your folders, including any customized folder icons -------------------------------If you would like to check your Internet Speed: OOKLA Speed Test http://www.speedtest.net/ -------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Q. Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 To: Joe Isaac Subject: Windows 7 maintenance Joe, I need to do maintenance on my HP laptop computer running Windows 7 system. What do you recommend? Weekly/monthly? Thanks, A. MONTHLY COMPUTER MAINTENANCE (This is only a suggestion, this is what I do.) 1. Free up disk space, Delete unneeded files. Click on Computer, RIGHT click on the Local Disk (C:), click on Properties, Disk Cleanup. Put a check mark in each one and click OK. 2. Right Click on Documents, Pictures, Contacts, Emails, etc. click on Send to and save to a Flash Drive monthly. 3. Click on Control Panel, Programs and Features and uninstall programs you do not use. 4. If you have more than 2 rows of icons on your Desktop, Right Click the Desktop, click on New, Folder and name it MISC and drag the extra icons into this folder. 5. On my Windows 7 computer, I use Microsoft Security Essentials. Windows Defender antivirus Comes Preinstalled In Windows 8.1 (Windows Defender and Security Essentials are kissing cousins.) 6. Go to Control Panel, Windows update, and make sure you are up to date. 7. Scan your computer. ==================================== Q. Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 To: Joe Isaac Subject: Computer cleaner Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Joe I have a windows 7 system, I have a Bitdefender for Antivirus etc., but lately I have been having trouble with WEB SEARCHY AND THEN DOKO SEARCHY coming into my system, I have to UNINSTALL them before I can get onto my browser search engine. What am I to do, Is there a cleaner or system to load onto my computer that will keep these Hijackers out of my computer which is only 2 years old. A. Your computer has been hijacked by: Doko-Search.com Information The Doko-Search.com belongs to the browser hijacker family. Generally, most of the search engines are genuine and not harmful, but browser hijackers are mostly aimed at generating advertising revenues. The objective of the malicious code is to make users to click on displayed ads so its owner earns a fee for every click. On the web you can find various reports that the Doko-Search.com changes browser configurations, installs a toolbar without user’s permission and prevents easy removal from the system. It’s all part of the plan to secure the advertising earnings for the search engine. Response: Thanks for your reply, After uninstalling this DOKO SEARCH, and got my browser back, my computer was ok last night, I have not been on it today, I am on my IPAD. I just now talked with DEVICE PITSTOP, they recommended using my virus scan once a week which is to scan for hijackers and remove them from my computer, I will start doing that and hope my computer stays clean. What would we do without you Joe, you are always very helpful. -------------------------------From Myra Engle: THIS IS TOO FUNNY NOT TO SHARE WITH SOME OF YOU. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QwV437qeSM --------------------------------

People Search http://www.yellowpages.com/whitepages?from=AnyWho&first=DR EXEL&last=HENRY&city=&state=TN ======================================== ======================================== Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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7 8 14 System Tools and System Restore* My family and I wish to thank you all for your heartfelt condolences. It gave us strength through this sadness and made our grief bearable. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.

Dear Classmates, Tuesday, July 8 at 7 pm at our Windows 7, 8.1 Workshop. My new HP laptop has a Click (touch) Pad that acts like a touch screen. I really like it for its ease and convenience. I use it 90% of the time, the mouse 10%. Will demo.

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Windows 8 was released October 26 2012. Windows 8.1 was released in October 2013.

Will discuss new tips and tricks for Windows 8.1 users. After our Question and Answer period and we will discuss and demo: 1. Disk Cleanup: It deletes; Temporary Internet Files, Temporary Files, Recycle Bin, Offline Web Pages, etc. 2. Defragment: (rearranges your data for faster access) As you add and delete programs and files your, it is scattered all over the hard drive Defrag rearranges your data so there are no empty spaces and the programs and data you use the most are put into the fastest accessible portion of your hard drive. 3. System Information. Tells you all about the Hardware and Software on your computer. (More than you want to know). Will demo the free Belarc Advisor. 4. System Restore: Restores your system to a previous date. Say you installed a new program today and your computer went haywire, use System Restore to restore it to yesterday. Restore Point: Creates one when you download Windows updates. 5. Action Center: Manage security settings for Automatic Updates, Internet Options, and Windows Firewall. What safety features are turned on. 6. Anti-Virus programs: For Windows 7, Microsoft Security Essentials For Windows 8.1 Windows Defender 7. Power Options; puts your computer to sleep when not in use. 8. Configure Notification Area Icons. They are on the right side of the Taskbar. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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9. msconfig: Too many people have too many programs starting up. 10. Ram, Processor or Chip, and Hard Drive

Please take note: There will be NO meeting in August. Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ====================================== One of the Herald- Leader's greatest treasures is its vast collection of news, feature and sports photographs that show the history of Lexington and Kentucky dating to the 1930s. Today we will begin sharing that treasure trove with you — at www.KyPhotoArchive.com , on social media and in print. Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2014/06/29/3315878/kentucky-photo-archiveusing-new.html -------------------------------Q. How do I increase the size of my font in Windows 7? A. Right click on your desktop and choose Personalize. Then on the left side, click on the DISPLAY, select Smaller, Medium, Larger, Next, lick on Apply. ---------------------------------Check your Internet Speed: http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/bw.asp ---------------------------------Drivers are mini-programs (instructions) that tell your computer how to use its hardware (like printers, scanners, etc.) ======================= Q. Where is the refresh button on tool Bar? Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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A. At the top of Internet Explorer 11 there is a curved Arrow next to the X, to Refresh click on it, or just hit F5 on the keyboard.

---------------------------------------Q. How is the quickest way to switch between open programs or documents? A. By Jerry Heaton: Do Alt Tab on the keyboard and it will show all open programs. ======================================== Q. I am trying to find how to make my internet page blank like you do yours? Thanks, A. Go to Control Panel, click on Internet options you get this screen.

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Click on Use new tab and at the bottom click on OK. Response: Got it! This is so much better! Thanks, ----------------------------------------

How to use the Snipping Tool on the Start Screen by Mike Seiler: 1. On the desktop open the Snipping Tool. Click on the Cancel button on the Snipping tool window.

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2. Now go to the Start window. Press the CTRL + PRT SC keys. (i.e. the Control key plus the Print Screen key). 3. Your mouse cursor turns into the "+" symbol and the screen gray's out. You are now ready to snip the part of the screen you want to capture. This method works for any app (program) you open from the Start screen. Also, these steps can be used to capture any drop down windows you might want to capture on the Desktop or the Start screen.

==================================== From Carl Peter: You have never seen fireworks like this, I hope!!! Surprising shapes and designs!!! Enjoy!!!! Chinese fireworks........... http://www.youtube.com/embed/_LpMB1OZ53g?feature=player_detailpa ge%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20allowfullscreen%3e%3c/iframe %3e&autoplay=1 Full Length Dubai New Year's Eve 2014 Guinness World Records Fireworks HD 1080p 3D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IchJ_2paHNs -------------------------------From Myra Engle This is short and funny! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=646039295421798 -------------------------------30 Breathtaking Satellite Photos http://www.boredpanda.com/daily-overview-satellite-aerial-photographyearth/ -------------------------------Finding Phone Numbers Online www.anywho.com 1800free411 Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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https://www.yahoo.com/tech/in-this-short-and-sweet-ask-pogue-a-readerwants-90089373179.html ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

7 8 14

System Tools and Security Review *

Dear Classmates, We had a great bunch of questions and answers. Thank you all. See you in September. 12 months of Windows Tips: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf

Please Remember there is no meeting in AUGUST. Take care, Joe Isaac ======================================

Only on the new Windows 8.1: 1. Tiles can be resized to a new larger tile and a new smaller tile. 2. Click on a down arrow at the bottom of the Tiles and you get Apps. Apps (Apps and Programs are the same thing.) can be seen by name, by date installed, by most used or by category. 3. Start Button does 3 things, left click it and it goes to either Tiles or Desktop, Right click it and it brings up the Quick Access Menu, or WIN + X menu. 4. If you wish your computer to skip Tiles and boot directly into the Desktop: Right click an empty space on the Taskbar, left click on

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Properties, click on Navigation, put a check mark by: Go to the Desktop instead of Start when I sign in. ======================================== 1. To find out about your Processor speed and installed memory (RAM). Go to Control Panel and click on System It shows Windows edition like Windows 8.1 System: Processor: like i7 2.40 GHz Ram 6GB 64 bit Operating System To find the size of your Hard Drive: Go to Start, Computer, RIGHT click on the C drive and left click Properties. In Windows 8.1, type computer, click on click on This PC, Right Click the C Drive left click Properties. Free Belarc Advisor tells you more: http://download.cnet.com/Belarc-Advisor/3000-2094_410007277.html When downloading, be sure you click on the correct Download button and uncheck other programs they try to download.

For Searching: In Windows 7 Vista, and XP: Click on the Start button, and start typing In Windows 8.1, while looking at the TILES, at the top right, click on the magnifying glass. (START and TILES are the same thing.) 2. Disk Cleanup: Go to Start, in the search box type Disk Cleanup, and hit Enter. I put a check mark in all the boxes, then click OK. You'll save hundreds of megabytes. You should do this every month or so. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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3. Defragment: Go to Start, in the search box type Defragment and hit Enter. at the bottom left click on Analyze disk and it will tell you if you need to Defrag. Defrag every 2 or 3 months. It takes an hour or so. Remember: Uninstall any programs you no longer want, and Delete any files (documents, photos, emails, etc.) you no longer want, then do Disk Cleanup, then Defrag, in this order. In Windows 7 and Vista: Go to Start, type Programs and Features in the Start Search box. In Windows 8.1 press the Win Key + X, then click on Programs and Features. At the top, If you click on the name tab, it will arrange programs in Alphabetically, click again and it will put them in reverse. Click on Installed on at the top it will arrange the items in chronological order, click again and it will reverse them. 4. Go to Control Panel click on Recovery, Open System Restore (When your computers starts screwing up, first, restart it and if that does not fix it, use System Restore, go back a few days when your computer was working OK and restore to that date.) This does not affect your documents or email, etc., only your system files, etc. Restore points are automatically created every time you download Windows updates. -------------------------------If you are going to download a new program and want to be really safe, create a Restore Point first. Go to Control Panel click on Recovery, click on Configure System Restore, click the tab System Protection, near the bottom click on Create. =================================== When you first go to Control Panel is looks like this: Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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At the upper right click on Category and then click on Small icons and get this:

5: Go to Control Panel click on Action Center or Go to Start, in the search box type Action Center and hit Enter. Click on the down arrow of Security and it will show what safety features are turned on. Like Firewall, Virus Protection, etc.. There is also a Troubleshooting Icon that will help you Find and Fix Problems. 6. Go to Start, in the search box type Essentials and hit Enter and it will bring up Microsoft Security Essentials. On the right are Scan Options that include Quick, Full, or Custom. You need to run a virus scan every month or so. I run Full scan when I first get a Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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computer and Quick scans after that. If my computer acts funny I'll do a Full scan anytime. Full scans take a long time and you have to reset your Power Options to 2 hours. Windows 8.1 Go to Control Panel click on Windows Defender. It is already installed and is a first cousin to MS Security Essentials. ----------------7. Go to Control Panel click on Power Options, On the right of your checked plan, click on Change plan setting, I set mine to turn off display 10 minutes and put the computer to sleep in 15 minutes. 8. To configure the icons on the right side of the Taskbar (this is called the Notification area). Go to Control Panel click on Notification Area Icons. On the right side use the down arrows to make your selection. 9. Too many people have too many programs starting up, this slow down your computer and uses your resources. Windows 7: Go to Start, in the search box type msconfig then hit Enter, at the top, click on Startup, now go down through this list and uncheck programs that you do not want to start up every time you turn on your computer, you can always access these programs by typing there name in the Start Search Box. When you finish you should have no more that 4 boxes checked. Be sure your antivirus program is checked. Don't be afraid to uncheck items, you can always go back and put the check mark back in. Only your Antivirus, like Symantec, McAfee, AVG etc. and your AntiSpyware programs needs to be there plus Microsoft item plus any other program you know and want to open at Start Up. Every 3 or 4 months you need to go back and check this again. When you install new programs some have the nerve to put them in Start up without your permission.

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When you Start up your computer again, if you get a dialog box: Put a check mark in and click on OK. TIP: Open Google, type in the file name you want to uncheck, it will have an .exe ending and Google will tell you what it is.) If you make a mistake just go back and put the check mark back in. In Windows 8.1: RIGHT click an empty space on the Taskbar, click Task Manager, Startup, and disable the programs you do not want to start when you turn on your computer. If you want to use the program, just click on them Manually. Your computer will work faster and use less resources this way. ------------------------------------------------------------To ADD a program to Startup: Windows 7: Find file you want to add to Startup, Right Click on it and send shortcut to Desktop. Now go to: Start button, All programs, Right Click Startup, click on Open and drag the shortcut into Startup folder.

Windows 8.1: To find the USER name, do Win X on keyboard, click File Explorer, click C drive, click USERS and there it is. Find file you want to add to Startup, Right Click on it and send shortcut to Desktop. C:\Users\(USERNAME)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

My user name was Joe, I put that in without the (), Highlight the link did Control C, on keyboard do Win X, left click on run and Control V and hit OK Now go to Desktop and drag shortcut of the file into this folder --------------------------------

Now go to Desktop and drag shortcut of the file into this folder. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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3 PCs Windows XP 10 25 01 Windows Vista 1 31 07 Windows 7 10 22 09 Windows 8 10 15 12 Windows 9 ----------------------------------------

RAM 64 MB 512 MB 2 GB 2 GB

Space 1.5 GB 20 GB 16 GB 20 GB

Processor Upgrade 233 MHz $100 800 MHz $110 1 GHz $130 1 GHz $92.50

Drivers are mini-programs (instructions) that tell your computer how to use its hardware (like printers, scanners, etc.) ======================= OOPS!! If you clicked on the wrong thing, move the cursor to a blank spot and let it go and nothing will happen. ======================= In Windows 7: To get to the Send to folder, paste in the following in the Start Search Box. %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo Let's say you wanted to add Notepad to the Send To menu. In the Start Search box type in Notepad, then RIGHT click on it, left click on Send to: Desktop (create shortcut) now drag the Notepad shortcut to the Send to Folder. While there you may want to delete some items, just highlight it and hit the delete key on the keyboard. MORE SEND TO OPTIONS: In Windows 7 hold the Shift key down when you right-click a file or folder you'll get about 20 options instead of 7. -----------------Windows Defender Offline (This is a scan and is a different program than the Windows Defender Antivirus.) It is a Recovery tool that can help you start an infected PC and perform an offline scan to help identify and remove root kits and other advanced malware. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/what-is-windowsdefender-offline ---------------------------------------How to disable show desktop icon next to Time/Date in Windows 7 1. Right-click an empty space on the Taskbar then click on Properties. 2. Click on Taskbar tab. 3. Near the bottom, uncheck the box for Use Aero Peek to preview the desktop. Hit OK. ---------------------------------------Windows 8.1 apps will auto-update, Windows 8 will not. ---------------------------------------From Art Herman: EACH FLOWER WAS FILMED FOR TWO DAYS/ The Dance of The Flowers http://player.vimeo.com/video/27920977?title=0&%3bbyline=0&%3 bportrait=0href= ---------------------------------------From Myra Engles: How to fail at Golf. http://www.safeshare.tv/w/lNQxKkFRoZ ---------------------------------------What a Handsome Class. (older photos) like you didn't know.

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9 9 14 Control Panel, Fix It, Bing Desktop, Latest Win 8.1 Tips.

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Our Windows 7, and 8.1, Workshop will meet Tuesday September 9 at 7 pm. After class questions we will demo the following 4 items.

1. Control Panel. 2 Views of the Windows 7 Control Panel, the Default view of the is by Category. (Shown Below)

Up on the Right, click on the Down Arrow by Category and click on Small Icons and get the display below or click on Large Icons.

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2. Fix it. The next time you have trouble you might want to try Fix it. Download: http://support.microsoft.com/fixit/ http://support.microsoft.com/fixit/

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You click on the Icon you are having trouble with and it ask you; "What are you trying to do?", and gives several options. Once you select an option it will give you several solutions to try.

The best solutions have a Run Now in Green. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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This is the Bing Desktop. (For Windows 7, 8.1, and VISTA)

You can search the web with Bing. Under that, the first Icon is WALLPAPER, then WEATHER, TOP NEWS, and IMAGES Download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35844

To configure the Weather: click on the second icon, over to the right click on Options, under Add a location type in an area code like 40505, then click on the Magnifying glass, now click on the city to highlight it, then click on the + sign. If you wish to remove a city, on the right, highlight it and click on the – Sign.

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4. 5 Things you need to know about WINDOWS 8.1: Big Easy Tip on Saving your email messages. Big Easy Tip on Send to: Bring a friend and share the knowledge.

Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ========================================

Q. My speaker symbol is not there. A. Go to Control Panel and click on Notification Area Icons

Now click on the down arrow across from Volume, and select what is shown above. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 To: Joe Isaac Subject: Handy Information Hey Joe, just finished reading the e-edition of newspaper when your handyman email came in, what a treat to find out so many useful hints. Thanks and you have a good day, you help each of us so very much. God Bless You -------------------------------Joe, I agree completely! Even better than jokes! This is a wealth of information. Hope you are doing okay. You are in my prayers. Blessings, -------------------------------Thanks for the ideas . I esp. want to try the corn idea. Thinking of you Joe. -------------------------------Great ideas! Thank you! -------------------------------Great Joe, thanks... ====================================

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Lesson 1: What Is It and Why Does It Matter? Lesson 2: Making the Start Screen Fit Your Needs Lesson 3: Personalizing Your Start Screen Lesson 4: Using the Windows Store and Windows Store Apps Lesson 5: Working with PC Settings Lesson 6: Working with Accounts and Exploring Sync Settings Lesson 7: Search, Apps, and Search Some More Lesson 8: The Rest of the Settings Lesson 9: Using the WIN+X Menu for Essential Administration Lesson 10: The Rest of Windows 8.1 -------------------------------From Myra Engle: Bananas http://www.youtube.com/embed/_l7sak6Vlq8?rel=0 --------------------------------

Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 Subject: Help!! Joe, Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Q. I am looking for a file that I believe you gave us. . .it is a video of a young woman and young man doing the boogie woogie to piano music played by a man. I thought I had put it on my hard drive, but cannot find it. If you know the one I am referring to and can send it to me, I surely would be grateful.

A. "Dancin' The Boogie" - by Silvan Zingg Boogie Woogie Piano Will & Maéva Dancers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QQzbCmlZM4 My favorite, I play it a lot. They are the best I’ve seen. --------------------------------

Response: That’s it!! Thanks so much. I agree with your assessment of them, and it is my favorite, too. --------------------------------------------------------------RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory. This is the part of your computer that holds the programs that you're actually running right now, such as the operating system, your word processor (if you're running it), your email program (again, if you're running your email program) and so on. It also holds the data that's being worked on right now, such as the document that's currently shown in your word processor or the email that you're typing up. Computers these days typically have somewhere between two to eight gigabytes (two to eight billion bytes) of RAM. What's important is that when you turn the computer off or if it crashes – poof – anything stored in RAM is gone. -------------------------------Good MD.COM web site if you want to check your health symptoms. https://www.md.com/symptoms

--------------------------------------------Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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To: Joe Isaac Subject: question

Q. Dear Joe, I have XP still. A note keeps popping up that I need to download drivers. I followed the lead which told me I had "15 missing or outdated drivers" but then wanted me to pay for them... So my question is-Is this something I need to do or is someone just trying to sell me something?? Thanks so much for your help.

A. Sounds like someone is just trying to sell you something. Microsoft is no longer updating XP, they have abandon it, and you may get viruses and malware. This is only a suggestion, but you may want to think about a new Windows 8.1 computer. You will find a world of difference in speed, color, Internet and etc. also your XP could conk out anytime. You get a lot more for you money now that when you bought XP

SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR NEW Windows 8.1 Computer. Be sure it has Windows 8.1 on it and not just Windows 8 Latest generation Intel core i3, i5, i7 processor or AMD equivalent Memory 6 to 8GB DDR3 Ports: USB3 and USB2 (USB3 is 10 times faster than USB2) Hard Drive 500GB or 1TB and/or 256GB Solid-State Hard Drive (SSD) This is an expensive option but the speed is fantastic. (but the speed of your new computer is going to be a lot faster than your old one.) Built in Webcam if a Laptop. LCD Monitor: 15.6" or 17” for a Laptop, for a Desktop 24". DVD-RW Drive To burn CD's or DVD's. Digital Media Reader: For your Digital Camera me Be patient with Windows 8.1 Please go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf and click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Take you time, it has a lot of useful information. Call me at 299 6464 if you wish. Response: I appreciate all your advice and recommendations.



Another Windows class at the UK Equine Center Jim McCormick photos: Much better photo, can recognize several classmates. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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9 9 14 Control Panel, Fix It, Bing Desktop, Latest Win 8.1 TIPS Review Dear Classmates, Thank you very much for your questions, answers, and attendance. Thanks to all the classmates who helped me. There is a lot of information in this email, it should make your computing easier and more informative.

Take care, Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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Joe Isaac ======================= From Myra Engle: You may remember Gonzales Gonzales from John Wayne movies. He provided comedy in Rio Bravo, Hellfighters, and other John Wayne movies. Here is where he got his start as an actor when he appeared as a contestant on 'You Bet Your Life'. Now this is truly funny. Groucho takes advantage of the situation based upon the audience laughter. John Wayne saw the event and put him in his movies. This interview will bring a smile to your face. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/funny-mexican-guy-with-grouchomarx#.UfVbmBN44QQ.email -------------------------------Back up your emails: WILL DEMO! This is a good way to back up WINDOWS LIVE MAIL or most any email program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sne017qhWeQ&feature=player _embedded I have so many emails I made a folder for each folder I have like: Inbox, Sent, Family, Computer, Misc. on the Desktop then drag them into the main folder MAIL BACKUP. Works like a charm. Will save them on a thumb drive and take them off my Desktop. So relieved it was so simple. --------------------------------

SEND TO: GREAT TIP, WILL DEMO Holding down the Shift key as you right-click a file or folder, then left click Send to and it will add an absolute ton of new folder locations to the basic Send to menu. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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-------------------------------In Internet Explorer go to a web site, you have to be on a web site or it will not work, in the upper right click on the Gear, click on Zoom, I set mine at 150% so I can read it better. -------------------------------To make the text on your screen larger: In Windows 7 and 8.1, right-click on your desktop and click Screen Resolution. Then click on Make Text and other items larger or smaller. Then select: Smaller, Medium, Larger. ---------------------------------------Window 8.1 with benefits 1. Click on WKYT icon, http://www.wkyt.com/ for all the news. then at the top click on Sky Cams, then Downtown Centre Pointe Construction, then Triangle Park and Farmers Market on Saturday. 2. Click on the weather icon or Tile and check the daily weather then click on the weather map and actual see the rain clouds moving in. 3. Click on News icon or Tile, read items that are interesting, Then Right click the screen and at the top click on Topics, I added topics of Microsoft, Windows 8.1, and Lexington Herald Leader. Soon I will add UK Basketball. 4. Two of my favorite tips: If in Start I hit Enter and Tile in upper left corner will open, the Desktop tile is usually there. If in the Desktop I hit the Windows key on the keyboard to go to Start. =================================== DLL is an acronym for dynamic link library. A library, in computer terms, is a collection of software that can be re-used by other software. An example might be a small bit of software that converts text from upper to lower case. By providing that in library form then any program that wishes to can use that software, rather than having to re-invent it. --------------------------------

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A. Control Panel. 2 Views of the Windows 7 Control Panel, the Default view of the is by Category. (Shown Below)

Up on the Right, click on the Down Arrow by Category and click on Small Icons and get the display below or click on Large Icons.

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To review the items below, go to Start, Control Panel and click on the items.

2. Click on Default Programs then click on Set your default programs Click a program on the left, on the bottom right bottom, Set this program as default. then click on Choose defaults for this program. Click OK At the top click on the left arrow, and click on Associate a file type with a program. On the left side you'll find file extensions like .doc or .jpg. Some times when you install a new photo program like Google's Picasa 3, or Microsoft's Photo Story 3, it will make their program open the .jpg file instead of the one you had, like Windows Photo Gallery. At the top click on the left arrow, Click on Change AutoPlay settings: This program allows you to choose which programs will open when you put an a disk in your D drive, like an Audio CD, a DVD movie, Blank CD, etc.

3. Click on Device Manager. This will show your computer hardware, click on the arrow to the left of the item, then Right click the sub item and it will give you the options.

4. Click on Folder Options: A. Under the General Tab at the bottom select: 1. Single Click to open an item. 2. Under line icon titles only when I point at them. B. Under the View Tab uncheck: Hide extensions for known file types. Then click OK. THE ABSOLUTE BEST WAY TO VIEW YOUR FILES: RIGHT click the Start button, left click Open Windows Explorer, Right click an empty space on the screen, click on VIEW and Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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select DETAILS this will show the name of the file, size, type, and date modified. ===============================

5. Click on Mouse From here you may check your Double-Click speed, your mouse pointer, Pointer Options, and Wheel options.

6. Click on Programs and features. At the top with these headings are: Name, Publisher, Installed on, Size, Version. If these headings are not there Right click on Name and select. Now this is what I use most in trying to find a program. If you left click Name it will put the programs in alphabetically order, click again and it will put them in reverse alphabetically order. If you left click Installed On it will put the programs in chronological order, click again and it will do the reverse.

7. Click on Taskbar and Start Menu Under the Taskbar tab the options are Lock the taskbar, Auto-hide the taskbar, etc.. Under the Start Menu tab the options are, Customize: at the bottom, select Number of recent programs to display and Number of recent items to display in Jump Lists, Power button action, and etc.. ======================================== Other Control Panel items.

8. Click on Notification Area Icons From this program you can select the icons you want on the Right side of the Taskbar, or at the bottom is the option: Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar.

9. Click on Personalization. Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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If you want to change the Desktop background and other theme features, click on one of these, but first if the theme you are using is not there then right click on it and save it so you can go back to it later. ON the left side are many options including: Change your account picture

10. Click on Power Options: On the line, Balanced (recommended), click on Change plan settings I have mine set for: Turn off the display 10 minutes, computer to sleep 15 minutes.

Put the

Please do not use a Screen Saver, it uses electricity and shortens the life of your monitor. Please use the Power Options. ========================================

B. Fix it. The next time you have trouble you might want to try Fix it. Download: http://support.microsoft.com/fixit/

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You click on the Icon you are having trouble with and it ask you; "What are you trying to do?", and gives several options. Once you select an option it will give you several solutions to try.

The best solutions have a Run Now in Green. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This is the Bing Desktop. (For Windows 7, 8, XP, and VISTA)

You can search the web with Bing. Under that, the first Icon is the Weather, then News, Trending Stories, Images, Videos, Facebook. Huge amount of information with the Bing Desktop Download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35844

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To configure the Weather: click on the first icon, over to the right click on Options, under Add a location type in an area code like 40505, then click on the Magnifying glass, now click on the city to highlight it, then click on the + sign. If you wish to remove a city, on the right, highlight it and click on the – Sign. ======================================== Left click the Start Button and you will get either the Tiles or Desktop, Right click and you will get this Win-X Menu. THIS IS A MAIN MENU YOU WILL USE OVER AND OVER.

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You can Shut down, Restart, and Sleep. ---------------------------------------If you want to bypass the TILES and go direct to the Desktop then Right click the Taskbar, left click Properties, the tab Navigation, and check: Go to the Desktop instead of Start when I sign in ----------------------------------------

4. Search: (Win + F) While looking at the TILES: Start typing Harry James, Marilyn Monroe, Glenn Miller, etc. in the Search blank and you get music, videos, images, etc.. you will be amazed.

You can click on the down arrow and select; Everywhere, Settings, Files, Web Images, Web videos.

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5. The Photos app: I PREFER USING Windows Live Photo Gallery program.)

6. MAIL: I prefer using my Windows Live Mail program. 7. Internet Explorer 11: To pin a web site to Start, IE 11 must be your default browser. From the TILES only click on IE 11, go to the site, at the bottom RIGHT click on the Star, now click on the Pin, then click on Pin to Start. ======================================= Golden Oldies: From Ted Mellinger: Too Funny "If My Nose Was Running Money" By Aaron Wilburn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egCeIwjIuZM To insert these symbols, place your cursor where you want the symbol, then hold the ALT key while entering the number using the keypad on the right side of the keyboard. It works most of the time. 167 º degree 0162 ¢ cents 246 ÷ divided by =============================== From: Chris Hillenmeyer Scary isn't it? Mother of all Clocks http://www.usdebtclock.org/ -----------------Q. I'm using the Snipping Tool to remove a lot of photos off a power point presentation, I'm getting tired of typing in Snipping Tool in the Start box every time. A. Type Snipping Tool in the Start box, at the top, RIGHT click on Snipping Tool and select Pin to Taskbar or Pin to Start Menu. ---------------------------------------From Myra Engle: This is worth the 'trip'. "Outstanding" Joe. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=KcuDdPo0WZk ---------------------------------------Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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To watch games on espn3: They keep the games on line about a week. www.espn3.com/ Under the photo, Click on Replay. Scroll down and you'll find The games are listed by Date and Time. ========================================

Quick and easy bread clip tricks http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=frQe 4oEEfno#t=0 ---------------------------------------From Debbie and Orville Beckett: GERMAN WONDERLAND - AMAZING https://www.youtube.com/embed/ACkmg3Y64_s?rel -------------------------------From Carl Peter: FANTASTIC WOW, Macau, China http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=uI2kO4qTi80&vq=mediu m -------------------------------From Myra Engle: 1.The Royal Guard Embarrassing Moments.... http://www.youtube.com/embed/JrsnrirxRNE?rel=0 2.Cameron Airshow 2014 http://vimeo.com/100670266 3. This really is excellent and worth the 2-minute look! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10203900770857211 --------------------------------

Hidden images of the natural world. Fascinating: https://www.youtube.com/embed/FiZqn6fV-4Y Another interesting web site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXDMoiEkyuQ&src_vid=FiZqn 6fV-4Y&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_3179683611 Control Panel, Bing, Belarc Advisor, YouTube

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10 14 14 Windows 10, IE11, & Chrome, * Dear Classmates, I downloaded Windows Technical Preview (which is the raw Windows 10 in progress) October 1, and am using it every day. Will give full demonstration of the Fantastic features coming with Windows 10. Cortana (like Siri) and Internet Explorer 12 and more will be added later. They have a section called Windows Feedback, so if you have any suggestions on improving Windows operating system, please send them to me in an email.

This is my Start menu screen in Windows 10 It has a Search Bar and combines Windows 7 Start button, but vastly improved and Start Screen. You may customize both, which I did. I love it. --------------------------------

2014-15 U K MEN’S BACKETBALL SCHEDULE AND ROSTER will be attached to my regular email. I print it out, and would not watch a game without it. For regular updates email Gene Wheeler: [emailprotected] Gene did a lot of work compiling all this data.

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At our meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 7pm, after class questions, We will Demo Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11 and Google Chrome. -------------------------------Will demo Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 7 and 8.1 Desktop


We are going to demo Internet Options in Internet Explorer 11 including: 1. Text Size, Menu Bar, and Status Bar 2. Home Page. 3. Privacy including Pop-up Blocker 4. Content: Auto Complete 5. Advanced: Disable script debugging….

Will demo Google Chrome including: 1. Bookmarks 2. History 3. Settings 4. Advanced Settings. 5. Autofill 100 Learning Web Sites

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6. About Google Chrome ========================================

What version of IE do you have? In the upper right of Internet Explorer, you’ll see an icon that looks like a gear. Click on that, then click on About Internet Explorer.

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-------------------------------In Chrome, click on the icon on the far right and select About Google Chrome.

Happy Computing, Joe Isaac ======================= Keyboard Shortcuts That Work in All Web Browsers Ctrl+9 – Switch to the last tab. Ctrl+Tab – Switch to the next tab Ctrl+Shift+T – Reopen the last closed tab. 100 Learning Web Sites

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Ctrl+T – Open a new tab. Ctrl+N – Open a new browser window. Alt+F4 – Close the current window. (Works in all applications.) F5 – Reload. Escape – Stop. Alt+Home – Open homepage. ======================================== Zooming Ctrl + Spin mouse wheel – Zoom in. Ctrl + Spin mouse wheel — Zoom out. F11 – Full-screen mode. Scrolling Page Down – Scroll down a frame. Page Up – Scroll up a frame. Home – Top of page. End – Bottom of page. History & Bookmarks Ctrl + H – Open the browsing history. Ctrl + D – Bookmark the current website. Ctrl + P – Print the current page. ======================================== For those with new Windows 8.1 computers please go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf And click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS .. ---------------------------------------Q. In Windows 8.1, how do I find the pie chart that shows the area of the C drive that contains data and the area that is available? A. Right click the lower left corner of the screen, left click File Explorer, Right click C: Drive, left click Properties ----------------------------------------

SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR NEW Windows 9 Computer. I would wait for a Windows 9 computer. 100 Learning Web Sites

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Latest generation Intel core i3 and i5 Processor or AMD equivalent Memory 4 to 8GB DDR3 Ports: USB3 and USB2 (USB3 is up to 10 times faster.) Hard Drive 500GB or 1TB and/or 256GB Solid-State Hard Drive (SSD) faster than a speeding bullet. Built in Webcam if a Laptop. LCD Monitor: 15.6" or more for a Laptop, for a Desktop 24". DVD-RW Drive To burn CD's or DVD's. Digital Media Reader: For your Digital Camera memory card. ---------------------------------------If you need some good tips for Windows 10 or 8.1 go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf and click on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 TIPS ---------------------------------------Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Subject: DropCam

Thank-you so much for giving me one more way to gobble up my time at the computer!!! This, with Face Book and everything you can explore on the internet it’s amazing that I get anything done. So thanks again! All sarcasm aside, thank you for all the valuable information that you give us each month. I always learn so much when I come to your Windows class. Your wealth of information amazes me each time. -------------------------------Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The class was great last night, take care God Bless You -------------------------------Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Subject: Re: WINDOWS CLASS LAST NIGHT

I have just read your email about last night's class and am doubly sorry I could not be there (both of us are under the weather). Of course I learned, and was reminded of, a lot by reading, but I enjoy actually being at your class and leave with enthusiasm and excitement. Thank you for what you do for all of us. 100 Learning Web Sites

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At our last Windows class, a classmate was having trouble with Windows Live Mail. It was discussed in class with no solution. The next day I emailed the classmate: On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 Joe Isaac wrote:

Please try System Restore to a date when your email was working OK.

Go to Control Panel, click on Recovery, Open System Restore (When you computers starts screwing up, first, restart it and if that does not fix it, use System Restore, go back a few days when your computer was working OK and restore to that date.) This does not affect your documents or email, etc., only your system files, etc.. Restore points are automatically created every time you download Windows updates. Response: Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Subject: Re: System Restore Thanks, Joe. That worked fine. I don't know what happened to cause the problem but it was a pain.

-------------------------------Q. Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 Subject: RE: WINDOWS CLASS LAST NIGHT

In past few months the amount of advertising junk as grown exponentially. I guess I get about 50 to 70 messages a day and close to 50% are advertising. I put them in Junk, (Block Sender) must about half of them continue to appear. I have *(I think) increased my Spam level rejection but not much difference. Any thoughts for how I can solve the problem or where to find some answers? Many thanks. A. I tell you what I do. I go to the bottom of each spam and click on unsubscribe and this gets rid of 98% of them. Any left I do Block Sender. Hope you are having good weather in Montana. --------------------------------

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To install Windows Live Mail: Windows Essentials includes Windows Live Mail, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, etc.. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials You want Windows Live Mail only, so go slow, or they will install a lot of programs you do not want. You will get the screens below.

Click on Download now.

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click on Choose the programs you want to install.

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Click on Mail, then at the bottom click on Install. -------------------------------Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:12 PM To: Joe Isaac Somehow, I think have been dropped from your mailing list. If you can do it, I would appreciate you reinstating me. I value your postings greatly. I've been pretty busy lately, and haven't been able to attend CKCS meetings. I do hope to return to meetings ASAP. Thanks for your attention to getting me back on your list and all you do for this organization. My current address is -------------------------------Our President, Brooke Thomas, took these great photos.

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Surprise visit by Kenneth Tubaugh from the Microsoft Kiosk in Fayette Mall giving away T-shirts, wrist bands Flip drives, Free Apps etc.. also CKCS members will get a discount when trading there. --------------------------------

10 14 14 Windows 10, IE11, & Chrome Review* Dear Classmates,

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Window 7 is a great operating system. I really don't recommend you upgrade to Windows 8.1. When buying a new computer remember the finished version of Windows 10 will be out in early or mid-2015. Please do not download Windows Technical Preview. But if you must and want to gamble then be sure you read: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview-faq#faq=tab0 You will love Windows 10 it has combined the Windows 7 Start button with improvements, with the Start screen or TILES of Windows 8.1. I really like it. Happy computing, Joe Isaac ----------------------------------------

This is the new Start screen of Windows 10: 1. At the top left 100 Learning Web Sites

click on this button for Sleep, Shut Down, Restart. Joe's Tips and Reviews

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To the left of this Icon is probably your name, click on it and the options are: Change account picture, Lock, Sign out. 2. Just under that that is your customize Start Menu, to configure it Right click the Taskbar, left click Properties, click Start Menu, then click Customize. The default is just Documents and Pictures. I added Control Panel, Personal Folder, and This PC.

-------------------------------Under that is the frequently used items. 3. Under that is the Search blank similar to Window 7. Windows 10 Search will search: Your Computer, The Internet, an App in Windows Store and a portal to Bing. 100 Learning Web Sites

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4. Taskbar improvements: click on the Start button and you get the new Start Screen or the Windows 7 Screen. 5. The next item is an magnifying glass icon, click on it and get the Search blank and in addition, you get Recent searches plus Trending now items. 6. The next icon is 2 little rectangles, click on it and it will show what items are open. Or you can add another Desktop here, why anyone would need more than one Desktop I don't know. 7. At the end of the Taskbar you will find the usual Time and Date, but now for us Seniors, it also shows the Day. On the Right side of all of the above you have your Start menu or TILES that you can select, Resize, Pin or Unpin and turn Live tile on or off, if on it is active, on the Internet, and up to date. 8. The squat Start menu You can also resize the Start menu as you see fit, shrinking it down ‘til it’s squat or dragging it almost all the way up to the top of the screen. To make you Start screen larger, put your cursor on the top edge until the cursor turn into a double arrow and then left click and drag it up or down to make it larger or smaller. Sometime you have to do it a couple of times to make it work. It’ll automatically expand horizontally as you add more and more Live Tiles to the Start menu. Great web site for Windows 10 http://www.pcworld.com/article/2690852/windows-10-in-pictures-see-thetechnical-previews-new-features.html#tk.nl_pcwbest 9. One of the main changes is that when you click on a Tile to open it, it no longer fills the entire screen. It is in a window just like all the other items you open and it has the

, hold on there is more on the left side click on the 3 dots

and get this screen.

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10. If you want to have to items open side by side, then open one and do Win key + Right arrow, open the other one and Win key + Left arrow. Another way is to go to the top of the screen left click and drag and bang it against the Right side of the monitor, then do the same with the other item only drag it and bang it against the left side. Now to resize either of the above, put your cursor in between the 2 items and when it turns into a double arrow you can move it left or right to resize. You may also have 4 items open on the screen at one time but, that is not a good thing to do. =================================== From Mike Seiler: It is easier in Windows 10, the Snipping Tool works the same no matter whether you open an App from the Tile or a program installed on the desktop. You open the App, open the Snipping Tool, click on new in the Snipping Tool window, then you can snip what you want. From Bob Brown: Be sure to warn everyone that the test version of Windows 10 has very little security and should not be used for important business stuff. The security details will be implemented in the real release coming in a few months. =================================== From Gene Wheeler: BASKETBALL SPORT SITES SOME ARE CURRENT, MOST ARE FREEBIES, ENJOY AND FOLLOW THESE BY CHECKING ABOUT TWICE A WEEK. GO BIG BLUE!!! 100 Learning Web Sites

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1. www.UKathletics.com 2. www.kentuckysportsradio.com 3. www.aseaofblue.com 4. www.kentuckysports.com 5. http://ukrecruiting.bloginky.com 6. www.CoachCal.com 7. www.Kentucky.com 8. www.spams-ukwildcatbasketball.com 9. www.collegeRPI.com

-------------------------------To get rid of Control Click in WORD when clicking on a web site, open Word, click on File, Options, Advanced and uncheck Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A cookie is a small collection of data that is provided by a web page and downloaded by your browser and stored on your machine so the next time your browser requests a page from that same domain, the information is there. You do not have to fill in the information again. like your name, e-mail address, interests, login information etc.. To create a desktop shortcut to a web site: Left click on the icon in front of the http or www and drag it to the Desktop. If a site is secure the first part of its Web address will read https rather than http And a lock will show at the end of address. ---------------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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Open IE11: Configure IE11: At the top Right, RIGHT click the empty space on the left side of the Select Menu Bar ( File, Edit, View…), Status Bar, Google Toolbar. ----------------------------------------

At the top Right see these icons: House: left click it to go to your home page. Star: left click for Favorites, and History. Gear: left click for: Internet options.

1. Home Page has 3 options: 100 Learning Web Sites

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A. Type in the link like www.wkyt.com then click OK. B. To Use default. C. To Use blank (This is the one I use) I type in where I want to go. 2. Click Privacy, Turn on Pop-up blocker. If you want to allow Pop-ups from some sites, click the Settings button. 3. Click Content, Auto Complete Settings. (You really want to do this.) 4. Advanced: Disable script debugging….(do this if you get notices about debugging.) 5. Drag down a tab of a site you visit frequently and pin it to the taskbar. ---------------------------------------Use quotations marks " " to narrow search on the Internet. ---------------------------------------Open Google Chrome, on the upper right side, click on the 3 bars, scroll down and click on: 1. Bookmarks 2. History, great place to go back and click on an old web site. 3. Settings, you configure Chrome. 4. Advanced Settings, you find Autofill


Autofill Autofill Autofill


Tired of filling out web forms with the same information time and time again? The Autofill feature lets you complete forms with just one click. Your address information is stored in Internet Explorer 10 and Google Chrome 38. The first time you fill out a form, it automatically saves the contact information that you enter, like your name, address, phone number, or email address, as an Autofill entry. This is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'm on the Internet filling out a form, I type Joe and Autofill fills in my last name, address, phone number, email address, etc automatically. Saved lots of time and mistakes. 100 Learning Web Sites

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In Google Chrome: Open Google Chrome, on the upper right side, click on the 3 bars, Settings, show Advanced Settings, Scroll to Passwords and forms and check Enable Autofill to fill our web forms in a single click. https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/142893?p=settings_autofill&rd=1 ==================== From Myra Engle: You might want to save this web site. Whole BUNCH of search engines/sites: http://www.allmyfaves.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------Fantastic number of How to articles. http://www.howtogeek.com/tag/the-geek-blog/ ========================================

Windows 8.1 Left click the Start Button and you will get either the Tiles or Desktop, Right click and you will get this Win-X Menu.

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You can Shut down, Restart, and Sleep. You must install Hibernate it is not a default. ---------------------------------------If you want to bypass the TILES and go direct to the Desktop then Right click the Taskbar, left click Properties, the tab Navigation, and check: Go to the Desktop instead of Start when I sign in

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---------------------------------------WHY IS MY COMPUTER SO SLOW????

You wouldn't start your car with the windshield wipers, radio, heater, directional signals, horn, seat adjustment, interior lights, parking lights, headlights, cruise control, etc.. on. That is what is happening when some of you start up your computer. Way too many people have too many programs starting up, this slows down your computer by using your processor, motherboard, system memory (RAM), etc. 100 Learning Web Sites

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In Windows 7: Go to Start, in the search box type msconfig then hit Enter, at the top, click on Startup, now go down through this list and uncheck programs that you do not want to start up everytime you turn on your computer, you can always start these programs when you need them by typing their name in the Start Search Box.

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As you can see, I could have a hundred items starting up. When you finish you should have no more that 2 or 3 boxes checked. If there, be sure your antivirus program and any Microsoft items are checked. If you have any doubt about an item, you can Google it. Don't be afraid to uncheck items, you can always go back and put the check mark back in. ----------------------------------------

In Windows 8.1: RIGHT click an empty space on the Taskbar, click Task Manager, Startup, and RIGHT click on disable any programs you do not want to start when you turn on your computer. If you want to use the program, just click on them Manually. Your computer will work faster and use less resources this way.

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This is my Task Manager.


In Google Chrome, click the three-lined icon in the upper right corner and select Settings. To remove unwanted toolbars and plug-ins, select the Extension link on the left. Find the unwanted programs and click on the trashcan to get rid of them. ---------------------------------------From Carl Peter: Maybe you have already seen this? Have a box of Kleenex close-by!!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/embed/9FCxuVSkT7k -------------------------------Clint Eastwood Shootouts: Shows all his pictures where he shoots the bad guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaJwgHYOaQk -------------------------------Middle school team pulls off trick play called 'The Ugly Kardashian' http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/missouri-middle-schooltrick-play-142548586.html

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11 11 14 Internet Safety, Windows 8.1, and Joe's Tips*

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Dear Classmates, Tuesday, November 11 at 7 pm at CKCS we will Demo: 1. Internet Safety. 2. Mouse Options. 3. Crash course on Windows 8.1 + Camera. 4. The best way to explore and enjoy the items on Joe's Tips CD, Fantastic Photos, Beautiful Scenes, Songs, Really Funny Jokes, "Entertaining" web sites and "Learning" web sites. 5. BUYING and CONFIGURING A NEW COMPUTER and Windows 8.1 TIPS. 6. Questions on Windows 10. Remember to err is human, to really screw up you need a Computer. Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ---------------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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Microsoft Stopped selling retail box copies Windows 7 And Windows 8 October 31. There will be retail box sales of Windows 8.1. Windows 10 may be out mid or late 2015 and it will be a humdinger. -------------------------------These are still great downloads: Download and install Windows Essentials, which includes Photo Gallery, Mail, Movie Maker, Writer, Family Safety, Bing Bar, and Microsoft Silverlight (helps with Multimedia content on the Internet.) I downloaded the ones in Blue. When downloading be sure to click on; Choose the programs you want. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials --------------------------------------------------------------To wrap text around a photo: courtesy Jerry Heaton Right Click on the photo, click on Format Picture, Layout, Square. Left click and drag photo into the text left or right. -----------------By Default, Windows 7, 8.1 automatically synchronizes the computer time with an Internet Time server once a week. -----------------What's the Windows "Registry?" The registry is used to store system and program settings. (configurations). Say you set a font it will make an entry into the registry. Next time you run the program, it brings up that font. ====================================== QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Q. Do you accept any and all Microsoft Windows Update automatically to your computer? A. Yes to All the Important Updates. Not too many Optional Updates unless I am real sure I need them. -------------------------------------Windows 3.1 Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows XP 100 Learning Web Sites

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Windows Vista 1 31 07 Windows 7 10 22 09 Windows 8 Beta 5 21 12 Windows 8 10 26 12 Windows 8.1 Beta 6 26 13 Windows 8.1 10 18 13 Windows 10 Beta 11 1 14 -------------------------------------From Gene Wheeler: This site is loaded with information. http://www.refdesk.com/ ------------------

Windows 8.1 tips, tricks and secrets http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/windows-8-1-tipstricks-and-secrets-1188599 -------------------------

From Myra Engle: 100 Movie Quotes like Bond, James Bond. http://www.flixxy.com/100-movie-quotes-american-filminstitute.htm?utm_source=nl#.UcBYhJJm3nI.email -------------------------------Witty Quotes: http://www.curatedquotes.com/witty-quotes/ All kinds of Quotes: http://www.curatedquotes.com/ -------------------------------Q. Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 Subject: Help! Hi, Joe,

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Microsoft installed 8.1 last night (without my permission). Saw a ton of updates going through. Have adjusted and activated apps, reinstalled games, etc, but now my sound doesn't work. Last time this happened it occurred after a large group of updates. Couldn't get the sound back, so I finally just bought a Windows 7 laptop (Acer), but it has such a sensitive keyboard that just hovering fingers over the keys will cause rapid and strange things to happen, making it almost unusable. I went back to 8 after I remembered system restore (this was a couple of months ago). System restore's action activated the sound again, and all was well until 8.1 was installed yesterday. If I go to system restore again, will that invalidate any of the 8.1 downloads??? Pulling out my hair here! Any help will be appreciated. Thanks and best regards, A. Go to Control Panel, click on Sound and see if you can configure it to work. Right click the sound icon on the right side of your Taskbar and configure. Response: I've been living in the control panel and tried those things, but one report said there was NO driver. (That's when I emailed you.) After you wrote, I went back into Control Panel and went through the sound subjects again. Suddenly, the speaker icon reappeared and the sound was back. I don't have any explanation, but I sure am grateful. ................RE System Restore, from what I've read, you're right. It would have taken out 8.1, and I certainly didn't want to go there! Thanks so much for responding. Maybe my guardian angel woke up and waved some magic wand. Anyway, I'm happy again. Best, Me Glad you got it fixed. If Not, this morning I was going to go on the Internet to see if anyone had a solution. --------------------------------

Responses to the foreign Microsoft scam calls email I sent out. First off, thanks for all the Thank you Joe responses. Then other classmates had already had this call, some a long time ago. 100 Learning Web Sites

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I cannot believe that this is the first one of these you've received. We get them about once a week for the last few years. The easiest way to get rid of them is to tell them you have a Mac. They do t have an answer for that one. -------------------------------I get all sorts of telephone telemarketing call and I on the no call list I just hang up on them, Go figure . -------------------------------I have received several of these calls, and I yelled at them that this was a scam I knew about and even then they continued to talk to me. I just hung up. If I get another one of these, I will do the same thing. But I think they need people to yell at them. They deserve it for being crooks which is one of the things I called him. -------------------------------We have gotten dozens of these calls! My husband told one of them that he had just thrown his computer out the upstairs window so he didn't have to call any more! Ha ha -------------------------------I used to get these calls all the time... sometimes three per day. Finally I asked the caller where he was calling from (they always have a foreign accent). He admitted that he was in India. I told him that I knew he was a scammer and that the FBI was monitoring my phone line. I have not had any more calls from them since then (about a month ago). -------------------------------Thanks, Joe. I got one of these calls several months ago. The (foreign) guy said he was from Microsoft technical whatever and was calling because I was having difficulty with my computer (as it happened, I was). He wanted me to grant them access to my computer to fix the problem. I wasn't as quick or as smart as you. Though I was REALLY leery, the timing of the call at the moment I was having with problems Windows was eerily coincidental. Can't believe it, but I was wavering. Thankfully, Insight/TWC had done me a favor, because my wifi service had done its at-least-once-daily disconnect (another tale of irritation) and I didn't have Internet service, therefore there was no way they could connect with my computer. They said they would call back. Afterwards, I had time to come to my senses and check online for the scheme (when I got my wifi back). Of course it was a scam. When they did call back, I had some pretty strong words and suggestions for them. Got another call about a month ago; this time a foreign 100 Learning Web Sites

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woman. Repeated my strong retort to her as well. I didn't give her time to go into whether they wanted me to go to a web site or let them into my computer from wherever they are. Wonder how many people fall for this?! I still can't believe I was stupid enough to even consider the proposal for even a second. Frightens me, because I consider myself to be at least a little bit savvy, and yet I nearly bit on this one. Your response of asking for an email or a phone number was brilliant. Well, you are, and A+ for YOU! -------------------------------I also had this happen right before you helped us get our new computer. It was a foreign voice and he said he was calling to help with Windows, that he knew we were having problems. I thanked him for calling and hung up. There was a national report today on Good Morning America about this very thing. Thanks Joe! -------------------------------I'm still waiting for my million $ Raffle Ticket winning money from this same guy LOL -------------------------------Thanks, Joe. We have to be on our toes. -------------------------------I just received the call from “Microsoft” claiming that my computer needing fixing. They must be working the area. I told them that I knew it was a scam and good bye! They have not called back. Thanks for the warning. -------------------------------Thanks, Joe. Why can't everybody be honest????

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I sent this comment to WKYT. Just want to say you have a fantastic web page at http://www.wkyt.com/ The weather map and its options are great, so are the Sky Cams and all the other options. I visit it once or twice a day. Your IT man deserves a raise. Response: Joe, Thank you for taking the time to send the kind words in regards to our website. Tim Coles Digital Sales Manager WKYT-TV / WYMT-TV / The CW Lexington -------------------------------Enjoy ! Beautiful fall colors. http://www.boredpanda.com/before-and-after-autumn-photography/ -------------------------------======================================== 100 Learning Web Sites

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======================================== ======================================== 11 11 14 Internet Security, Windows 8.1, and Joe's Tips Review* Dear Classmates, This email contains a huge amount of information, please take your time and read the parts you wish to use. Big time information on: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ------------------

6 Hot Tips: 1. IE 11 and Chrome trick. If you are on a web site and run into a word or phrase you want to know more about, highlight it, Right click it and click on: Search ……. And it brings up several web sites. It is amazing. 2. IF YOU GET THIS WARNING: This actions can't be completed because the file is open in another program. Right click the file, hold the shift key down and left click Delete. 3. FIND A PERSON, Reverse Phone Lookup, Find a Business: http://411.info/ 4. FANTASTIC WAY TO VIEW FILES: While in the Documents or Pictures folder, at the top click on View, Preview Pane and Details. This way you can view the Documents or Pictures without opening the file. 5. RESIZE A PHOTO: GO TO PHOTO GALLERY:

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Under the Tab EDIT you may Auto Adjust, Crop, Get rid of Red eye, Retouch, Straighten, Adjust Color and Exposure. If you want more adjustment, click on Fine tune, and also use the slider. RIGHT CLICK on an individual photo and Rename or Resize it. 6. USB VOICE RECORDER FROM WORLDSTART. http://store.worldstart.com/product/9086 After this message, they received more Recorders. -------------------------------A GREAT FREE ANTIVIRUS Download Microsoft Security Essentials for Vista or Windows 7. It is a free antivirus that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. It is a great free antivirus, I have used it for years.

http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5201 You cannot run 2 antivirus. You must delete the old antivirus before you install the new one are they will fight each other and not work. If you need to know whether you have a 32 bit or 64 bit system, go to Control Panel and click on System and it will show you. PS Windows 8 comes with Windows Defender antivirus already installed. ===================================

Keeping your computer safe on the internet. (This works in Windows 7 and 8.1) Click on Control Panel, Action Center

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Click on the Security down arrow and check it out, then click on the Maintenance down arrow and check it out.

Make sure your computer has these safeguards. -------------------------------Use this only in an emergency: 100 Learning Web Sites

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While here you may click on Recovery, then Open System Restore in Windows 7, and 8.1. and go to a date when your computer was working OK. This does not affect Documents, Pictures, etc.. only .exe files. Like you installed a program and it screwed up your computer. ----------------------------------------

If you wish to run a Scan, Update, History, and Settings: Windows 7, left click on the green castle with the flag on the right side of the Taskbar. Then click on Open. On the Right are Scan options Windows 8.1, While in Start (TILES), type Windows Defender, then left click the Windows Defender Icon. OR go to Control Panel and click on Windows Defender. This same screen is on Windows 7, Windows Security Essentials and Windows 8.1, Windows Defender. (Windows Defender and Security Essentials are kissing cousins.)

The first Scan I run is Full, after that I just run the Quick Scan. If my computer acts up or I think I may have picked up a virus, then I run the Full Scan. 100 Learning Web Sites

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---------------------------------------Please back up your documents, photos, email addresses, etc. to a flash drive monthly. Please don't open unknown attachments or click on unknown web sites. Windows Defender antivirus Comes Preinstalled In Windows 8.1 For the first time in the history of Windows, you’ll enjoy protection from viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, rootkits, and other malware from the very first day you turn on your Windows PC--without spending a cent. Windows 8.1 comes with an updated version of Windows Defender http://www.pcworld.com/article/255776/windows_8_security_whats_new.html#tk.nl_wvx_h_cbi ntro

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Crash course on Windows 8 to 8.1 1. Boot straight to the Desktop. Right click the Taskbar Left click Properties, at the top click Navigation put a check mark in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 8th blank. 2. You can have the same Wallpaper on Desktop and Start (TILES) 3. The 8.1 edition of Windows pins fewer apps to the Start screen by default, and has moved the location of the full apps list - you can now find it by clicking on the down arrow in the lower left corner. Click or tap the drop-down menu by the Apps heading to change how the items are sorted 4. Quicker shutdown: Windows 8.1 retains the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click in the bottom left-hand corner of the desktop also has Shutdown in upper Right Hand corner of Start screen. Also has a Search button there. 5. More options on the size of your Tiles: Large, Wide, Medium and Small. ===================================

The best way to explore and enjoy the items on the Tips CD: 100 Learning Web Sites

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1. Click on 1000 Fantastic Photos: Click on any item the color and beauty are fantastic. Also click on Animations 200, Open an email, click on Insert, Photo, then find one of these files and click on it. In the email it will be animated. Sample attached: 2. Click on 122 Sounds: Scroll down and click on Elvis singing America, then click on Firsiren. 3. In the main contents, scroll down and click on Johnny Carson, Dean, How the blonde thing got started. Computer Tips online http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf These are great, click on any one of them. 200 Entertaining Web Sites: 100 Learning Web Sites: 100 Questions and Answers. 100 Songs from YouTube BUYING and CONFIGURING A NEW COMPUTER. Go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf

and click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS ------------------------------If you have a new Windows 8.1 computer: go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf and click on Windows 8.1 Tips. ---------------------------------------From J T Mellinger: George Burns sings “I Wish I Was Eighteen Again” http://biggeekdad.com/2011/05/i-wish-i-was-eighteen-again/ -----------------Q. Do you know an easy way to print out your contact list? A. Open Windows Live Mail, at the lower left, click on the Contacts, at the top right click on Export, Comma Separated Value (.CSV), in the blank, type 11 12 14 100 Learning Web Sites

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email addresses, click on Browse, on the left click on Desktop, Save, Next, Finish. 2. To see your email addresses, Right Click on the file, click on Open With: WordPad. Now do Control P to print the file. 3. To Save a copy of your email addresses to a Flash Drive, Right Click on the file then click on Send To: Flash Drive, usually the E: Drive. ---------------------------------------Windows 8.1 - Pin Frequently Used Programs To Taskbar or Tiles. Go to Apps, Right click the program and select Pin to Taskbar, Pin to Start, or both. ---------------------------------------From Carl Peter: To bring some joy to your day… these pictures are magnificent. The Top 75 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2013 http://twistedsifter.com/2013/10/top-75-pictures-of-the-day-2013/ ---------------------------------------Windows 8.1 surprises: 25 hidden features and little extras This is tricky, on the left side of the first photo there is an arrow, Click on it for 28 tips and extras, on the right side of the photos are the explanations. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2058330/windows-8-1-surprises-25-hiddenfeatures-and-little-extras.html#tk.nl_win Windows 8.1 Automatically updates your apps. If you want to check it. Open Windows Store, Charms, Settings, App Updates. -------------------------

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Speed up a slow PC without buying new hardware http://www.pcworld.com/article/2058086/speed-up-a-slow-pc-without-buyingnew-hardware.html#tk.nl_today -------------------------

What are cookies? A cookie is a small text file that collect information like your online preferences, IP address, browser type, demographic data, sometimes your name and email address for verification purposes. -------------------------------

Just Click, instead of Control + Click. IN WORD 2007, Top Left, Click On the Office Button Icon, bottom click on Word Options, Advanced And Uncheck: Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink, then click OK. Now you just click on the hyperlink. IN WORD 2010, Top Left, Click On File, Options, Advanced And Uncheck: Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink, then click OK. Now you just click on the hyperlink. ------------------------------For those who do not have the Windows 8.1 Tiles for News, Weather, Sports, etc. this is the next best thing.

This is the Bing Desktop. (For Windows 7, 8.1, & 10

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You can search the web with Bing. Under that, the first Icon is the Weather, then News, Trending Stories, Images, Videos, Facebook. Huge amount of information with the Bing Desktop Download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35844

To configure the Weather: click on the first icon, over to the right click on Options, under Add a location type in an area code like 40505, then click on the Magnifying glass, now click on the city to highlight it, then click on the + sign. If you wish to remove a city, on the right, highlight it and click on the minus (–) Sign. -------------------------------My son J Isaac from Portland OR. Good Evening everyone, and thanks Dad I am going to take a few minutes and tell you about music streaming services. For those of you who like music, they are a wonderful, and inexpensive, or free, way of listening to your favorite music. A streaming service allows you to search for your favorite music, and create playlists that you can access at any time while you are on-line, or over your cell service on a smart phone. I am a big music fan. The number one streaming service is Spotify, others, including Rapsody, which is very popular. Tonight, I demo Spotify. First you have to register by going to their website at www.spotify.com .

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A large screen will appear asking you to try the premium service for free for 90 days. The premium service is virtually the same as the free service, but you hear a commercial on the free service every few songs. If you drop down below that, you can register for the free service without having to give credit card information. Once you have created your account, you can create playlists of your favorite songs, or store entire albums in your “MY Music”. The system will suggest other artists you might like based on your selections. You can send this list to your friends who are on Spotify. Another great website is Pandora, which allows you to create a “radio station” based on the music you like. This is fun because Pandora picks the music it thinks you will like, so you are not always listening to stuff you have picked, but it is music that you will probably like, perhaps artists you are not familiar with. For example, if you like Frank Sinatra, you can make a Frank Sinatra station, and it will play Sinatra and artists like him. There are thumbs up and thumbs down keys which you can use, and Pandora learns over time what you like and don’t like. Go to www.spotify.com Register for the free service or the premium service Select Search and type in any artist you would like to hear Select “Show all results” If choosing one song for a playlist Scroll down on left to “New Playlist, type in the name of the artist and then load the song To save an album, select the album, open it and click on the “Save” button at the top.

-------------------------------Q: Joe, I'm considering buying an external hard drive and using some software to back up my complete data and programs from my current computer. Do you have any recommendation on the software or the best way to do this? Thanks for your help. A: I will tell you what I do. I use to do this with an exterior hard drive. Now I use a thumb drive, or flash drive they come 16, 32, 64, 128 I use a 32 GB. I click on File Explorer in Windows 8.1, and Windows Explorer in Windows 7. I right click on Desktop, click on Send to: and click on the thumb drive and it copies that data. I do the same thing with Documents, Pictures, etc.. 100 Learning Web Sites

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You have to install Programs from your CD, DVD, etc.. I copy my data once a month. I also keep a copy in my safety deposit box at the bank, I do this one every 3 or 4 months, just to be on the safe side. Most computers have USB2 ports. Newer computer have both USB2 and USB3 ports. The 3 is 10 times faster. The 3.0, 32GB flash drive on sale cost $15, the 2.0 is close to that price. -------------------------------From Myra Engle: This is terrific! Thanksgiving Dinner Party… it's short and really hits home for many of us! http://www.youtube.com/embed/TX9EAavxrus ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

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12 9 14 Things to know* Announcement @1 From Frankie Harvener: VIRUS WARNING: You may receive an e-mail from UPS, Fed Ex, or USPS along with a packet number. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such-andsuch a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. 100 Learning Web Sites

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DON'T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! (I checked with Snopes it is real. Joe) http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/ups.asp -------------------------------Announcement @2 When I sent out the JOKES email, about 30 of them with a @insightbb.com address bounced. -------------------------------Dear Classmates. Tuesday December 9 at 7 pm at our Windows Class, after questions from our classmates, we will demo: 1. On the Desktop, View, Sort by, Refresh, New, and Personalize. 2. Dragging files and folders into a folder. Name all your files in one fell swoop. 3. Saving Photos and Documents to a CD, DVD. or Flash Drive. 4. Use both Internet Explorer and Chrome. 5. Please do not Defrag and Scan when it is not needed. It just wears out your computer.

6. How to use Programs and features to make it easier for you to find your programs. 100 Learning Web Sites

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7. Microsoft Word: Change your Font, Font Style, and Size. Also an easy way to find out what a word means. 8. Using the Snipping Tool. Greatest thing since sliced bread. 9. Where to go to find out about your RAM, HARD DRIVE, PROCESSOR CHIP??? 10. Tips on Windows 8.1. Attached is Gene Wheeler's UK Schedule. You may want to print this. Email [emailprotected] to be put on his email list. Kindest regards, Joe Isaac ========================================

Kentucky Wildcats Schedule - 2014-15 http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/team/schedule/_/id/96/kentucky-wildcats

------------------------------From Mira Engle: web site for UK Fans. www.spams-ukwildcatbasketball.com -------------------------------

Golden Oldies: From Wayne Bell & Gene Wheeler: Let me be your first Christmas wisher.

MERRY CHRISTMAS ! & All the Best in 2011 http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/preview/flash/bws8Shell_fps24.swf?ihost=http://ak.imgag. com/imgag&brandldrPath=/product/full/el/&cardNum=/product/full/ap/3166187/graphic1 ======================================== Ashland College in Ohio always does a beautiful Christmas card and this year they have done another one. This should get you into the Christmas Spirit. Make sure you have your speakers on and enjoy. http://ecard.ashland.edu/index.php?ecardYear=2004adm -----------------100 Learning Web Sites

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From: Suzanne Hurley MERRY CHRISTMAS: A Christmas Animation Move the Ornament from Less ------ to More and it will do the decorations. Also click on the icons to the Right of More for music, color and snow. http://www.powerpres.com/xmascard03.html ------------------------------------------------------------Q. Joe I just received your email and it is in color. I would like to print it in black rather than using color ink. Is there a quick fix? A. Go to File, Print, Preferences, and select Print Color Images in Black and White. ======================= Q: What is the difference between hibernate and sleep. A: Sleep stores your computer's state in its memory. Starting up is fast, but if power is lost, the memory is wiped. Hibernation stores everything on the hard drive and then shuts down the computer. But it isn't susceptible to a power failure. ---------------------------------Q. Joe, I have forgotten how to determine what Version of Internet Explorer I have installed. Can you help? A. Open Internet Explorer: at the top click on Help, then click on About Internet Explorer, and it will show you the version. This works for the version of any program you have. ------------------


Universal Serial Bus

USB 3.0 is 4.8 Mbps (10 times faster.) USB 2.0 is at 480 Mbps -----------------Q: When I drag and drop files, how do I know what is happening to them? Are they being moved, copied, or is Windows just creating a short cut? A: 1. " + " sign in a little white box, the file is being copied. 2. An arrow, Windows is creating a shortcut . 3. Nothing at all, the file is being moved. MP3 files are compressed Audio Files. 100 Learning Web Sites

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MP4 files are compressed Video Files ------------------

If you want a current list of Members Helping Members: http://www.ckcs.org/members/private/memhelpmem.html ---------------------------------BUYING A NEW COMPUTER?? Click on http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf Then click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS ..........you'll be glad you did. ======================================== Q. What type of anti-virus software do you recommend? A. I highly recommend Microsoft Security Essentials it provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/ I’ve been using since its Debut in January 25, 2010. Several people in my computer class have nothing but nice things to say about it. Window 8.1 comes with the anti-virus already installed, it is called Windows Defender, it is Microsoft Security Essentials kissing cousin. -------------------------------

SEE RED BELOW: Q. Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 To: 'Joe Isaac' Subject: Spam

Joe, I seem to be getting an enormous amount of spam (unwanted advertising) in recent months. Is there something I can do? At the bottom of the email click on UNSUBSCRIBE. In Windows Live Mail, your program may be similar. Click File, Options, Safety Options, then click on the Tab, Phishing, and configure then tab Security and configure. If you make it too strict you will not receive regular emails with attachments. 100 Learning Web Sites

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All the best and thanks for all the messages. ‘(I need all the help I can get out here in Montana.) Thanks, I’m using Outlook 2010, I’ll try it


For your Grandkids: JINGLE BELLS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2MFducncsg&feature=related SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWv72L4wgCc&feature=related SILENT NIGHT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T4WB2zfmps&feature=related -------------------------------

This brought tears to my eyes. Joe My father, Ed Bono, loved receiving your emails with tips and especially the JOKES :) He always printed them out and had me read them too. I hate to inform you in the manner but Dad passed away October 28th. So you can remove him from you mailing list. But I would like to thank you for the enjoyment you gave him all these years. THANK YOU Betty Verdon So sorry to hear about our classmate and your father Ed Bono. Our deepest sympathy. So glad he enjoyed the emails. Joe Bob Brown added this: 100 Learning Web Sites

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Ed Bono: I enjoyed sitting and talking with Ed. He had been all over the world and was a level-headed intelligent person who made conversation easy and fun. He was a good friend of CKCS and helped a lot of people Response: Thank you for sending this letter, it brought a smile to my face to know he was so highly thought of. Dad was a very lucky man who had a wonderful adventure filled life filled with a loving family and many special friends. Dad enjoyed spending time at the club either in classes, which again he printed out EVERYTHING to share with me, or "working" at the front desk. He was so proud of being a member and was so happy when he learned a new step or short cut. Thank you for sharing the attached letter and please let all involved with CKCS know that they were highly thought of by Dad. Thank You -------------------------------------------------------------------Android 5.0 "Lollipop" is the latest version of the Android mobile operating system developed by Google -------------------------------------------------------------------CPU is an acronym for Central Processing Unit, which is the chip that is often referred to as the "brain" of a computer. ----------------------------------

HP is breaking up into 2 units with $57 billion in revenue each. One company, will sell printers and PCs, The other will sell its data center products and services. -------------------------------------------------------------------From George Parrott: Interesting photos of Chicagoans during World War II. Many of our Parents and Grandparents worked in Defense Industries during the War. http://galleries.apps.chicagotribune.com/chi130320-arsenal-democracy-world-war-ii-pictures/#chi-arsenal20ladies-20080617 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. Hi Joe: I have a saved folder in my emails. At one time didn’t you show me a way to save the contents of this folder to a flash drive, so I could take it to my out of state computer ? ? ? ? Be thinking about this and we will talk tomorrow.

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A. Back up WINDOWS LIVE MAIL or most any email program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sne017qhWeQ&feature=player_embedded Make a folder on the Desktop, then highlight the emails and drag them into that folder. Works like a charm. Right click the folder and send to the thumb drive. --------------------------------

Q. Phone call 12 2 14: My printer acts like it is going to print but nothing happens. A. Go to Control Panel, Devices and Printers, Right click your printer, click Set as default printer. Response: That did it, it is working now. Thanks. -------------------------------Thank you Joe, I really appreciate the effort that you put into keeping us all up to date. Am looking forward to Windows 10 actual release. Hoping to replace my laptop, which weighs about 5 lbs., with something much lighter. -------------------------------------------------------------------======================================== ======================================== ========================================

12 9 14 Things to know Review Dear Classmates, Thanks for coming out such a cold night, great participation and questions. Kindest regards, Joe Isaac 100 Learning Web Sites

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======================================== Class Question: Lost my volume icon in the Taskbar. Go to Control Panel, click on Notifications Area Icons, click on the down arrow across from Volume and select Show icon and notification. ------------------------------From: Carl Peter: Hope you like this!!!! Don't you wish you were there!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/embed/Hom1k-ug1sQ ------------------------------Great Photos of downtown Lexington KY https://www.google.com/maps/@38.0494167,84.4946959,3a,75y,43.04h,90.53t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s_zI2t4ERtqGoBf 5CV_VI5Q!2e0 1. Background your favorite photo. If you wish to put a photo on your Desktop, RIGHT click the photo and click on Set as desktop background. While there, at the bottom left, click on Desktop Background and select, Fit, Fill, Center, Tile, Stretch. 2. Make your Desktop Icons look snazzy.

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Right Click the folder you want to change and choose Properties, Customize Tab, and select the Change Icon button. Find one you like, select it and choose OK. Click OK again. 3. Saving Photos and Documents to a Flash Drive, CD, or DVD: Right click documents or pictures. Click on Send to: then click on Flash drive, CD, DVD. I use this method once a month to back up my data. 4. Having trouble with Internet Explorer, went to Chrome. https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/ 5. Please do not Defrag and Scan when it is not needed. It just wears out your computer. Click on the little green castle icon on the right side of the Task Bar, then click Open, At the top click on the Settings 100 Learning Web Sites

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Tab and uncheck Run a scheduled scan……., then click on Save changes. 6. To check out an email address double click the email, Right click the senders name, if it is in your contacts it will say Edit Contact, if the sender is not in your contacts it will read Add Contact.

7. Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010: Highlight some text: Do shift key + F3 each time and you get: either: 1. First letter of each word in capital letters. 2. ALL CAPITAL LETTERS 3. all lower case letters. Using Word 2007 or 2010 to find out what a word means, Right Click the word, then click on Look UP.. or Synonyms. AutoCorrect: Left click File, Options, Proofing, Autocorrect Options: These are mine and it saves me a lot of typing. l = Left click, r = Right click, w = Windows, co = Control Panel, and c = Computer. 8. Using the Snipping Tool. Best thing since sliced bread. Go to Start, type snipping tool and hit Enter.

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Click on the down arrow next to New and click on rectangular and drag your mouse to box in what you want. Now open your document or email and do Control V and paste it in. Or click on File, and choose Send to email recipient, or Save as and save to Pictures. ---------------------------------------9. How much RAM, HARD DRIVE, PROCESSOR CHIP??? Go to Start, Control Panel, System, to find how much RAM and the size of your Processor. Go to Start, Computer, RIGHT click the C: Drive and click on Properties. In Windows 8x, Right click in the lower left corner, click on File Explorer, Right click on C: Drive, left click on Properties. 10. Can't shut a program down by clicking on the X. On the Keyboard do Alt + F4 If that doesn't work Right click the Taskbar, Left click Task Manager Right click offending program click End Task. While in the Task Manager at the top click on Startup and Right click the enabled program and select disable. You should have only 1 or 2 100 Learning Web Sites

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enabled files. The others you can startup when needed and not have them running every time you start your computer. Your computer will run faster. =================================== From Cloyd Raymond:

Sarducci's Five Minute University. (A lot of truth in this.) http://www.funnieststuff.net/viewmovie.php?id=1395 -----------------These marches will make you get up and go. United States Armed Forces Medley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnFGc5r9bJE When Johnny Comes Marching Home - U.S. Military Band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMJTycleWrc&feature=related THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5mmFPyDK_8&feature=related -----------------From: Chris Hillenmeyer: Subject: Rich Little He was TOP GUY at one time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78sSn3E_Vvc&feature=player_embe dded ---------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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Amazing Christmas display with 176 channels and 45,000 lights! The show is so popular that it requires a crew of 3 people to manage the traffic. http://www.flixxy.com/best-christmas-lights-display.htm -----------------2011 West Virginia University Marching Band Armed Forces Salute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjPmmCtHmfE

LESSON 1 ON WINDOW 8.1: TILES AND APPS This homemade video is a sample of Windows 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2u-VlzFjvI ---------------------------------------This is Windows 8 Start Screen Win 8.1 screen is much better. There is a time limit to upgrade to the Free Windows 8.1, upgrade takes 2 hours or more.

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======================================== From Art Herman: DURHAM, NC BRIDGE. This bridge is 11 foot 8 inches high. Apparently a lot of trucks don't believe the sign. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3c0_1351184890 ---------------------------------------The Best How-To Geek Articles About Microsoft Office http://www.howtogeek.com/129935/the-best-how-to-geek-articlesabout-microsoftoffice/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign= 021212 ---------------------------------------From Myra Engle Subject: SPEED PAINTING Quite a talent: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=829_1360099797 -----------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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HOT TIPS: 1. If you’re on the Metro Screen or TILES, just start typing what you want to find. Looking for Word? Start typing Word. Want the Control Panel? Start typing Control. Your search charm will pop open with the results and you can just tap or click on the icon to go there. -------------------------------

From Ted & Jane Mellinger: 5-star dining at a homeless shelter (You have to see this. Joe) http://devour.com/video/prank-it-fwd/ -------------------------------From Carl Peter: (You have got to watch this, Joe)

http://ftp.relevantmagazine.com/slices/wwi-christmas-ad-bestcommercial-youll-see-today -------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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To copy a web site to your Clipboard, hold down the Shift key, rightclick the in the address bar, select Copy. Now you can paste (Control + V) the Web site wherever you'd like. -------------------------------BIG TIP: Send to: Holding down the Shift key as you right-click a file or folder will add an absolute ton of new folder locations to the basic Send to menu. Tweaking the Send To menu What's that, you say? None of the stock Send to options offer the ability to shuffle your files to the locations you commonly use? Force the issue! First, create shortcuts to the folder locations you're like to add to the Send To menu by right-clicking them, then selecting Send to > Desktop (create shortcut). Once that's done, open Windows Explorer, then type shell:sendto in the location bar at the top, followed by Enter. You'll be brought to the location that holds your Send To options; just drag and drop in the shortcuts to the folders you want to add to the tool. My best keyboard action: Erase the past Control + Z. The keyboard shortcut undoes your last action, or last several actions. Add mouse-friendly checkboxes to icons View, Left click Item check boxes.

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Activating icon checkboxes lets you select multiple files to manage simultaneously, without having to hold down the Ctrl button as you click each one. Got a file or template you open often? Pin it to the Jump List by clicking the pin icon to the right of the file name in the Jump List itself. -------------------------------mal·ware: Software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. What is malware? Malware is short for "malicious software." Malware is any kind of unwanted software that is installed without your adequate consent. Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses are examples of malicious software that are often grouped together and referred to as malware. -------------------------------Microsoft Safety Scanner Do you think your PC has a virus? The Microsoft Safety Scanner is a free downloadable security tool that provides on-demand scanning and helps remove viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. It works with your existing antivirus software. Note: The Microsoft Safety Scanner expires 10 days after being downloaded. To rerun a scan with the latest anti-malware definitions, download and run the Microsoft Safety Scanner again. http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/en-us/default.aspx -------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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From Carl Peter: If you like fresh sausage, this video is for you. (This is fantastic, I laughed all the way thru it. Joe) https://www.youtube.com/embed/k1bG2EPGmI0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Early version of Cortana on Windows 10 leaked via video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA0Sk28TsP8 -------------------------------From Myra Engle: Click any date on calendar What Happened On This Day? January February 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29

March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

April 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30

7 14 21 28

May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

7 14 21 28

August 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

July 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 100 Learning Web Sites

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October 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31

7 14 21 28

November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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Entertaining Web Sites* Compiled from months of emails Please help me out, some of these web sites go bad, so please copy and paste them in an email to me so I can correct them. [emailprotected] -------------------------------

Grand Canyon views worth your time (click on a photo to start a breathtaking tour) https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=985&bih=501&q=grand+canyon&oq=grand+canyon&gs_l=img.12..0l10.4521.89 00.0.12197.

Furnished by D. Stans

Shag Dance winners – can you do this? http://www.youtube.com/embed/NF80SbicjBE?rel=0 Furnished by J. Miller

D-Day Beaches then and now, 70 years later. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/d-day-landing-sites-then-now-normandy-beaches-1944-70-years-later-1450286 Furnished by Harvey Shackelford

From Debbie and Orville Beckett: 100 Learning Web Sites

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GERMAN WONDERLAND - AMAZING https://www.youtube.com/embed/ACkmg3Y64_s?rel From Harvey Shackelford Great photos National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/embed/Hodomt6bBOw

From Carl Peter: You have never seen fireworks like this, I hope!!! Surprising shapes and designs!!! Enjoy!!!! Chinese fireworks........... http://www.youtube.com/embed/_LpMB1OZ53g?feature=player_detailpage%22% 20frameborder=%220%22%20allowfullscreen%3e%3c/iframe%3e&autoplay=1 Full Length Dubai New Year's Eve 2014 Guinness World Records Fireworks HD 1080p 3D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IchJ_2paHNs

From Jerry Heaton: 100 top movie scenes/ quotes http://www.flixxy.com/100-movie-quotes-american-filminstitute.htm?utm_source=nl#.UcBYhJJm3nI.email -------------------------------From Myra Engle: A sweet old lady is asked to say Grace at a gathering of "Seniors at Home" caregivers, and she brought down the house about 90 seconds into her prayer. Enjoy! http://stg.do/9i0c -------------------------------From Carl Peter: Lone Ranger, Very funny and well told! http://biggeekdad.com/2012/10/the-lone-ranger-story/

-------------------------------From Earl Crockett: Space Station This is probably one of the best videos I have ever seen of the space station...Click here: Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory - YouTube --------------------------------

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From Myra Engle: This is the coolest online jukebox ever! There have been some good ones in the past couple of years, but this one is absolutely THE BEST! http://www.1959bhsmustangs.com/VideoJukebox.htm# -------------------------------From Bob Isaac: These are pretty amazing considering they were taken over to 150 years ago: A compendium of photos from era of the War Between the States. Run the cursor over the photograph and the picture caption will pop up. Click photo and enlarge to read the rest of the caption. Or in large in the lower right corner http://www.mikelynaugh.com/VirtualCivilWar/New/Originals2/index.html -------------------------------From Myra Engle: This is the coolest online jukebox ever! There have been some good ones in the past couple of years, but this one is absolutely THE BEST! http://www.1959bhsmustangs.com/VideoJukebox.htm# -------------------------------From Myra Engle: Click any date on calendar

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July 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 100 Learning Web Sites

What Happened On This Day? February 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 May 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Joe's Tips and Reviews

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From Myra Engle: There will never be another like him! Jonathan Winters Stick


From: Carl Peter Sent: Friday, December 6, 2013 Hope you like this!!!! Don't you wish you were there!!!!!!! Subject: SUPER!!! http://www.youtube.com/embed/Hom1k-ug1sQ ------------------------------Great Photos of downtown Lexington KY https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d84.494687!3d38.049423!2m2!1f310.3!2f90!4f75!2m7!1e1!2m2!1sAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA!2e0!5m2!1sAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!2e0&fid=5 From Clinton Isaac: Our little earth in the total scheme of things http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-ultra-deep-field-3d.htm From Stan Johnson: 54 pages of photos, WW2, Air Planes!! http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&t=1 4428&finish=15&start=0 From Myra Engle: Washington, IL after the tornado http://galleries.apps.chicagotribune.com/chi-131118-aerial-view-of-tornadodamage-pictures/ From Gene Wheeler: Incredible Yellowstone National Park Wildlife [60 PICS] http://www.lovethesepics.com/2013/01/incredible-yellowstone-national-parkwildlife-60-pics/ 100 Learning Web Sites

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From Myra Engles: 100 Movie Quotes http://www.flixxy.com/100-movie-quotes-american-filminstitute.htm?utm_source=nl#.UcBYhJJm3nI.email

Juggler ---- This is hilarious! https://www.youtube.com/embed/n6mbW-jMtrY?rel=0 It's interesting to see what the Space Station looks like! http://www.youtube.com/embed/doN4t5NKW-k George Strait Take me back to Tulsa This song makes me happy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Mn3PP0LbM George Strait: 49 videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MawpV_DnQg&list=RD02k6Mn3PP0LbM From Kay Stivers The beauty of the world in which we live...enjoy... http://www.greatdanepro.com/Just%20Colors/index.htm From Carl Peter: Dehydrated baby chicks...$.25 Click here: #.UTwOkqWVdOQ From Don Cloyd: Cars, back to the Fifties https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=GDEn3i6g3qo Best of The Outlaw Josey Wales http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lB_yeIlDqs ---------------------------------------This is really cool try it! Click your mouse anywhere (& everywhere) on the page & see what happens! Better yet, click (hold down) & drag your mouse over the black page... flowers pop up all over the screen. http://www.procreo.jp/labo/flower_garden.swf ---------------------------------------YOUR FIRST CAR This is a web-site featuring the original factory brochures for nearly every 100 Learning Web Sites

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American car you have ever owned or dreamed about. Pick the manufacturer, the year and the model. http://www.lov2xlr8.no/broch1.html From Pat and Kitty Witt: Use the ocean as if you were there.... This is just marvelous. http://www.youtube.com/embed/mcbHKAWIk3I From Myra Engle: This is worth the 'trip' ("great web site", Joe) http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=KcuDdPo0WZk From Wanda Humphrey: Subject: Italian motorcycle drill team http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=UrLvYrKYVD8 USMC Silent Drill Platoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y90UPLLo6nY&NR=1 The Royal Guard of Norway - Sensational! http://sorisomail.com/email/16993/exibicao-de-banda-militar--um-espectaculoimperdivel.html From Frances Saindon: The Model T This is a wonderful video showing the first assembly lines at the original Ford auto plant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4KrIMZpwCY The Price Is Right. Will she go from audience member to millionaire? Watch and see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJw1rlmJ81U From Suzanne Hurley: Those of a certain age will particularly appreciate this song!!! This if funnnnny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yN-6PbqAPM ---------------------------------Watch these two fishermen get the surprise of a lifetime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBcu41pQqlg From Cloyd Raymond: Floating Prank. http://www.funnieststuff.net/viewmovie.php?id=1211 ------------------

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From Myra Engle: Fran and Marlo Cowan (married 62 years) playing impromptu recital together. He was 90 in February. http://sharing.mayoclinic.org/2009/04/07/mayo-clinic-music-fun/ ---------------------------------Apple Pickin' Time: CAN YOU GET 50% IN THE PAIL http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g2/applegame.htm What happened the year you were born?? http://www.infoplease.com/yearbyyear.html From outer space Worth seeing! http://dingo.care2.com/cards/flash/5409/galaxy.swf Noah's Ark ? FUN GAME http://milescooley.com/mc/ecards/cards/2 Find out square foot of your house. How many baths. Tax assessor's value, and a photo of your house. http://www.zillow.com/ BOOGIE THROUGH LIFE http://www.members.shaw.ca/grandmafaiths2/boogie.htm Disappearing Car Door - Very Cool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAtkoje4-eM Monkey Videos: http://www.trunkmonkey.com/content/view/44/51/ http://www.trunkmonkey.com/content/view/28/51/ Great British car commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV4q9joFuPY ZIPSKINNY interesting web site about where you live. http://zipskinny.com/ Burma Shave with the Statler Brothers: http://oldfortyfives.com/DYRT.htm No ordinary jukebox. http://www.tropicalglen.com/

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A prank on taste testers. http://www.funnieststuff.net/viewmovie.php?ad_key=QUYQYSKWIQJQ&tracking _id=921512&id=728 http://bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/ Identify trademarks of different products! FUN GAME. http://www.cramersweeney.com/smartmarketing.html Irish step dancing! GOOD. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaHmcCp77JE The Evolution of Dance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg America the Beautiful. http://llerrah.com/america.htm Flowers from all the States: http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=VE44709695 How hard is it to cancel AOL? http://youtube.com/watch?v=xmpDSBAh6RY Beautiful scenes of America. http://mybeautifulamerica.com/mybeautifulamerica.htm A very funny skit with Foster Brooks and Dean Martin. http://www.funnieststuff.net/viewmovie.php?ad_key=MMTTALFWTIAK&tracking_ id=825283&id=538 John Wayne narration Wonderful pictures. http://sagebrushpatriot.com/america.htm Portable outhouse!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ_F-JLpCro Happy Easter. http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=1484537522255&source=jl99 9 Funny Face. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tqJ-cKVa1I&feature=related Weird Eye:


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Click on the Bears and move your mouse cursor across the bears ---you do not have to click. Amazing how they do this!! http://www.nobodyhere.com/toren.hier Great Implosions: http://www.implosionworld.com/cinema.htm -----------------From Carl Peter: IF YOU'RE OVER 50 YEARS OLD, YOU WILL LOVE THIS! JUST CLICK ON THE ONE YOU WANT TO SEE. 2 JAMES DEAN: HIS FINAL TV APPEARANCE (1954) Rebellious trait obvious, James Dean talks about car racing and safety on Gig Young's show; Walks off set a mention of speeding; eerily, Dean was killed days later in a tragic car collision. ( Du Mont ) 3 ELVIS SINGS BLUE SUEDE SHOES (1956) THE WONDER OF YOU 4 A TRIBUTE TO ELVIS PRESLEY, THE KING OF ROCK & ROLL (1959-62) Hear Elvis' first #1 1957 hit for RCA, Heartbreak Hotel. 7 WESTINGHOUSE DEBUTS HI-TECH "ADVANCED TV" (1951) Show the kids hi-tech video blossoming before anyone heard of cable, satellite or HDTV. They may chuckle, The "one knob-no antenna-black matrix pix tube" had viewers in awe..but it was a technical disaster. (TVC) 9 ICONS I: WHAT MADE 50'S TV GOLDEN (COMPILATION, (1952-60) Art Carney, Rod Serling, Manicurist Madge, Ted Mack, Annette & Frankie, The Champs, Don Adams. It was Ted Mack's Amateur Hour that introduced Frank Sinatra, Connie Francis, Pat Boone. (UPI) 10 THE PATTI PAGE SHOW (1958) The Singin' Rage sings the immortal Tennessee Waltz. 11 BLOOPERS FROM THE HONEYMOONERS (1957-58) GREEN ACRES

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14 the original FAMILY AFFAIR (1966) Brian Keith & Sebastian Cabot 15 ALAN FREED'S BIG BEAT DANCE PARTY DANCERS (1959) 16 THE STEVE ALLEN SHOW (1957) Steverino's reading of Be Bop A Lula, 17 The Inventor Of TV Sketch Comedy ERNIE KOVACS (1954) 18 THE RED SKELTON SHOW (1959) Red as Clem Kaddiddlehoffer 20 FATHER KNOWS BEST (1953) Robert Young, Jane Wyatt, 23 : DANCES OF THE 1950's: THE HAND JIVE (1957) 24 GROUCHO MARX YOU BET YOUR LIFE (1959) Contestants: Then 11 year old Candice Bergen. 25 the original DRAGNET(1959) Jack Webb as Sgt. Joe Friday, 28 ABBOTT & COSTELLO:L WHO'S ON FIRST? 1951 REALLY THR ED SULLIVAN SHOW 29 MORE DANCES OF THE 1950's THE JITTERBUG 1958 30. THE HONEYMOONERS ...IN COLOR! 1969 31 THE ORIGINAL FLASH GORDON SERIAL theatres-1939; TV-1960's Buster Crabbe's Flash Gordon 32 Full Episode THE LONE RANGER 1955 Hi Ho, Silver! starring oft masked Clayton Moore. 38 SID CAESAR: YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS 1957 40 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN 1954 100 Learning Web Sites

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42 SPIKE JONES 1951 44. THE LIBERACE SHOW 1952 46 THE BIG VALLEY 1965 Barbara Stanwyck, Lee Majors 48 Mc HALE'S NAVY 1962 Before cracking up Harvey Korman, Tim Conway was sidekick to Ernest Borgnine) 49 HOPALONG CASSIDY 1952 starring William Boyd 51 FADS & FANCIES OF THE 50s & 60s The Hula Hoop 53 full episode THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW 1962 Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore 54 THE BEATLES FIRST TELEVISION APPEARANCE 1963. 55 BAT MASTERSON 1958

Gene Barry

62 THE ARTHUR GODFREY SHOW 1957 64 FIGHT CLASSIC: ROCKY MARCIANO vs. JERSEY JOE WALCOTT 1952 65 AND MORE GREAT ICONS OF THE 50's VOL III 1952-59 Richard Nixon's first scandal, John Wayne 's PSA, Marilyn Monroe's Motor Oil, Jimmy Durante's Schnozz, George Burns & Gracie Allen, Jack Benny & Dennis Day, Laurel & Hardy, Jackie & Art's "Hello, Ball!" 67 SATURDAY NIGHTLIVE~~ BEFORE SNL 1954-58 All Broadcast Live Sat Eves: The Bob Hope Show 69 THE DONNA REED SHOW 1958 71 LUCILLE BALL & CAROL BURNETT 1965 100 Learning Web Sites

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73 full episode HIGHWAY PATROL 1956 80 THE MILTON BERLE SHOW 1957

======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

Learning Web Sites* (Compiled from 12 months of emails.) Please help me out, some of these web sites go bad, so please copy and paste them in an email to me so I can correct them. [emailprotected] ======================================== From Stan Johnson: OPEN HOUSE at Top Secret, Edwards Air Force Base Absolutely incredible photos. http://home.comcast.net/~bzee1a/Edwards09/Edwards09.html --------------------------------

When you click on a date, be patient it takes time to load. Scroll down to my articles, they may help make your computing more fun and enjoyable.

Past CKCS Newsletters Issue Jan 2010 May 2010 Sep 2010 Jan 2011 May 2011 Sep 2011 Jan 2012 May 2012 Sep 2012

Issue Feb 2010 Jun 2010 Oct 2010 Feb 2011 Jun 2011 Oct 2011 Feb 2012 Jun 2012 Oct 2012

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Issue Feb 2013 Jun 2013 Oct 2013

Issue Mar 2013 Jul 2013 Nov 2013

Issue Apr 2013 Aug 2013

http://www.ckcs.org/newsltrs/ ====================================================== Good medical information: http://www.webmd.com/ ====================================================== TAX FORMS: Federal: http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/index.html (you can actually fill in the forms on line, save them and print them, you can download Adobe here also.) You can fill out your 1040 tax forms on the web: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irspdf/f1040.pdf Kentucky:


Lexington: http://www.lexingtonky.gov/revenue Fayette School: http://www.fcps.net/administration/departments/tax-office/tax-forms ---------------------From Myra Engle: What happened the year you were born?? http://www.infoplease.com/yearbyyear.html ------------------------------------------------------------From Denise Wright: From outer space; Worth seeing! http://dingo.care2.com/cards/flash/5409/galaxy.swf ---------------------------------WONDERFUL site!!! Once you click on a link (i.e. 10,000 BC to 4000 BC]), scroll down for the information. http://www.krysstal.com/inventions.html Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. http://www.techterms.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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How stuff works. http://www.howstuffworks.com/ ==================== A collection of health resources called Yahoo Health. http://health.yahoo.com/ History Windows. http://windows-funnypics.blogspot.com/2008/06/windows.html Computer History Museum: www.computerhistory.org Tech Museum of Innovation: www.thetech.org U. S. Army Military History: http://ftp.arl.army.mil/ftp/historic-computers/ Smithsonian: www.americanhistory.si.edu/index.cfm U. S. Library of Congress: www.loc.gov =============================== Average Temperature and Rainfall for Lexington, KY. http://www.weather.com/weather/climatology/monthly/USKY1079 Dictionary and Thesaurus and much more. (It will even pronounce the words, you gotta have this program.) http://www.answers.com/main/product_info.jsp CIA Fact book. https://www.cia.gov/index.html AARP Web Site of interest for people of all ages, including information about retirement planning. http://www.aarp.org/ National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian Institute. Among others, click on Computers. http://www.americanhistory.si.edu/collections/ SHOPPING ONLINE promotional codes. http://www.couponcabin.com/ http://www.currentcodes.com/ http://www.naughtycodes.com/ http://www.keycode.com/ Hoover Dam: http://www.sunsetcities.com/hoover-dam/faqs-00.html 100 Learning Web Sites

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Puzzling terminology


Hold the ALT key while entering the numbers. Use the keypad on the right side of the keyboard. 167 º degree 0162 ¢ cents 246 ÷ divided by -----------------Educational sites that will help to keep your kids or grandkids entertained. 1. Teaching children how to read: http://www.starfall.com/ 2. Children of any age. Has links for over 1,200 Web sites: http://www.kids.gov/ 3. One of the best homework sites, includes English, math, science, history, art music, technology, foreign languages, college prep, health, life skills, etc. http://www.homeworkspot.com/ 4. ideas for cooking, planning parties, travel, arts and crafts and lot of games. http://familyfun.go.com/recipes/kids/ 5. Encourage students to publish their science fair papers and videos. http://www.scivee.tv/ 7. Younger children can play games, print out coloring sheets and they can even create their own book. http://www.seussville.com/lb/home.html 8. Children can compose and play their own music. http://www.creatingmusic.com/ 9. Kids can play endless electronic math games. http://www.surfnetkids.com/games/multiplication-fc.htm 10. Perfect search engine for grade school aged kids. http://www.kidsclick.org/ ======================================== UK fans website. http://www.aseaofblue.com/ -------------------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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NEED HELP?? JOE'S BEST TIPS: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf http://joescomputertips.blogspot.com/ PC MAGAZINE: http://www.pcmag.com/category2/0,1738,28,00.asp ASK.com : http://www.ask.com/#subject:ask|pg:1 WORLDSTART TIPS http://www.worldstart.com/new-tips/ PC WORLD: http://www.pcworld.com/ =======================


TIPS for Senior Citizens: http://www.firstgov.gov:80/Topics/Seniors.shtml INTERNET EXPLORER time saver, if your web address is has a .com ending, like http://www.gm.com, all you have to do in type gm into the address space and do Control Enter on the keyboard and it will fill in the rest. It only works on .com Belarc Advisor is Free and it's great. Belarc will tell you exactly what is inside a your computer. After you download and run it, you get a report that includes the computer's components (CPU, motherboard, RAM, adapters, cards, etc.), make and model, and all the software installed on the system, complete with license numbers. http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html Browse Demos by Product. http://office.microsoft.com/enus/help/FX100485311033.aspx ==================== The normal display of Word toolbars: 1. TITLE BAR 2. MENU BAR 3. STANDARD TOOLBAR 4. FORMATTING TOOL BAR 5. RULER. 100 Learning Web Sites

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---------------------------------Yellow Pages and White Pages.


If you want to know you IP number. www.whatismyip.com Call a company and talk to a human. If you click on their phone number if will bring up their web page. http://www.gethuman.com/ -----------------Yellow Pages, White Pages, Reverse Lookup. http://www.anywho.com/ -----------------Healthfinder: The US Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies developed Healthfinder as a portal to reputable sites, self-help groups, and information. Here's how to use the site: http://www.healthfinder.gov/ ------------------------------------------------------------------Houses for Sale in our area and you can check on anyone's house: http://www.zillow.com/homes/map/413-Southridge-Drive,-40505_rb/ http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1706-Blue-Ridge-Dr-Lexington-KY40505/77559536_zpid =========================================================== THE LIFE MAGAZINE archive was posted online by Google. The archive dates back to the 1860s but mostly covers the 20th century with never-before-seen images of any historic topic you can dream up. Marilyn Monroe, NASA missions, JFK's assassination, past Olympics, surfing in the 1960s and on and on are all available for browsing. It's a fascinating look back through history. http://images.google.com/hosted/life ------------------

Google Earth: Google Earth Tutorials: http://earth.google.com/userguide/v4/tutorials/index.html Google Navigating on the Earth: http://earth.google.com/userguide/v4/tutorials/navigating.html 100 Learning Web Sites

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Google User guide: http://earth.google.com/userguide/v4/ ---------------------------------A good search engine site.


Computer in the year 2020. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/891508/computers_in_2020/ ---------------------------------Last November, Google began providing dozens of historical photos appearing over the years in Life Magazine. You can find dozens of photos here hosted by The Denver Post: http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/2008/11/24/life-images-hosted-by-google/ ---------------------------------5 Great Microsoft Web Services You Probably Don't Use Microsoft is so often the behemoth everyone loves to hate that people overlook the stuff it does right. We tried its newer Web services and found five gems. http://www.pcworld.com/article/159413/article.html?tk=nl_wbxnws ======================================== Corrupt or Missing .dll file. http://www.dll-files.com/ -----------------NEAT WAY TO BUY OR SELL ! CRAIGS LIST; Everywhere: http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites.html CRAIGS LIST; Lexington, Ky. only: http://lexington.craigslist.org/ ---------------------------------Find out about email Hoaxes: http://www.snopes.com/ Top 25 Hottest Urban Legends. http://www.snopes.com/info/top25uls.asp -----------------Confusing Words 100 Learning Web Sites

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Do you know the difference between "affect" and "effect"? How about "affluent" and "effluent"? If these-or any other words-are confusing to you, this site can help. At Confusing Words: http://www.confusingwords.com/ ---------------------------------Clean Everything ------------------


TRY IT YOU'LL LIKE IT! Stocks (Google Stuff) Put a stock symbol in Google. For example, to view information for Microsoft or Intel, you would type in msft and it will bring up Microsoft or intc and it will bring up Intel. -------------------------------------Definitions: (Google Stuff) Type Define and any word you wish to know, like Define computer it is amazing. --------------------------------------

Daily Fun Site: Phrases A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness. These are phrases we've probably all heard of and a lot of us use. Did you know there was a site you could go to in order to find out about their origins and histories? http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------When you click on a file with an extension like .doc Windows knows to open Microsoft Word. Windows knows what program to open by the file extension. FOR A FULL LIST OF FILE EXTENSIONS: http://www.uktsupport.co.uk/reference/fext/fextidx.htm ---------------------------------Other Basketball sites: http://www.ukathletics.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentucky_Wildcats_men's_basketball ---------------------------------100 Learning Web Sites

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Test your Geography skills.. FUN GAME http://www.rethinkingschools.org/just_fun/games/mapgame.html ======================= ======================= COMPARING THE VALUE OF A DOLLAR If you spent $1000 on a wedding in 1945, how much would you have to spend today for the same wedding. http://www.eh.net/ehresources/howmuch/dollarq.php -----------------Windows to the Universe Learn about our planet, the solar system we live in, astronomy and the universe. You also learn about Space Weather, Space Missions, Myths, Art-Books-Film, History & People, Geology, Life, Physics, and Images & Multimedia about Space. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/ ======================= ======================= States and Capitals


This site is really simple to navigate. You can either choose the state from the list, choose the state from the state map, or choose the capital from the capital map. -----------------Explore our list of the top 20 achievements and learn how engineering shaped a century and changed the world. http://www.greatachievements.org/ ---------------------------------------From Art Herman: YOU must ASK for your discount! RESTAURANTS: Applebee's: 15% off with Golden Apple Card (60+) Arby's: 10% off (55+) Ben & Jerry's: 10% off (60+) Bob's Big Boy: discount varies by location (60+) Boston Market: 10% off (65+) Burger King: 10% off (60+) Chick-Fil-A: 10% off or free small drink or coffee (55+) Chili's: 10% off (55+) CiCi's Pizza: 10% off (60+) 100 Learning Web Sites

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Denny's: 10% off, 20% off for AARP members (55+) Dunkin' Donuts: 10% off or free coffee (55+) Einstein's Bagels: 10% off baker's dozen of bagels (60+) Fuddrucker's: 10% off any senior platter (55+) Gatti's Pizza: 10% off (60+) Golden Corral: 10% off (60+) Hardees: $.50 Senor Coffee (65+) IHOP: 10% off (55+) Jack in the Box: up to 20% off (55+) KFC: free small drink with any meal (55+) Krispy Kreme: 10% off (50+) Long John Silver's: various discounts at locations (55+) McDonald's: Senior coffee $.71 (55+) Shoney's: 10% off Sonic: 10% off or free beverage (60+) Steak 'n Shake: 10% off every Monday & Tuesday (50+) Subway: 10% off (60+) Sweet Tomatoes: 10% off (62+) Taco Bell : 5% off; free beverages for seniors (65+) TCBY: 10% off (55+) Waffle House: 10% off every Monday (60+) Wendy's: 10% off (55+) White Castle : 10% off (62+) This is for me ... if I ever see one again. RETAIL & APPAREL: Banana Republic: 10% off (50+) Bealls: 20% off first Tuesday of each month (50+) Belk's: 15% off first Tuesday of every month (55+) Big Lots: 10% off Bon-Ton Department Stores: 15% off on senior discount days (55+) C.J. Banks: 10% off every Wednesday (60+) Clarks : 10% off (62+) Goodwill: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location) Hallmark: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location) 100 Learning Web Sites

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Kmart: 20% off (50+) Kohl's: 15% off (60+) Rite Aid: 10% off on Tuesdays & 10% off prescriptions The Salvation Army Thrift Stores: up to 50% off (55+) Stein Mart: 20% off red dot/clearance items first Monday of every month (55+) GROCERY: Albertson's: 10% off first Wednesday of each month (55+) Compare Foods Supermarket: 10% off every Wednesday (60+) Food Lion: 6% off every Monday (60+) Great Valu Food Store: 5% off every Tuesday (60+) Kroger: 10% off (1st Wednesday every month in Lexington, KY. Publix: 5% off every Wednesday (55+) Rogers Marketplace: 5% off every Thursday (60+) TRAVEL: Airlines: Alaska Airlines: 10% off (65+) American Airlines: various discounts for 65 and up (call before booking for discount) Continental Airlines: no initiation fee for Continental Presidents Club & special fares for select destinations Southwest Airlines: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount) United Airlines: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount) U.S. Airways: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount) Rail: Amtrak: 15% off (62+) Bus: Greyhound: 5% off (62+) Trailways Transportation System: various discounts for ages 50+ Car Rental: Alamo Car Rental: up to 25% off for AARPmembers Avis: up to 25% off for AARP members Budget Rental Cars: 10% off; up to 20% off for AARP members (50+) 100 Learning Web Sites

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Dollar Rent-A-Car: 10% off (50+) Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 5% off for AARP members Hertz: up to 25% off for AARP members National Rent-A-Car: up to 30% off for AARP members Over Night Accommodations: Best Western: 10% off (55+) Clarion Motels: 20%-30% off (60+) Comfort Inn: 20%-30% off (60+) Comfort Suites: 20%-30% off (60+) Econo Lodge: 20%-30% off (60+) Hampton Inns & Suites: 10% off when booked 72 hours in advance Holiday Inn: 10%-30% off depending on location (62+) Hyatt Hotels: 25%-50% off (62+) Marriott Hotels: 15% off (62+) Motel 6: 10% off (60+) Myrtle Beach Resort: 10% off (55+) Quality Inn: 20%-30% off (60+) Rodeway Inn: 20%-30% off (60+) Sleep Inn: 20%-30% off (60+) ACTIVITIES & ENTERTAINMENT: AMC Theaters: up to 30% off (55+) Bally Total Fitness: up to $100 off memberships (62+) Busch Gardens Tampa, FL: $3 off one-day tickets (50+) Carmike Cinemas: 35% off (65+) Cinemark/Century Theaters: up to 35% off U.S. National Parks: $10 lifetime pass; 50% off additional services including camping (62+) Regal Cinemas: 30% off Ripley's Believe it or Not: @ off one-day ticket (55+) SeaWorld Orlando , FL : $3 off one-day tickets (50+) CELL PHONE DISCOUNTS: AT&T: Special Senior Nation 200 Plan $29.99/month (65+) Jitterbug: $10/month cell phone service (50+) Verizon Wireless: Verizon Nationwide 65 Plus Plan $29.99/month (65+). NOW, go out there and claim your discounts 100 Learning Web Sites

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- - - - and remember ---YOU must ASK for your discount ---- no ask, no discount. ======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

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Questions and Answers* (Compiled from 12 months of emails.) Please help me out, some of these web sites go bad, so please copy and paste them in an email to me so I can correct them. [emailprotected] Q. How do I get to Device Manager to see if my hardware is operating properly? (Disk drives, Sound, USB ports, monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, etc.) A. Type Device Manager in the Start Search blank. ---------------------------------Q. Happy New Year Thanks for helping me with my camera Now I need your help on how to clean my desktop I got so many junk folders I am trying to make my computer neat looking for 2013 Thanks. A. 1. Right Click on each folder that you don't need and left click on Delete 2. Right click on your Desktop, click on New, Folder, name it Misc. Now left click and drag the folders that you don't use much into it. 3. 2 rows of icons on the Desktop is plenty, more is self-defeating. (Good advice, but few listen.) =============================== Q. Joe What printed computer magazines do you get? 1. SMART COMPUTING (This is the best one.) 2. PC WORLD ------------------------------------------------------------Q. Sometimes I get an error number, how do I find out what it means?

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A. Put the error number in Google or BING and most of the time it will tell you. ======================= Q. I forgot how to find "defrag". Can you help me? Thanks, A. Click on MY COMPUTER, then Right Click on the C drive, click on Properties, then Tools, then Defrag. ======================= Q. Some of us check our mail at home and work, how do you leave your pop3 mail on the server. In Windows Live Mail, Go to Accounts, Advanced, check, Leave a copy of message on server. Also you may select, 1. Remove from Server after XX days, 2. Remove from Server when deleted from 'Deleted Items.' ---------------------------------Q. I have a question, if someone sent me a e-mail with say 5 pictures and I only wanted to forward one picture in that e-mail to someone else, is that complicated to do? A. Click on Forward, then right click on the photos you want to eliminate, then click on Cut, and they will disappear. ---------------------------------Q. We're on a web page and there is no print icon? A. Try Control P. Response: It worked. -----------------Q. Once I burn Movie Maker Slide show on the DVD can I change anything. A. Congratulations on doing the Movie Maker. Any changes must be done on the computer. You will have to redo and reburn. ---------------------------------Q. What is the best way to get rid of Temporary Files. 100 Questions and Answers

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A. Go to Start, My Computer, RIGHT CLICK on your C drive, click on Properties and on the lower right, click on DISK CLEANUP. Response: Thanks, I did it and think it worked. ---------------------------------Q. What is Windows Explorer? A. Windows Explorer is a file manager, it contains all your files and folders and drives. -----------------Q. How do I add to the Windows 7 Send To menu. A. Click the Start button and type shell:sendto in the search box, hit Enter. The Send To folder opens. Click on File, New, Shortcut. Browse until you find the program and click on it. ---------------------------------Q. I want to keep a couple of my own pictures in the Desktop list but they keep disappearing. In Windows 7 & 8 Right Click the photo and click on Set as desktop background. To Save, Right Click the Desktop, click Personalize, Right click unsaved theme and click on save. ---------------------------------Q. How do I put Web Site Shortcut on my Desktop? A. Go to File, Send, Shortcut to Desktop. ======================= Q. Joe I just received your email and it is in color. I would like to print it in black rather than using color ink. Is there a quick fix? A. Go to File, Print, Preferences, and select Print Color Images in Black and White. ======================= ======================= Contrary to what you have been told over and over, it is a good idea to unsubscribe to spam you receive. 100 Questions and Answers

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Some of the spammers make it easy to unsubscribe and some make it hard. ------------------------------------------------------------------Q. I want to forward some email without the >>,s at the start of each line of type. I know you published something on this some time back but I can't find it. Could you tell me again how to delete those >>'s? Thanks, A. Use it free for 4 weeks and if you like it send the guy $10. I love it and use it all the time. Take the time to set it up, it is worth it. Download eClean: http://www.jd-software.com/eClean2000/ ----------------------------------Q. I am unable to make a print copy of an email and something from Microsoft Word. The computer says: Windows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup. Check the printer by printing a test age from Windows. Make sure the printer is on and on line. Reinstall the printer driver A: Go to Start, Control Panel, Devices and Printers and see if your printer is the default. It will have a check mark. -------------------------------------Class Questions: Q. Is there any way to send an entire contacts list to someone in a email or as an attachment? A. If you both are using Windows Live Mail. Open Windows Live Mail, File, Export, Windows Contacts, select CSV ( Comma separated Value), Export, Browse, name file, select options. Name, email address, City, State, etc. When finished go to your documents and find the file, RIGHT CLICK on it, Send To, Mail Recipient. ---------------------------------100 Questions and Answers

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Q. How do I activate my print screen key. A. When you hit Prt Scr, the clipboard takes a picture of the whole monitor screen, Do Control V to paste it into Word, WordPad, or Paint. ADVANCED !!! If you hold the Alt key down and hit the PrtScn key the clipboard takes a picture of the active window only. Response: Thanks! You've done it again! Both ways worked. You're the greatest! Thanks again! In VISTA, Windows 7 & 8, you'll find the Snipping Tool, which is a giant step over Print Screen.) ---------------------------------Q. I received an email with an attachment and could not open it. A. To open an attachment you must have the program that can open it. If it has a .pps file extension, and you have the PowerPoint program on your computer. Microsoft has free viewers for WORD, EXCELL, and POWERPOINT. Here is the one for PowerPoint: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=048dc 840-14e1-467d-8dca-19d2a8fd7485&displaylang=en ---------------------------------Q. My XP Movie Maker is corrupted what should I do, I don't want to lose my data I have in Movie Maker? A. When you saved your data, it saved it outside of the program, but if I had any doubt, I would save the data to a CD, DVD or Flash drive, then Uninstall and Reinstall Movie Maker. ---------------------------------If you're going to make a slide show, Microsoft's free Movie Maker is the best. You can incorporate, movies, photos, music, text and it is easy to use and you can download Movie Maker from www.Microsoft.com You can also make a DVD that will play on a 100 Questions and Answers

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computer, you need another program to make a DVD that plays on a TV. ---------------------------------When you are having problems, restart your computer, if that does not work maybe System Restore, or go is Google or Bing. No matter the problem, if it is Word, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer. You can find it quicker in Google and Bing than in Microsoft itself. ======================= ======================= Q. What about highlighting and printing? A. If you highlight certain portions of a page go to FILE, PRINT, click on SELECTION, it will only print what you have highlighted. -------------------------------------Q. That’s it! I knew it was an easy fix if I could just find the damn thing again. It is in the task bar. Now maybe you can help with underline. I use outlook and it has started with underline when I begin a new email. It even did it when I began this reply. Any thoughts? A. Open Windows Live Mail, click on Tools or File, Options, Compose, on the right, click on the top Font Setting, then uncheck Underline then click OK, OK. ---------------------------------Q. Every day I get a ton Junk mail. I delete them and block them but it comes back the next day I bet I get about 20 of those if you could help me on this I would appreciated it. A. At the bottom of most of the emails, you can unsubscribe, this is what I do, and it works most of the time. -------------------------------------Q. How do I fix fonts for composing my emails.

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A. Open Windows Live Mail, click on File, Options, Mail, Compose, Font settings. Select a Font, Size, Style, Color, and click on OK. I have mine set on Arial, Bold, 14, Black. To read your email in larger text, Open Windows Live Mail, click on File, Options, Mail, Read, Fonts, Font size, use down arrow. -----------------S I G N A T U R E S in your : Q. Is it possible to have an auto signature in yahoo email? In Windows Live Mail, click on File, Options, Mail, Signature. Type in your Signature then check the box Add signatures to all outgoing messages. -----------------This is one of mine, you can have several: Kindest regards, Joe Isaac 414 Southridge Drive Lexington, Ky. 40505-1532 859 299 6464 [emailprotected] ======================= Q. How do you keep photos in order? A. Right click on the Photo, click on Rename, and put a 1. in front of the name. The next photo put a 2. And so on. In XP, click on View then Arrange icons by Name or Refresh. (if them come up in reverse order, just click on Name at the top.) In Vista and Windows 7 in will automatically put them in order. -----------------Q. How do you delete an email? 100 Questions and Answers

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A. Highlight the email and hit the delete key on your keyboard. This puts the email in the Deleted Items Folder, every day or so you should Right Click on the Deleted Items Folder, then left click on Empty "Deleted Items" Folder. -----------------Q. My email program is jammed up because I tried to send a large file and it is still in the Outbox. A. Click on Outbox, highlight the large file, and hit the delete key on the keyboard. -----------------Q. How do you save a photo from an email or web site? A. Right Click on the photo and left click Save Photo As…At the top see where it is saving it, it should save in My pictures in XP and Pictures in Vista and Windows 7 & 8. At the bottom right click on Save. -----------------If you want to read USA TODAY free: http://usatoday.com/ Q. How do I increase the size of my font in Windows 7? A. Right click on your desktop and choose Personalize. Then on the bottom left side, click on the Display and select a size. When you're all finished, click OK. ---------------------------------Q. I'm getting a black screen asking for the time and date, what's up? A. Your CMOS battery needs replacing This battery usually lasts 5 years or more. Staples will do it for $30 and $4 for the battery. http://www.helium.com/items/914494-what-is-a-cmos-battery-andwhat-does-it-do ---------------------------------Q. How do I put my Windows 7 computer in sleep mode. 100 Questions and Answers

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To do this automatically: Type Power Options in the Start Search Box, click on Change plan settings Use the down arrows to set Turn off Display for 10 minutes, Put the computer to sleep set for 15 minutes, You can manually put it to sleep by clicking on Start, and click on the first arrow after the Start Search blank. ---------------------------------Q. I thought you gave us a website to get individual houses on street site plus property evaluation? A. http://www.fayette-pva.com/?mode=Address ---------------------------------Q. Do you run Register repair programs? A. No -----------------Q. Joe, I now have a new computer and want to set my e-mail account with the font and size that you use. I cannot fine it on your letters that I have saved. Really would appreciate this info. Thanks, A. In Windows Live Mail, go to Tools, Options, Compose, click on the Mail Font setting, then Arial, Bold, 12 pt, OK. -----------------Q. I lost that email that had All My Favorites on it, please send it to me. A. http://www.allmyfaves.com/ -----------------Q. If you install the new Windows Media Player 12 should you delete Windows Media Player 11 first. A. No, do not delete Windows Media Player 11 because it has all your songs and settings on it, just install 12 over 11. To determine the version of your Windows Media Player, press ALT + H, on your keyboard. ======================= 100 Questions and Answers

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Q. How much space does Windows 7 use compared with previous versions of Windows? A. Approximate Hard Drive Space Needed: DOS 6.22 6MB Windows 98 321MB Windows XP 1.3GB Windows Vista 9GB Windows 7 & 8, 64 bit 20GB --------------------------------------

32 BIT 16 GB

Q. How can I print a Test Page on my printer? A. Type Printers in the Start Search blank, hit Enter on your keyboard, left click on your default Printer (the one with a check mark), left click on Print Test Page. Window 8 go to Control Panel, Devices and Printers… ---------------------------------Create a web page shortcut: While on in Internet Page, go to File, click on Send, then select: Shortcut to Desktop ---------------------------------Q. Do you accept any and all Microsoft Windows Update automatically to your computer? A. Yes. -------------------------------------Q. Sometimes I get an error number, how do I find out what it means? A. Put the error number in Google or BING. ======================= Q. I'm bored with my Mouse Pointer and Hour Glass, how can I change them? A. Type Mouse in the Start search box, click on POINTERS, Browse and find the one you want. 100 Questions and Answers

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Same as above only after you click on Pointers, click on Working in the Background, Browse. Do the same for Busy. ---------------------------------Q. I'm having trouble reading the tiny print on a few of my favorite web sites. Is there a way to change that to larger print? A. Hold the Control Key down and use the wheel on your mouse. =============== =============== Q. Is there a short way to complete a .com web address? A. To go to http://usatoday.com/ or any .com and just type in like usatoday Do Control Enter and it will fill in the rest. Another good Web Site: YAHOO NEWS http://news.yahoo.com/ ---------------------------------------Q. When I send documents out in Word 2007 nobody can open them. A. Even though I use Word 2007, I save it in Word 97-2003, most people can open this. I made this my default. Open Word 2007, on the top left, click on the round Office button, at the bottom click on Word Options, on the left click on Save, in the top box, Save files in this format: use the down arrow and select Word 97 - 2003 Document (.doc) then click OK. Response: Works great. Wish I had known that earlier, would have saved much frustration. Thank you Joe. -----------------WORD TIP: Editing a Document. FANTASTIC Shift + F5 will take you back to the previous 3 points of editing and then if used again, it will return you to where you started).

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Highlight the words, do Shift + F3 and it will change from: HELLO DOLLY to hello dolly to Hello Dolly -----------------Everyone should do this it saves time and your finger. Q. JOE, How do I go from Double Click to Single click? (I use Single Click, it saves time and a sore index finger.) A. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel and click on Folders Options and in the bottom section select Single Click. Also click on Underlined icon titles only when I point at them. Then click OK. ------------------------------------------------------------Windows Explorer is a file manager, it contains all your files and folders and drives. From here you can Copy, cut, create, delete, find, move, save, shortcut, zip and unzip Files. Q: I've heard you talk about turning off computers every night for safety and to save electricity, but what about printers? Do those need to be turned off as well? A: If you're not going to do a lot of printing, turn the printer off. ---------------------------------To setup or remove a password in go to the User Accounts. ---------------------------------Q. How do you configure AutoPlay? A. In VISTA, Windows 7 & 8: Go to Control Panel click on AutoPlay make your selections, then at the bottom click on Save. A. In XP: From Laurie Barnett and Harold Washburn. Go to Start, My Computer, Right click on the drive, click on Properties, AutoPlay, make your selections, then click OK. ---------------------------------100 Questions and Answers

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Q. How do I subscribe to WorldStart? A. On the left side of this web site you can subscribe to several of their newsletters and jokes: http://www.worldstart.com/ ---------------------To Unzip a file: Just click it. (A lot of downloads from the Internet now end in .exe which is a self-extracting file and will open itself. ======================= ======================= Q. I have a 3+year old Dell with XP. My main concern is that occasionally it makes a whining noise. I've always heard when your unit starts whining, you're about to be in big trouble. A. Usually when your computer starts making noise, the fans, or the hard drive may be going bad. Q. Where to get rid of old computers. I have an old computer (still works), two monitors, two printers and a scanner all in working order. Is there a recycling place or what? Thanks A. The city has a facility on Versailles Road that accepts old computers, monitors, etc. Dial 311 for Info. ======================= ======================= If a site is secure the first part of its Web address will read https rather than http. And a lock will show. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. What is difference between RAM and ROM? A. RAM (random access memory), runs your programs, but disappears when computer is turned off.

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ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is permanent and uses instructions it needs to boot up every time you hit the power button. ROM also works closely with the BIOS or Basic Input/Output System. ---------------------------------Q. Sometimes I click on something on a Web Site and it installs a program. How do I find it and get rid of it? A. Go to Start, Control Panel, click on Programs and Features, Right Click on the program, click on Uninstall. -----------------To change a shortcut icon on your desktop, Right Click the icon, left click Properties, at the top click on Shortcut, then near the bottom click on change Icon. To change a Folder on your Desktop, Right Click the icon, left click Properties, at the top click on Customize then near the bottom click on change Icon. ---------------------------------Windows key + D Quick way to see your Desktop: ---------------------------------Q. How do I put Web Site Shortcut on my Desktop? A. Go to File, Send, Shortcut to Desktop. ======================= Q. I deleted the Recycle Bin by mistake, how do I get it back. A. Right Click the Desktop, click Personalize, on the left click on Change desktop icons, put a check mark in Recycle Bin and click OK. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. What is AMD mean? A. There are 2 Companies that manufacture processor chips. 100 Questions and Answers

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AMD: Advanced Micro Devices: http://www.amd.com/us-en/ and INTEL: http://www.intel.com/products/processor_number/eng/chart/core2 duo.htm Most people with XP have a one processor chip, with Windows 7 and Vista you need 2 Processor chips, which are 40% faster and uses 40% less power. Dual Core and Quad Core are here. ---------------------------------Q. How do you get Google's AutoFill to work all the time? A. The web site must allow it to work. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. Do you think it is a good idea to use a screen saver? A. NO. It is a terrible idea, it uses electricity, wears out your monitor and hard drive and the fan pulls dust thru your computer. Use Power Options. Go to Start, Control Panel, Power Options and set the monitor for 10 minutes and the Hard Drive 15 minutes. In Windows 7 and Vista, click on Start, near the bottom click on the arrow, then sleep. When you move the mouse or hit a key it will wake up. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. When you make a change the dialog box has 2 options OK and Apply, which do you use or do you use both. A. If you click on Apply, it makes the change and the dialog box stays there for you to use to make other changes. If there are no other changes click on OK, it makes the change and the dialog box disappears. ======================= Q. What is happening when I highlight a word or paragraph in WORD? 100 Questions and Answers

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A. A vague mini toolbar appears, with it you can change the font, size, color, BOLD, etc. (I really like this feature.) ---------------------------------Q. How do you Compare two documents? A. In Word 2003 open the old document, choose Compare and Merge Documents from the Tools menu, and select the new document. In Word 2007 choose Compare | Compare from the Review ribbon and select both the old and the new document. ---------------------------------Q. How do you shrink a document by one page? A. If Print Preview reveals a skimpy last page, click the Shrink to Fit (Word 2003) or Shrink One Page button (Word 2007). Don't like the results? Just press Ctrl-Z to Undo. ---------------------------------Q. How do you change the Font on Envelopes and Labels A. In Office 2007, click on Mailings, Envelopes, RIGHT click in the address section and click on Font. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. I have Word 2003, how do I open a document from Word 2007, a .docx file. A. To open Microsoft Office Word 2007 .docx files with Microsoft Office Word 2003, Word 2002, or Word 2000, you need to install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for 2007 Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint File Formats and any necessary Office updates. By using the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system, you can open, edit some items, and save Office Word 2007 documents in previous versions of Word. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word/HA100444731033.aspx Q. How do I just click on a Hyperlink? 100 Questions and Answers

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A. Open Word 2007, click on the Office Button, at the bottom click on Word Options, Advanced, and uncheck, Use Ctrl + click to follow hyperlink. It is the fourth item down. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do I get rid of Read Only in Word? A. Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open. Browse to the file and right-click it. Click Properties, and then clear the Read-Only check box. Reopen the file. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. You have given us with many, many helpful hints. One of the better ones is highlighting a portion of a document or website and then only printing the highlighted section. Is there a way to make multiple highlights on one document? Thanks A. In Word 2007: Open a word document, near the top left, click on the down arrow next to Clipboard. now highlight the item, do Control C and it will show up on the Clipboard and it will hold 24 different Clipboard Items. Now as you left click on each Clipboard item it automatically inserts itself into you blank document. Another option is to Paste all the Clipboard items at the same time. ==================================== Q. I accidentally block my cousin's email She can get mine but I can't get her. How can I unblocked. A. To Unblock a sender: Open Windows Live Mail at the top click on File, Options, Safety Options, Blocked Senders and remove the name. -------------------------------------Q. When you receive an email that just has the person’s name, how do you find their email address?

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Double click the person's name. At the next window RIGHT click the name. -------------------------------------Q. How do you add a picture to an email in Windows Live Mail (not as an attachment)? A. Click in the body of the email where you wish the picture to go. Click on Insert, Single photo, then BROWSE to find the picture, double click it. -------------------------------------Q. How do you delete addresses in a forward email. A. After you click on Forward, take your cursor and highlight the addresses, then hit the delete key on your keyboard. =============================== Subject: Question for you I've received a couple of e-mails that say I should install: ActiveX control "Adobe Flash Player, from Adobe systems inc. A. It is free, and I downloaded it to my computer. It makes surfing the web better and easier. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. Joe I just received your email and it is in color. I would like to print it in black rather than using color ink. Is there a quick fix? A. Go to File, Print, Preferences, and select Print Color Images in Black and White. ---------------------------------------Q. My photos are too large to email. A. In XP find the photos or .jpg files, hold the Control Key down and left click on each photo or file you want to email, now RIGHT click on one of them (it will email all that you have highlighted), click on Send To, then click on Mail Recipient. 100 Questions and Answers

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Now select either: Make all my pictures smaller (better for emailing) or Keep the Original sizes. Then click OK. In Windows Live Photo Gallery Right click the photo to resize it. Use the arrow to make a size selections: then click on Resize and Save -----------------Bcc in Windows Live Mail: In Windows Live Mail, click on Email message like you're going to send an email, then on the extreme right, click on Show Cc & Bcc. After you have sent the email, you can see the BCC recipients by clicking on your SENT file. ======================================== See the size of your Emails in Windows Live Mail: Right Click on an empty space after the To or From then click on Columns and select Size. ---------------------------------Q. Where do deleted emails go? A. To a folder called "Deleted Items". So it continues to take up space on your hard drive. To really get rid of it, Right Click on the "Deleted Items" folders and click on Empty 'Deleted Items' Folder. ====================================== Q. How do you get to the Snipping Tool? A. Typing snip in Start Search box, then hit enter. Any program you want you just start typing in the letters and whammo it's there. ---------------------------------To see and print our current CKCS Calendar: http://www.ckcs.org/calendar/meetingcal.shtml Q. How do I update Internet Explorer? 100 Questions and Answers

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A. Microsoft Automatic Updates: Start, Control Panel, Windows update on the left side many options. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do you save a photo that is on a web site or email? A. Right Click on the Photo, select Save Picture As then save it to My Pictures. Or use the Snipping Tool it is fantastic. -----------------Q. When you receive an email with an attachment how do you send it to another email recipient? A. Click on Forward and it will be sent with the attachment, click on Reply, it will send the email but not the attachment. ---------------------------------Q. If you want different members of your family to have a folder? A. Same as above only you RIGHT CLICK on the Family folder and it will make a sub folder for members of your family. ---------------------------------Q. Why is it that I get a little red X in my email instead of a picture? A. This is tricky, it is because your email came from 2 different sites and only the site with the text came with your email. -----------------Q: I am the only user name on my computer. How can I skip the user login step? A: In Windows XP Go to "Start" and choose "Run". In Windows Vista & Windows 7, click "Start" and type in the Search Bar In either case, type "control userpasswords2" (without the quotes) and click "OK" Under the "Users" tab, uncheck the box "Users must enter a user name..." and click "Apply". 100 Questions and Answers

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You'll be asked for your Administrative password. If you have one, type it in and confirm. If you don't, just click "OK". The windows may disappear automatically, or click "OK" to close them. In Windows 8.1, Disable the lock screen (so you don't need a password) Launch gpedit.msc and browse to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization. Double-click "Do not display the lock screen", select Enabled and click OK. Restart and the lock screen will have gone.

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After you remove the lock screen, Hold down the Windows key, press R, type netplwiz and press Enter to launch the User Accounts dialog. Clear the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" box and click OK.XX Enter the user name and password of the account that you'd like to be logged in automatically, click OK, restart your system and this time it should boot directly to the Start screen. ---------------------------------Microsoft Operating Systems : Windows 3.1 1992 Windows 95 1995 Windows 98 1998 Windows XP 10 25 01 Windows Vista 01 31 07 Windows 7 10 22 09 Windows 8 10 26 12 Windows 8.1 10 18 13 -------------------------------------Q. I just got a new computer with windows 7 I want to put the quick shutdown on it. A. In Vista or Windows 7. Right click on your desktop, select New. Click on Shortcut. In the textbox, copy and paste this in: shutdown -s -t 01 Click on Next when done. Response: IT WORKS!!!!!!! Thanks again -----------------Q. Have you had any feedback on the Microsoft Virus Protection Program? I am thinking about switching from Norton... Any suggestions?? A. Heard nothing but good things about it. I put it on my computer, it works fine. Be sure you uninstall Norton before installing Microsoft's.

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Response: I just deleted my Norton and installed Microsoft on both my laptop and desk top... My laptop runs like a new computer.... It was very slow, but runs great now with Microsoft... Thanks... -----------------Q. Joe, where have they hidden "Add/Remove in Windows 7 and Vista, I only have Add Hardware. (They do this to aggravate us) A. Go to Start, Control Panel, Programs and Features. -----------------Q. How do I find my Web surfing history? A. Do Control H To add a web site: Do Control D ------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do I know which version of Internet Explorer I am using? A. Open any program, click on Help, then click on About xxx If you don't see the help Tab, hit the Alt key and it may show up, or Right Click an empty space on the Address Bar and select and select: Menu Bar. Q. Joe, I want to take about 50 pix in 5 megapixel size and then make a copy and reduce the copy to .3 or .5 megapixel for emailing. 1. How can I do this? Download Windows Live Photo Gallery 2. Can I do all 50 at one time? Yes A. RESIZE your photos with Windows Live Photo Gallery: (fantastic) The Windows Live Essentials (Mail, Movie Maker, Photo Gallery, etc.) are here: http://explore.live.com/windows-live-essentials?os=win7 The Gallery will show all your photos you have in the folder, you can put a check mark in the photos you want to resize, they will act as one, RIGHT CLICK on one of the photos left click on Resize 100 Questions and Answers

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and make a selection 800x600 is nice for emailing. Now you will have the Resized photos and the Originals. First click on the folder then a file. then at the top click on Go to gallery, now select the photos you want to resize by holding the Control Key down to highlight them, now RIGHT Click on one of the photos (they will act as one) select Resize. After you import your photos in to the Gallery, click on a photo then at the top click on Fix, now you can also: Auto adjust, Adjust exposure, Adjust color, Crop photo, Fix red eye, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------Windows 7 & 8 comes with Sticky Notes, type sticky in the search box and hit enter. Type in what you wish, RIGHT CLICK on the note and you can select a color, or click on the + sign and add another note. -----------------Anyone with Windows XP, VISTA, Windows 7 and 8 can download Windows live mail and it has a fantastic calendar. I put all my children and grandchildren's birthdays in it and it will automatically come up year after year. I also put the date for the Windows class on the 2nd Tuesday each month in on one month and now it shows up on every month on the 2nd Tuesday. If you need a calendar this is a good one. -----------------======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

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Songs from YouTube…* Please help me out, some of these web sites go bad, so please copy and paste them in an email to me so I can correct them. [emailprotected]

United States Armed Forces Medley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnFGc5r9bJE

John Philip Sousa's March, "The Stars and Stripes Forever" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-7XWhyvIpE

John Philip Sousa's March, "The Washington Post" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxrh1CrMmTY

Semper Fidelis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzeqTyO5Mbs

US MARINES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X937WUBgQdg

From: Myra Engle Subject: USAF Band Flash Mob Wonderfully done! Joy to the World http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIoSga7tZPg B.J. Thomas - I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LU4QkhduKg B. J. Thomas: Hooked on a Feeling (James, 1968) - Lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqt_iZBvtCo Don't Cry For Me Argentina sung by Suzan Erens New York 100 Song from YouTube

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=dlwVKm8ArQ HARD TO BELIEVE ‘WE WERE THERE!’ 50's Music http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=sDc0ID6PJeg&feature=y outu.be Rita Hayworth Sway Dancing http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=M5FtCIoJATM

André Rieu - Live in New York - Radio City Music Hall (2007) 2 hrs of great entertainment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FM WR3hrMO3g Andre Rieu TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWIdiztg7cY&playnext=1&list=A LDZPCPAXS78jGXWACC4W91KQlEfnCOOBF Andre Rieu My Way http://www.youtube.com/embed/e-y581HdWfY?rel=0 Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4p0n_whitney-houston-i-willalways-love_music Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth - Ginger Rogers - Cyd Charisse Eleanor Powell - Gene Kelly - Donald O'Conner - in"Staying Alive" music. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=mz3CPzdCDws ---------------------------------------World War II Songs http://www.6thcorpsmusic.us/ 3 Hour Medley of Christmas Songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=jZe3_31sdM 100 Song from YouTube

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Aaron Wilburn ~~ Puttin On The Dog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7psfk5CWxK8 Aaron Wilburn--Southern Pounderings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr6GDxyVRks ------------------------------------------------------------Aaron Wilburn--Krispy Kremes, Men And Women, Funny Names: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWUSOnqqrzQ From Ted Mellinger: Too Too Funny Aaron Wilburn "If My Nose Was Running Money" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egCeIwjIuZM =============================== Al JOLSON Mammy scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfjzKYXzsjA&feature=related Amazing Grace – Bagpipes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V84STSWVp3g&feature=related Andrews Sisters - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wiVkdVPGoY&feature=related Barry Manilow - I write the songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-fev20voMc Benny Goodman Quartet – Moonglow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEmK9qFB1Y0&feature=related Billy Vaughn - Harbor Lights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ-s-fH_DJo&feature=related Brad Paisley - You'll Never leave Harlan Alive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C541d1Z3e0 Same song, different photos, Harlan Ky Coal Miners: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anPfTJyJVQY&feature=related Take A Ride Into A Mine (CBS News) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk-jrbCi7Sc&feature=related 100 Song from YouTube

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Casablanca - As Time Goes By; Play it again Sam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo2Lof_5dy4&feature=related Casablanca - As Time Goes By http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY62QByUYJQ Casablanca: French National Anthem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oROASA1v92U Dean Martin & Foster Brooks Drunk Airline Pilot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8L-ZZSc8JU Stop watching after the skit, the rest is not worth it. Dean Martin I'll Be Seeing You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1UUla9EHGo&feature=related Doris Day A Sentimental Journey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUw125JMVFI&feature=related Dirty Dancing - Time of my Life (Final Dance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpmILPAcRQo&feature=related Donna Summer- Hot Stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IdEhvuNxV8&feature=related Dusty Springfield-you don't have to say you love me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwSN0Yw5l0 Eddie Arnold; Yesterday when I was young http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adJWr9u-wow&feature=related Eddy Arnold; Make the World Go Away http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTKeo4w7npA Ella Fitzgerald - Embraceable You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF1yQMPMEMo&feature=fvw Elvis Presley - Amazing Grace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3XdXEJEI4E&feature=related 100 Song from YouTube

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Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock 1957 color. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpzV_0l5ILI&feature=related Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1Qo1eaWF8c&feature=related Embraceable You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hzgG7Ty-Uw Frank Sinatra I'll be seeing you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlXsEotYXi0 Frank Sinatra Fly Me to the Moon http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1113316/fly_me_to_the_moon_fra nk_sinatra/ Fred Astaire & Eleanor Powell - "Begin to beguine" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpRU-vyelks&feature=related Gene Krupa - Drum Boogie (from Ball of Fire, 1941) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEdh2MmIIVs&feature=related Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_uBQ9jvAZU&feature=related Glenn Miller: Moonlight Serenade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92ATE3IgIs&feature=related Glenn Miller-In the mood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR3K5uB-wMA&feature=related GLENN MILLER: Sunrise Serenade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b91xd-ZS4Fg&feature=related Top Tracks for The Glenn Miller Orchestra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg_E4nw4alU&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9ApoCSvtFbP6FB2cUnj8qAB Glenn Miller - Moonlight co*cktail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VniYZH5KnUE&feature=related 100 Song from YouTube

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Gloria Gaynor I will survive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tth-8wA3PdY&feature=related GODFATHER MUSIC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUUvgdjsIQk&feature=fvw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hQAO8QTnG8&feature=related Guy Lombardo Harbor Lights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HC0GDQtOAc&feature=related Hank Williams Sr; Your cheatin' heart – tribute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83gFm2QvxX0&feature=related Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxB1t2EEK0M&feature=related Happy Chandler "My Old Kentucky Home" (if this don't get you, nothing will.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqGuVQsl-7U Ink Spots - If I Didn't Care http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvwfLe6sLis&feature=related Ink Spots - I'll Be Seeing You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtFCcN1Mgug&feature=related Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On (1957) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yRdDnrB5kM&feature=related Jerry Lee Lewis TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dj0qdvG6T4&list=AL94UKMTq g-9CHaLOFUCeJyklpxx8gG2Ve Joan Osborne - What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted - [STEREO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA0GcXV2njY Joan Osborne & The Funk Brothers - For once in my life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql7LbHXPWno Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues THP 1959 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1xSt7iganA&feature=related 100 Song from YouTube

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Johnny Cash TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJlN9jdQFSc&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9DBgF1IkgAz4GhXR7PVhf3Z Kenny Rogers THROUGH THE YEARS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKfTqOsnOpM Kenny Rogers TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD_SXKZeN1I&playnext=1&list =AL94UKMTqg-9CF1Bx5TK155h5g9u_iaA9m Linda Ronstadt - You're No Good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr9vKWLgZzo Little Richard - TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsJVT8Jr_pM&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9ArmormtBaKRxpKuanPc2Rg Loretta Lynn - TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuC_l3ymXhM&playnext=1&list =AL94UKMTqg-9BUbJp6dJkx80hqWtRzo3CA Louis Armstrong - Danny Kaye , Frank Sinatra. http://www.youtube.com:80/watch?v=jm6ktYq0Yxk Louis Armstrong - TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5TwT69i1lU&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9Bi-_xgvrCUtUlWdKgbKKgi Marvin Gaye TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hajBdDM2qdg&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9AT7j_2a6yCnmEHuvoS7IxS Mary MacGregor; TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1F5BLLFAeM&playnext=1&list =AL94UKMTqg-9AnBlkhpO2f-ji0ZH234Tj5 Patsy Cline – TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuZTk1hdpMs&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9BOU7OSXDpd6XAuxW9OUoQ8 100 Song from YouTube

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Platters - TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UskkwKmccGU&playnext=1&lis t=AL94UKMTqg-9BXUmy7vZhpNYGBatIEZu8N RAY CHARLES: Hit the Road Jack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Tiz6INF7I&feature=related Ray Charles - mess around (live) http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/ray-charles-mess-aroundlive/82F62D0721967FFB677582F62D0721967FFB6775 Ray Charles - I Got A Woman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrd14PxaUco&feature=related Ray Charles Singers Love Me With All Your Heart http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/love-me-with-all-yourheart-by-ray-charlessingers/4F45BD8D56475B2F6E324F45BD8D56475B2F6E32 Top Tracks for The Righteous Brothers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIHusZEIwio&list=AL94UKMTqg9De2rwTBAB34lyRFTRUeu9_ Dancin' The Boogie - Will & Maéva ♫ ♪ ♫ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QQzbCmlZM4 Stevie Wonder: TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FchMuPQOBwA&playnext=1&li st=AL94UKMTqg-9A2lGPMbS8IHh-r9l9NlS5Z Tammy Wynette - TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvA0OUD4Y9E&playnext=1&list =AL94UKMTqg-9CojzF0qfiTS6HeG5oKCdd4 Top Gun Highway to the Dangerzone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8rZWw9HE7o&NR=1 Top Gun soundtrack Take my breath away http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEOem7U2LPE&NR=1 100 Song from YouTube

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Uncle Jay Humor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdmKidmb24 VERA LYNN TOP TRACKS + We'll Meet Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNB8VbFmlOY&playnext=1&list =AL94UKMTqg-9B23vsJpbYCct5FRDXj7iNk WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUx3MU9iM6c WILLIE NELSON: TOP TRACKS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TD_pSeNelU&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9CUdhQSkhTaPqtA_oLIvdq6 World War II Music: http://www.6thcorpsmusic.us/ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb_jQBgzUI&playnext=1&list=AL94UKMTqg-9AiM0Iv4kt5HDuiZuAsnm89 Beethoven - TOP TRACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1iZXyWLnXg&playnext=1&list= AL94UKMTqg-9Cg88Ethg8njyFGOb3zvQmx Moonlight Sonata http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQVeaIHWWck&feature=related Rita Hayworth Biography FULL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFKSmzeIuBQ ======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

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MICROSOFT WORD 2007 SECTION:* Just Click instead of Control + Click. IN WORD 2007, Top Left, Click On the Office Button Icon, bottom click on Word Options, Advanced And Uncheck: Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink, then click OK. Now you just click on the hyperlink. IN WORD 2010, Top Left, Click On File, Options, Advanced And Uncheck: Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink, then click OK. Now you just click on the hyperlink. -------------------------------

WORD Viewer download http://microsoft-office-word-viewer2007.en.softonic.com/ Excel Viewer Download http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1cd6 acf9-ce06-4e1c-8dcf-f33f669dbc3a&DisplayLang=en PowerPoint Viewer download: http://office.microsoft.com/enus/powerpoint-help/install-and-run-powerpoint-viewer-2007HA010096695.aspx ---------------------------------Shift F5 will take you back to the previous 3 points of editing. Shift F3 highlighted words will change from lower case to upper case and back again. -------------------------------------------Major Microsoft WORD Keyboard Shortcuts: Control + A Highlights all Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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C Copy S Save X Cut Z Undo



Alt + F4 will close most any program. To Work with your files: To highlight noncontiguous files. Hold Control Key down and click on each individual file. Release the Control Key, now RIGHT click on any highlighted file, all highlighted files will act the same, select, Delete, Rename, Cut, Copy, Send to, etc.. then hit Enter on the keyboard. To highlight contiguous files. Hold Shift Key down, put your cursor on the first file and the last file, all in between will be highlighted, Release the Shift Key, RIGHT click on any highlighted file, all highlighted files will act the same, select, Delete, Rename, Cut, Copy, Send to, etc.. then hit Enter on the keyboard. To make a folder: Sample, left click My Documents at the top click on New Folder, it will be highlighted in blue, type the name of the folder and hit Enter. To make a subfolder: left click the folder you made at the top click on New Folder, type the name of the folder and hit Enter. Another handy thing to know: Say you open Documents, there is a list of documents and at the top if you click on Name, it puts the names in alphabetical order, if you click again it puts them in reverse alphabetical order. By the same token, if you click on Date modified, it puts them in chronological order, click again and it puts them in reverse chronological order. ======================================== This section was done with help from the Microsoft Word SIG Leader, Jerry Heaton: Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Q. Question I emailed to Jerry Heaton in Florida. Tell me again step by step how after I set a headline or topic head at a certain font and size, I can just paint or something you showed me and I can do each of the headlines or topics that way by clicking on them A. I use the format painter – the paint brush on the home tab, upper left.  Set one heading the way you want it. Font type size color, etc..  Click on paint brush TWICE  Then you can paint that heading wherever you highlight as many times as you want.  If you click on the paint brush only once, it only works one time. ---------------------------------------How to change the Default in Word 2007: Open Word, at the top middle, click on the down arrow of Font, I have mine set on ARIAL, BOLD, 14, AT THE BOTTOM left click on Default. -----------------On the Ribbon in the lower left corner, click on Clipboard, now you can use up to 24 copy and paste items on the clipboard in Word 2007. Control C to Save and Control X to Cut, It is saving me a lot of time. On the left you'll see what you saved and there will be an Clipboard in your Taskbar that counts how items you have saved. You can paste them individually or all at once.

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-----------------------------------Using Word 2007 If you want to know what a word means, Hold the ALT key down and click on the word. ---------------------------------Date Keyboard Shortcuts In MS Word, you can press Alt+Shift+D to insert the current date. Go to Tab Insert, on the right click on Date & Time then select. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at the bottom click on Default and OK. -----------------MS Word shortcut hit the F4 key to repeat what you just wrote. -----------------XXXXXX Editing a Document. Shift F5 will take you back to the previous 3 points of editing. Shift F3 highlighted words will change from lower case to upper case and back again. =======================

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Cool tip for your keyboard enthusiasts: Ctrl + Shift + > will increase font size. Ctrl + Shift + < will decrease font size. And for those of you who are new to the world of Microsoft, remember, you can highlight text by holding down the Shift key and using the arrow keys to move the cursor to the end of the section you want to highlight. Then you can... Ctrl + B will bold text. Ctrl + U will underline text. Ctrl + I will italicize. ====================================== How to "copy and paste": If you're working in a word processor and need to copy and paste a section of your document into an e-mail. Here's how: 1. First, you'll need to select the text you wish to copy. You do this by putting your mouse cursor at the first character you want to copy and, holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursor to the last character you need copied. As you drag, you'll notice everything gets highlighted (selected). 2. Do CTRL C on your keyboard. 3. Click the area in your e-mail or document where you would like to insert the word processor text. Then do CTRL V on your keyboard. -----------------TURN OFF A BULLET OR NUMBER LIST WITH JUST ONE KEY? The next time you get to the end of your list hit the Enter key. You should get another bullet or number. Now hit the Backspace key. Poof! ====================================== Basic Word 2007 keyboard shortcuts: Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Ctrl + Home moves the cursor to the top of the document. Ctrl + End moves the cursor to the bottom of the document. Page Up moves the cursor up the length of one screen. Page Down moves the cursor down the length of one screen. =============== =============== CHANGE THE FONT SIZE WITH THE WHEEL If your mouse has a wheel, you can use it to change the text size in Internet Explorer and even, Microsoft Word. Just depress Ctrl and turn the wheel. -----------------Q. What is happening when I highlight a word or paragraph? A. A vague mini toolbar appears, when you put your cursor on it, it appears brighter, with it you can change the font, size, color, BOLD, etc. (I really like this feature.) ---------------------------------When you Right Click on a file or folder you may, Send To, Cut, Copy, Create Shortcut, Delete, and Rename. When you Cut and Paste it deletes the file in the old location and puts it in the new location. When you Copy and Paste it leaves the file in the old location and also puts it in the new location. Compare docs the smart way in Word 2007: Go to tab Review, Compare, Compare, then enter the name of the documents. -----------------1. The Mini toolbar appears right on top of the text you highlight with a lot of common options you use, font, size, color, etc. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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2. The Microsoft Office button at the top left of the screen has many options, one shows the last 17 documents you have opened. 3. You can add any commands to the Quick Access Toolbar at the top of the screen by right clicking on button you want and selecting Add to Quick Access Toolbar. 5. When you click the little box in the scroll bar, a text box will appear that tells you what page you're on. 6. Below the scroll bar, you'll find a series of buttons. The double up and down arrows are for moving one object up or down. The middle button (the dot) is called the Select Browse Object button. It allows you to select what items or objects the double up and down arrows jump to. For example, if you set the button to Graphic, the up and down arrows will jump from graphic to graphic, regardless of how many pages are between each graphic. To see your choices, click on the Select Browse Object button. You should see a small palette of choices appear. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. When I send documents out in Word 2007 nobody can open them. A. Even though I use Word 2007, I save it in Word 97-2003, most people can open this. I made this my default. Open Word 2007, on the top left, click on the round Office button, at the bottom click on Word Options, on the left click on Save, in the top box, Save files in this format: use the down arrow and select Word 97 - 2003 Document (.doc) then click OK. Response: Works great. Wish I had known that earlier, would have saved much frustration. Thank you Joe. =============================== Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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2007 WORD Tips & Tricks. Opening Page in WORD 2007 A. Title Bar is at the very top on the right is the Minimize, Maximize and Close Button. Left side contains the Quick Access Toolbar, this can be your personalized toolbar, to add command click on the down arrow. B. Below the Title Bar is the Ribbon, it contains all the tools used to work with the Word. Each Tab on the Ribbon contains a specific set of tools. C. Office Button is at the top left corner of the Ribbon. D. Bar at bottom is the Status Bar, left side tells the number of pages, etc. Right side different views: Print Layout, Full screen reading, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft. E. Position mouse pointer over most tools and commands and you will see screen tips and many have keyboard shortcuts. Click Office Button: It is self explanatory. Bottom Right click on Word Options to customize Word. An arrow at the end of a command means more options. A command followed by … (3 dots) is an ellipsis and has more options. To close the Ribbon Double click any Tab. To open the Ribbon Double click any Tab. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do you Compare two documents? A. In Word 2003 open the old document, choose Compare and Merge Documents from the Tools menu, and select the new document. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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In Word 2007 choose Compare | Compare from the Review ribbon and select both the old and the new document. ---------------------------------Q. How do you change the Font on Envelopes and Labels A. In Office 2007, click on Mailings, Envelopes, RIGHT click in the address section and click on Font. ------------------------------------------------------------To get the ¢ mark is to use the Key Pad that has the numbers on the right side of your key board. and hold the Alt key down and in the Key Pad type in 0162 and you will get the ¢ mark. =============================== 1. If you wish to see your text in different color, size, font, etc. just highlight the text, and rest your mouse pointer over the feature, color, size, font, etc and it will preview the formatting change without actually changing it. 2. The Mini toolbar appears right on top of the text you highlight with a lot of common options you use, font, size, color, etc. 3. The Microsoft Office button at the top left of the screen has many options, one shows the last 17 documents you have opened. 4. You can add any commands to the Quick Access Toolbar at the top of the screen by right clicking on button you want and selecting Add to Quick Access Toolbar. 5. When you click and hold on the scroll bar, a text box will appear that tells you what page you're scrolling to and the section title that begins the page. ------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do I just click on a Hyperlink? A. Open Word 2007, click on the Office Button, at the bottom click on Word Options, Advanced, and uncheck, Use Ctrl + click to follow hyperlink. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do I get rid of Read Only in Word? A. Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open. Browse to the file and right-click it. Click Properties, and then clear the Read-Only check box. Reopen the file. ------------------------------------------------------------To set your Font Default: Under the Home tab, click on the tiny arrow in front of the word Font. Set your Font, like Arial, Font Style, Bold, Size, like 12, at the bottom left click on Default. This becomes your Normal Template and all documents you open will have this configuration. To set your Page Setup: Click on the Page Layout Tab, click on the tiny arrow in front of the word Page Setup set the margins in top, bottom, left and right. At the bottom left click on Default. This becomes your Normal Template and all documents you open will have this configuration. =============================== In Word 2007: Click on the tab, Home, below that click on Clipboard. Now on the left you will see the Clipboard on the right an open blank document. Find and click on the document you want to obtain the information from or the web site you wish to copy. Now highlight each line or paragraph and do Control C and it will paste it in to the Clipboard section. It will hold 24 Clipboard items. Close the document side of the window and open a blank word document. Now as you left click on each Clipboard item it automatically inserts itself into you blank document. Another option is to Paste all or Clear All the Clipboard items. ---------------------------------------------------------Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Using Word 2007 If you want to know what a word means, Hold the ALT key down and click on the word. ---------------------------------Ctrl + B will bold text. Ctrl + U will underline text. Ctrl + I will italicize. ====================================== CHANGE THE FONT SIZE WITH THE WHEEL To change the text size in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word. Just depress Ctrl and turn the wheel on your mouse. ---------------------------------------If you want to disable Read-Only in Word 2007: 1. Click the Office button 2. Click the "Word Options" button 3. Select "Advanced" from the left navigation bar 4. Scroll down to the "Save" section 5. Un-check "Allow background saves" 6. Click the "OK" button You should have no more mysterious read-only documents. -----------------From Jerry Heaton: To wrap text around a photo, insert the photo in a Word document where the text is, make it small enough to wrap text around by clicking on the photo, when the little square dots appear, put you cursor on any one of them in the corner until it makes a double arrow then drag it to the size you want. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Right Click on the photo, click on Format Picture, Layout, Square. Left click and drag photo into the text left or right. ======================================== To wrap text around a photo, insert the photo in a Word document where the text is, make it small enough to wrap text around by clicking on the photo, when the little square dots appear, put you cursor on any one of them in the corner until it makes a double arrow then drag it to the size you want. Right Click on the photo, click on Format Picture, Layout, Square. Left click and drag photo into the text left or right. ========================================

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Jerry Heaton: To do the above arrow and remote in WORD, first insert the photo of the remote, then click on the tab Insert, then Shapes, click on the arrow you want and you will get the big plus

+ sign, move this plus sign to where you want the arrow, left click and move the plus sign down and to the right to size it. You can click on one of the colors at the top Black, Blue, or Red. Or at the right of the Red, click on Shape Fill, then click on a color. ---------------------------------------Also since Microsoft bought Skype you can have a teleconference with 5 people, you can see them and hear them, all are interactive. I was thinking a great way to get the family together for a chat. ---------------------------------------Diagnose and repair problems with your Microsoft Office programs Open Word, at the top left click on the Office Button, at the bottom click on Word options, on the left bottom click on Resources, run Microsoft Office Diagnostics click on Diagnose.


END OF MICROSOFT WORD ======================================== ======================================== ======================================== Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Free LibreOffice Suite 4.0

LibreOffice 4.0 - Free Office Suite

LibreOffice is absolutely free. Is it as good as Microsoft Office 2013? Writer (word processor improvements)

  

You can now attach comments for document text ranges. Helpful for editing/annotation purposes. Ink annotation support from docx and rtf documents. Importing and exporting of math expressions in rtf

Calc (spreadsheet software improvements)

    

Improved document importing accuracy and speed. Automatic display of last value in formula helps speed opening of complex spreadsheets. Automatic rotation of chart labels to prevent overlapping. Higher quality charts and higher quality printing/exporting to pdf. Ability to export charts as images.

Impress (presentation software improvements)

  

Remote control app for Android lets you remotely control presentation from your phone. Improved acceleration on previews and embedded video. Sidebar and interface settings remembered automatically.

LibreOffice: The Ideal USB Office Suite http://www.worldstart.com/libreoffice-the-ideal-usb-office-suite/ ====================================

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Google Voice Search and Basics This is Google Voice Search you talk and it talks back. This is a fun thing to do, I love it. While downloading Google Chrome https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/ click on, make it your default browser, At the upper right click on the 3 bar icon, scroll down and click on About Google Chrome you need version 30…it should update here. then click on: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en (Save this web site, so you may access Google Voice Search, at the top, in the address bar, left click and drag the icon in front of the https to the Desktop.) Now put your cursor on the microphone, left click and start talking. Speak in full sentences. It will bring up the web site. If you are lucky it will even talk back. This is really fun, I will never type a web site again. More Help: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/1331723?hl=en I just asked the following questions and it talked back and showed web pages. I did this on my Windows 7 Desktop, and my Windows 8.1 laptop. 1st question:

who is Kentucky's basketball coach

Female voice answer:

Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

John Calipari is the head coach of the Kentucky Wildcats men's basketball

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Most Laptops have a built in mike. Desktops have to buy a microphone, If Chrome is already your Default Browser, you must update it to use Google Voice Search. Click on the 3 bars at the top Right, scroll down and click on About Google Chrome, and it will update. ====================================================== ====================================================

BASICS SECTION Have a SURGE PROTECTOR on your system (electric and phone). I use Belkin SurgeMaster II Electric and Phone Line Protection. UL 1449 Rating of 330V. $50,000 Connected Equipment Warranty. Cost $45. When you are thru using your computer for the day Close all open programs on your Taskbar, Shut Down, then turn the rest of the power off. When you go on vacation or there is a violent thunderstorm, unplug the electric and phone line. ---------------------Desktop: The screen you're looking at when you first turn your computer or boot up. Icons: The small pictures on the left of the Desktop, when you click or double click on one of them it opens a program. Taskbar: The Bar that goes across the bottom of your Desktop. To move a window, put your cursor on the Title Bar (top line of the window), left click and drag to another location. To resize a Window, put your cursor on either of the four sides and when your cursor changes into a double arrow, left click and drag till you get the size you want. At the upper right you'll see three buttons: Minus, Box, X Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Minus: --- Minimizes the window to the Taskbar, but leaves the program running Box: [ ] Maximize Button: It will enlarge the window to fill the screen. X Close Button: Click on this to close the program. If you click on __ [ ] X in the upper right hand corner of your Window by mistake, move your cursor to an empty spot before you let it unclick, and the computer will do nothing. Best tip you will ever get. Control Z will undo a mistake. If you delete something, Control Z will bring it back. I love Control Z, use it a lot. Play Solitaire if you need practice with your mouse. Let me repeat and repeat and repeat, when typing a document, save the data every few minutes so if something happens to your computer you will not have to do the work all over again. Just do Control S very often. ---------------------Type this Computer belongs to: Then type your name, address, and phone number into WORD or WordPad and name it FBI, then Save. If your computer is ever stolen it will identify the owner. Sample: This Computer belongs to: JOHN SMITH 123 Main Street Lexington KY Phone 859 555 1234 PROTECT YOUR COMPUTER: FIREWALL, ANTIVIRUS, ANTISPYWARE, WINDOW UPDATES: In Windows 8.1 Charms, click on Settings, Change PC settings, Windows Update, it is on bottom. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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In Windows 7 Go to Control Panel, click on Action Center, then click the down arrow on Security. ======================================== SINGLE CLICK. (Why double click !!!!)

(This Is Really Great !!!!)

Go to Control Panel, click on Folders Options. Select Single Click. Also click on Underlined icon titles only when I point at them. Then click OK. ------------------

Should you leave your computer on 24 HOURS A DAY?

NO!! I shut my computer down every night. If I'm going to be gone several days I not only shut it down, I unplug the computer from the wall and unplug the Internet line. You are wearing your fan motor out and pulling dust thru your computer. Kentucky Utilities will love you. With the increased use of DSL and Cable Internet and with the growing threat of hackers and worms, it makes even more sense to shut your computer down when not in use. -----------------Tutorials for Windows 7: You gotta watch these, they are so good. This web site is the best, most informative, and easiest to understand. http://windows.microsoft.com/enus/windows7/help/videos/personalizing-your-pc Windows 7 Help & How-to (Great Videos) http://windows.microsoft.com/enus/windows7/help?ocid=OI_CL_4950

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Full listing of Windows 7 tutorials: Taskbar, Start Menu, Appearance and Personalization, Desktop, Gadgets, Mouse Pointers and Cursors, Windows Explorer, etc.. Super tutorials. http://freewindowsvistatutorials.com/Windows-7-Tutorials.php ----------------------------------------


When you are having problems, the first thing you should go is Google or Bing. No matter the problem, Word, Mail, Internet Explorer etc.. I can find it quicker in Google or Bing than in Microsoft itself. ======================= ======================= YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ To get songs from the Internet: Open Internet Explorer: Into Google or Bing type YouTube, Artist, name of song. While the song if playing click of File, Send, Shortcut to Desktop. After you get a few of these Shortcuts, Right Click on the Desktop, click on New, Folder, name the folder Favorite Songs and drag the song shortcuts into this folder. If you want to move the video to you Computer: http://keep-tube.com/ Enter the URL of the video page in the first blank. At the end of the blank, click on Download, scroll down and then click on MP4 icon. ==================================================== ====================================================


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Windows 98 and Windows ME Class on the UK Campus in the Gluck Equine Center September 10, 2001. Record Attendance

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General Meeting on Windows 98 & Me, Monday, September 10, 2001 at the Gluck Research Center on the UK Campus

==================================== ===================================

Windows XP Class on the UK Campus in the Gluck Equine Center July 8 2002. (This was the email sent out to Classmates.) GENERAL MEETING 7 8 02 Dear Classmates, Please don't forget the General Meeting on Windows 98/Me/XP this Monday, July 8 from 7 to 9 pm at the Gluck Research Center on the UK Campus. What's Hot and What's Not. This will be a Crash course in Windows 98, Me, and XP. The first 75 people attending will receive a CD-ROM with more than 35 MB of revised TOP FIFTY TIPS, TIPS and REVIEWS, This is a compilation of all the TIPS that I send out via email and they are indexed for ease of use. This is a must to have. It is like Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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a book, but written in easy to understand language. It has basic things you need to know to make your computer faster and more fun. You’ll love the things the tips will do to help you enjoy your computer and the Internet more. PLUS!! 1000 JOKES, Fun Videos, games and photos, free programs such as PrintScreen, and lots of other good "stuff." Please come early and bring a friend. Our General Meetings are open to everyone at no charge. We'll demo how to use the disk to find the things you need to know. The first 50 people attending will receive homemade brownies. 2 homemade Pecan Pies will be given away as door prizes Hope to see you there, we'll have a good time. Love, peace, and happy computing, Joe Isaac ---------------------------------------------------------------

Signing in at the Equine Center.

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General Meeting on Windows 95 Monday, July 14, 1995 at the Gluck Research Center on the UK Campus. Photos below By Jim McCormick.

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Have been teaching Windows since Larry Cox graciously let me do Windows 95. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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I have been helped tremendously along the way by Larry Cox, Bob Brown, Paul Stackhouse, Bill Gruber, Mike Seiler, Ilse Newberry, Phyllis Spiker, Robert Mulhern, Buddy Maples, Ben Rice, Jim Geeding, John Newsom, James McCormick, Jerry Heaton, Paul Evans, Frankie Harvener, Richard Gehlbach, Ed Sturgeon, Larry Mitchum, Bobbie Newman, Kurt Jefferson, Joe Dietz, Bill Slone and countless classmates

General Meeting Monday July 14th 1995 Windows 95 Presentation on the UK Campus in the Gluck Equine Center Dear Classmates, To install Windows 95 with 16 megs and Pentium 75 it took 25 minutes and 45 Megs of Hard Drive for a typical installation over Windows 3.1 and that includes making a startup disk. If you bought a computer with 95 on it and don’t have a startup disk, please make one for an emergency.

General Meeting Monday April 13th 1998 Another Windows 95 Presentation on the UK Campus in the Gluck Equine Center Dear Classmates, This Monday, April 13th 1998, at 7 pm at the Gluck Research Center on the UK Campus we’re having a Windows 95 Seminar. The first 90 people attending will receive a free floppy disk with my latest collection of tips, tricks, and techniques on: Windows 95 Internet Word 97

285 Tips 122 Tips 95 Tips

You’ll love the love the things the tips will do to help you enjoy your computer more. Please bring a friend, our General Meeting is open to everyone at no charge.

I started teaching at CKCS with Windows 95 to ?? Windows 95 Windows 98

1995 1998

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Windows XP 10 25 01 Windows Vista 01 31 07 Windows 7 10 22 09 Windows 8 10 26 12 Windows 10 10 1 14 =================================== I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, reading those emails brought tears to my eyes. You all are such a great bunch of classmates. You'll never know how much I appreciate all the emails sent to me after the Windows 98 and Windows ME Class on the UK Campus in the Gluck Equine Center September 10, 2001. 9 10 01 General Meeting Thank You Hi Gang, I held the door open after the General Meeting was over and almost everyone shook my hand and thanked me. You all are so nice. You really make me feel good. Thank you so much. Here are some email comments on the General Meeting. Best regards, Joe Isaac ============================================= Joe I was delighted to be in the last row of your packed house last night, and loved every minute. You are a marvelous person and your help has kept me sane and moderately successful as a computer user! Here's to you, Joe! Barbara Markesbery ================================================================ Joe, Congratulations on a great meeting with outstanding attendance. You certainly have a way of explaining Windows in an easily digestible format. My best count was 133 in attendance. Of course, I might have missed one or two that were hidden from my view. Thank you again for the GREAT presentation on Windows Tips. You are a tremendous asset to CKCS. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Best Regards, Larry Mitchum ============================================== Joe: Thanks for a great job. The only trouble is that the regulars must get to our SIG early to get a seat. They found out about our secret. Our SIG leader. Thanks again for a great class. Mitch Alcorn ============================================= Joe, I helped Frankie with a class this morning and she gave me a copy. These are great. You did a terrific job. Thanks for the work you put into it. Thanks! Jeannine ========================================== I enjoyed the General Meeting and very much appreciate all the time and effort you put into getting the Top 50 Hints to us all. Also appreciate your dedication to the SIG classes and to CKCS. Do you have time for anything else? Jan Wisnicky ========================================== I might be a little late with my accolades but I want you to know how great the CKCS meeting was and how I treasure "50 Tips". Amidst all the chaos of (911) that's a way for us to remember Tuesday, I 'unstressed' myself by trying out the floppy--worked like a charm, got it perched on my desktop under "50 Tips.doc" and am ready to go!! Being a visual person, I must admit that I printed out all of '50 tips' just now. I am overwhelmed with appreciation as I look through the pages and realize HOW MUCH THOUGHT AND WORK went into this document/BOOK. Thanks for the know-how you have shared so freely and willingly with us through classes and personal communication. Since my first encounter EVER with a computer was January 2000, I've "come a long way baby!!" and a major part of my knowledge I attribute to YOU. Heartfelt thanks and appreciation, Kay Stivers ========================================== Joe: I also appreciate your classes. I know you spend countless hours before and after the actual classes and are always well prepared. You play a very large part in making CKCS the success that it is today. I wanted to attend the XP session, but could not fit it in. Perhaps one day we could get someone from @ Home to put on a meeting or at least a part of one. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Thanks a lot Harold Ulander ========================================== Joe: See? When you are a good guy and do good things people appreciate. I know my Top Fifty is just what the computer doctor ordered. Thanks, Bill Gordon ========================================== You really go the "full mile" for CKCS members. The SIG meetings and tips you publish in the newsletter are great contributions - and now you have organized and distributed a disk containing over 60 pages of information and helpful hints to over 133 members. It is an absolutely fantastic compilation of facts that computer users, both novice and experienced, will find most helpful. It was also good to get the index guide you printed to accompany the disk. Thanks so very much. Your knack of making learning such fun - and your apparent enjoyment in sharing your knowledge with us is really appreciated. Ramona McGlennon ========================================== Add me to your list of those appreciating what you've done so graciously for your many friends. Chuck Greenwood ========================================== Joe, I almost never get to the meetings, but I can add my second to the opinion of the value and quality of your work. Bob Moore ========================================== Joe; I want to add our thanks for the good meeting, and the top fifty tips. Bud & Judy Smith ========================================== Joe, We enjoyed the general meeting. So many people there. Bev Jaeger ========================================== Joe, These kind of remarks were (are) the greatest rewards from my teaching experience. Mostly they come now when attending a class reunion of those I have taught. Savor them, they are the joy of working with open minds. Thanks for sharing them! -----Stan Johnson ========================================== Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Thanks, Joe for a wonderful at the meeting on Sept 10th. I know this must have been a tremendous task. Thanks again Ann Robertson ========================================== Joe, Thank you for the email letting me know about the personal and email comments on the General Meeting. It has been my privilege to have you in my life also even though I have been largely confined to my home. The many emails you send have been a source of welcome information and pleasure I would not have otherwise. May you have many more years in your endeavors. You are certainly to be commended for sharing your knowledge in such caring ways. Best regards always...............Tiny ========================================== Joe, thanks for the great presentation at the General meeting. You are a very generous and sharing person. I appreciate all the time and effort you spent preparing the disk. I have learned so much from you. I always come home with a new tidbit from your SIG. You are a real asset to CKCS and bring in a lot of members. Thanks, Martha Crockett ========================================== Hi Joe, Thank you for the opportunity to attend the CKCS Monthly meeting. We appreciate your time for compiling the useful TIPS. The TIPS will be useful for all of us, especially a new computer owner, Russ Rau. Sincerely, Russ Rau , Earl Leach, Charles Gudgell and George Tate ========================================== Hey Joe--Man, you have turned into a guru, haven't you. So, how can I get these famous tips? Thanks, Larry Grannis ========================================== Why wouldn't they shake your hand, for crying out loud??!! You're a Prince of a Guy!!!!! Sorry I missed it! I was (of course) out of town....down at Amelia Island, for 10 days of (probably) undeserved rest (or is that...."wrest"??!!!) See you one of these days! Better be BEFORE I throw this damn machine out the window!!! Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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xo Kelley Butler ========================================== Hi Joe, Your info was perfect as always. I now have your 50 and relief disk ready for four grandchildren, a handicap man and a man in western KY that just started the computer trip. Your 50 will be in Columbus, Ohio, Marion Il, Owensville, KY and here in Lex. It would be really great to have knowledge to help other people. Keep up the good work for us Dummies who need you. THANKS AGAIN, HAM COLLIER ========================================== Thank you. Have had a chance to review a few of the tips. Wow, you have some great stuff here! Bob Esch ========================================== How nice, Joe, that people are telling you how much you help them. You certainly have been my mainstay in learning to operate this monstrous machine. I, too, appreciate you tremendously! I'm back in town now and will be coming to the FTM class next Tuesday and will pick up my tips disk then. Thank you so very much. I'll put a blank in, in return. You got the short end of that deal! Thanks again, Susan Robertson ==========================================

Thanks again, you all are so good to me, I love you all, Joe ======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ========================================

Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 TIPS and Tricks*

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I'm so happy I read these tips. -------------------------

SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR NEW Windows 8.1 Computer. Windows 10 may be out mid 2015 (The speed of your new computer is going to be a lot faster than your old one.)

Processor: Latest generation Intel core i3, i5, i7 processor or AMD equivalent. Memory: 4 to 8GB DDR3 Ports: Should have both USB3 and USB2 Ports (USB3 is 10 times faster than USB2) Hard Drive: 500GB or 1TB Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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In addition to the above, a 256GB Solid-State Hard Drive: (SSD) This is an expensive option but it has lightning speed. Webcam: if a Laptop. LCD Monitor: 15.6" or 17” for a Laptop, for a Desktop 24". DVD-RW Drive: To burn CD's or DVD's. Digital Media Reader: For your Digital Camera memory stick. Windows Defender Antivirus program: comes with Windows 8.1 so you don't need Norton or McAfee. Windows Defender is a great Antivirus program. As soon as you get online with your new computer go to Control Panel and click on Windows Update. This will update your antivirus and all Microsoft Programs Please go to: http://www.ckcs.org/joetips.pdf and click on WINDOWS 8.1 & Windows 10 TIPS If you have a question please email me: [emailprotected] or call 299-6464. ==================================== The Windows 8.1 Update brought to Start: at the upper Right: Photo of Owner, click on Power Button or 1st Icon and get the options below. Click on the 2nd or Search Button and it brings up the Search box.

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If you Right Click a Tile you get the options below.

I Right Clicked on several Tiles and selected Pin to taskbar and they are shown below. Now you can open the App from the Taskbar.


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Next, to close an App, move your cursor to the top of the screen and on the right down will come a Minimize (-) button and a Close (X) button, like Windows 7 If you –, it will go to your Taskbar, if you X, it will close it. If you Right click on the Icon on the left side of the screen you get the options: Split Left, Split Right, etc. You can still put the cursor to the top of the screen and drag it down to the bottom to close the App. -------------------------------If you RIGHT click the Taskbar, click on Properties, there are new options under the tabs Taskbar and Navigation. One of the options of Navigation is: Check: When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start.

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This way you boot directly to the desktop. ====================================

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Lesson 1: What Is It and Why Does It Matter? Lesson 2: Making the Start Screen Fit Your Needs Lesson 3: Personalizing Your Start Screen Lesson 4: Using the Windows Store and Windows Store Apps Lesson 5: Working with PC Settings Lesson 6: Working with Accounts and Exploring Sync Settings Lesson 7: Search, Apps, and Search Some More Lesson 8: The Rest of the Settings Lesson 9: Using the WIN+X Menu for Essential Administration Lesson 10: The Rest of Windows 8.1

==================================== Add PC settings app: click the down arrow under Start, at the upper right in the search box type PC settings, on the left Right click the PC settings icon and Pin to Taskbar or Pin to Start. If you are in the Start, and move your cursor to the very bottom of the screen the Taskbar will appear. Mike Seiler discovered this. http://www.cnet.com/news/windows-8-1-update-might-change-yourmind-about-windows-8/ ====================================

How to use the Snipping Tool on the Start Screen by Mike Seiler: 1. On the desktop open the Snipping Tool. Click on the Cancel button on the Snipping tool window. 2. Now go to the Start window. Press the CTRL + PRT SC keys. (i.e. the Control key plus the Print Screen key). Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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3. Your mouse cursor turns into the "+" symbol and the screen gray's out. You are now ready to snip the part of the screen you want to capture. This method works for any app (program) you open from the Start screen. Also, these steps can be used to capture any drop down windows you might want to capture on the Desktop or the Start screen. ====================================

How do I log into Windows 8.1 automatically? http://askleo.com/how-do-i-log-into-windows-8automatically/?awt_l=H1NeV&awt_m=IqKP4.YTDJdfbL -------------------------------What does signing into my Microsoft Account really mean in Windows 8.1? http://askleo.com/what-does-signing-into-my-microsoft-account-reallymean-in-windows-8-1/?awt_l=H1NeV&awt_m=IqKP4.YTDJdfbL --------------------------------

HOT TIP: If you’re on the Start Screen or TILES, just start typing what you want to find. Looking for Word? Start typing Word. Want the Control Panel? Start typing Control. Your search charm will pop open with the results and you can just tap or click on the icon to go there.

------------------------------Check Out Windows 8.1 in Action Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VQb 5caeSo00 Lots of Windows 8.1 Tips http://winsupersite.com/windows-8/windows-81-tips At the bottom left, click on the down arrow and you get the screen below:

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Here you can view your apps by name, date installed, most used, or by category.

3. New Start Button

Left click the Start Button and you will get either the Tiles or Desktop, Right click and you will get this Win-X Menu.

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You can Shut down, Restart, and Sleep. You must install Hibernate it is not a default. ---------------------------------------If you want to bypass the TILES and go direct to the Desktop then Right click the Taskbar, left click Properties, the tab Navigation, and check: Go to the Desktop instead of Start when I sign in ----------------------------------------

4. Search: (Win + F) While looking at the TILES: Start typing Harry James, Marilyn Monroe, Glenn Miller, etc. in the Search blank and you get music, videos, images, etc.. you will be amazed.

You can click on the down arrow and select; Everywhere, Settings, Files, Web Images, Web videos.

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5. The Photos app: While looking at the photo, Right click, select, then left click Edit, then select what you want to do. (You may prefer to use your old photo program; I'm using my old Windows Live Photo Gallery program.)

6. MAIL: The Mail app, which comes with Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1, doesn't support adding email accounts that use POP (Post Office Protocol). This is the technology that allows email to be downloaded from the server to your PC. You may prefer to use your old email program; I'm using my old Windows Live Mail program.

7. Internet Explorer 11: To pin a web site to Start, IE 11 must be your default browser. From the TILES only click on IE 11, go to the site, at the bottom RIGHT click on the Star, now click on the Pin, then click on Pin to Start. Now if you wish you may go back to Default Programs and make Google Chrome your default browser the Web sites you put on Start will still work, but open in IE 11 instead of Chrome. ---------------------------------------New apps including a calendar, alarm clock, and voice recorder. You do not have to update Windows 8.1 Store: It now auto-updates apps in the background. ---------------------------------------Microsoft has added the ability to print directly to Wi-Fi enabled printers without the need to add any further drivers or software. ----------------------------------------

Top 10 Windows 8.1 features added by Microsoft http://www.pcworld.com/article/2040847/windows-8-1-video-tour-puts-afriendly-face-on-the-start-screen.html

This is the Win Key Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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The Most Useful Windows 8.1 Keyboard Shortcuts •Win Key: Start Screen or Desktop •Win + C: Charms •Win + D: Windows Desktop •Win + E: Windows Explorer •Win + F: Search (down arrow select Everywhere) •Win + F1: Help •Win + I: opens Settings •Win + P: switch your display to a second display or projector •Win + Print Screen: Puts a photo of that screen in a folder named Screenshots in your Pictures folder. On my laptop I had to use FN+WIN+END (PRTSC).

Alt + Tab switch between running Programs Alt + F4 Shut Down Current window ----------------------------------------

Windows 8.1 tips, tricks and secrets http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/windows-81-tips-tricks-and-secrets-1188599 S E A R C H: You can still trigger Search from anywhere in Windows 8.1, and it works as before using the Search charm. But the Search pane that comes up is decidedly different from before. By default, a search is filtered to "everywhere,". But you choose Everywhere, Settings, Files, Web images and Web videos.. With Windows 8.1, Microsoft is raising the app roaming limit from 5 PCs to ... 81. Get it? Windows 8.1. 81.

Master Auto-Snap Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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One of the more interesting new features in Windows 8.1 is what I call Auto-Snap, the ability of certain actions in this OS to automatically enable Snap and place two Metro Mail app, it opens side-by-side with Mail in the Photos app. Some people don't like this behavior, but this simple tip will ease a bit of the pain.

Better Reading with Internet Explorer 11 A new Reading View in Internet Explorer 11 makes reading web-based content better than ever. This handy new feature turns basic web pages into beautifully laid-out articles with no advertisem*nts. ----------------------------------------

Search 'features' . Win 8.1 "Smart Search" Options: Files, Everywhere, Settings, Web images and Web videos. ---------------------------------------Windows 8.1 surprises: 25 hidden features and little extras http://www.pcworld.com/article/2058330/windows-8-1-surprises-25hidden-features-and-little-extras.html#tk.nl_win Windows 8.1 Automatically updates your apps. If you want to check it. Open Windows Store, Charms, Settings, App Updates. ==================================================== ==================================================== ====================================================


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Windows 10 works on Microsoft phones, tablets, laptops, desktops… You just have to learn One operating system for all of Microsoft products.

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When you turn your Windows 10 computer on you get this Desktop Screen. (Like Windows 7) Windows 10 started with Build 9841, updated to 9860 and now 9879.

When you click on the Start Button you get this screen. This is my Windows 10 Start screen. It is user friendly. You will love it. It is so Easy. You get this screen when you click the Start button or hit the Win key on the keyboard. It has a Search Bar and combines Windows 7 Start button, but vastly improved and Start Screen. You may customize both, which I did. I love it. Let's examine the Start screen from top to bottom, you will be amazed at what's there.

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1. Put you cursor on the top line of the Start menu and when it turns to a double arrow, with your mouse, you can left click and raise or lower it. 2. At the top left if you click on Account icon: Joe Isaac, options are: Change account picture, Lock, Sign out. 3. The icon to the right of the name is the power button, click on it: and the options are: Sleep, Shut down, Restart. 4. Under that: is the Start menu; To customize Right click the Taskbar, Left click Properties, Start Menu, Customize. I choose Documents, Pictures, Control Panel, and This PC. Right click any of these items for more options. 5. Under that section are programs and files that you have recently opened. Right click any of these items for more options. 6. Under that is All Apps, click on this and it shows every program you have on your computer. Left click and it opens the program. Right click and get these options: Open, Uninstall, Pin to Start, Pin to taskbar. 7. To open a Tile, Left click, to see options Right click. One of the options is Turn live tile on, this options keeps the tile on the Internet and up to date. Other option is Resize. 8. Next is the Search box: it will search your computer, the internet, an app in the Windows Store or a portal to Bing. 9. We come to the Taskbar: It contains the Start Button, a magnifying icon, which is another search box, but a fancier. It gives you your recent searches and what is trending, a double box icon when clicked on shows you what programs are open and you may switch between them or close them here.

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10. On the other end of the Taskbar is a box, when clicked on will show you any notifications. The time and date now shows the Day also.

In 8.1 the Tiles ran in a FULL screen, now Everything runs in a window: with the in the upper right corner. They can also be resized and moved around, just like Windows 7.

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Snap enhancements: You can now have up to four apps snapped on the same screen. It is best just to do 2.

On the Taskbar: Now for the two new icons next to the Start button: First up is the magnifying glass icon, which brings up Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Windows 10’s search feature. It shows Recent Searches, and Trending.

Second is Task view, which shows what is open and is very handy. New task view button on the taskbar for quick switching between open files, folders and programs. This is great it show all your open programs and files. You can Maximize or close them here. To find your Default Programs: (Another great feature) Start, Scroll all apps and find and click on PC Settings, Search and apps, Defaults. Hamburger-style (3 lines) menu in metro apps titlebar. Replaces Charms. Charms bar disabled in Windows 10, Win + C will still bring it up. New ALT+TAB Interface Microsoft has also improved the "Alt+Tab" switcher screen in Windows 10. Now when you press Alt+Tab keys together, it shows a full screen interface containing large thumbnails of running programs. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Fantastic features coming with Windows 10. Cortana (like Siri or Google Talk) you talk and it talks back and Internet Explorer 12 and more will be added later. Secret Continuum Feature.

Windows 10 Build 9879 Changelog: 

New built-in options in Taskbar context menu to show/hide Search and Task View buttons

Ability to pin favorite folders to Home in File Explorer

Improvements in Internet Explorer

New Storage Sense option added in PC Settings

Continuum feature: Senses whether you want touch screen or keyboard.

Popup messages in metro apps are windowed now

Important changes in OneDrive such as use of selective sync

New updated animations

Few new icons

Subtle Changes in Windows Theme and UI 

Thin borders in program windows

New shadow effect in window borders which can be disabled.

Some new icons such as This PC, Network, Homegroup, Explorer, Desktop, etc.

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New Home page containing shortcuts to favorites, frequent folders and recent files

New animations

Notification Center: rectangle icon at the end of the Taskbar.

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Windows Essentials 2012: They are fantastic FREE programs and are already installed on most new Windows 7 computers: On your new Windows 8.1 Computer you have to download:

Windows Essentials 2012: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials Select only the programs you want, like Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Photo Gallery, etc.. ======================================== This is the screen of the NEW 2011 Windows Live Mail: Notice the Ribbon at the top and the Calendar and Events on the Right.

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THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WINDOWS 8.1: Once the tile is on the Start screen, you may make some of the Tiles come alive. RIGHT click the tile in the Start screen and at the bottom, select Turn live tile on. To turn a live tile off, select Turn live tile off. From this screen, you can also make the tile larger or smaller, Uninstall it, and etc.. Once you've clicked a live tile, spin the mouse wheel to scroll backwards and forwards. If you're using a touchpad swiping left and right (with one finger) scrolls the tile list. To return to the Start Screen: Move your cursor to the bottom left, when the Start icon appears, do not move cursor, just left click. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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_________________________________________________ Pinning Apps to the Desktop Taskbar. You can still pin some apps to the taskbar. From the Start screen, right-click an app and select “Pin to Taskbar.” ---------------------------------------This is the Windows 8.1 Desktop with a Start Button, bottom left.

To put Microsoft Word on the Taskbar or Start, Right click it in Apps then click on Pin to taskbar or Pin to Start. ======================================== Quick Access Menu. Put your cursor in the Lower Left CORNER and RIGHT click the Start button and this Quick Access Menu comes up.

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---------------------------------------To Search for a photo, document, etc.. While Start is up, (you know the Tiles) just start typing, that is all just start typing, weird, then Charms will come up on the right, then just click on APPS, SETTINGS, or FILES, whichever one applies, it would be FILES. ---------------------------------------Disable the lock screen, first step so you don't need a password. If you like your PC to boot just as fast as possible then launch gpedit.msc (the Local Group Policy Editor) and browse to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization. Double-click "Do not display the lock screen", select Enabled and click OK. Restart and the lock screen will have gone.

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Second Step to no password: Log in automatically Of course even if you remove the lock screen, you'll still be forced to manually log in every time your system starts. This can also be resolved at speed, though, using much the same technique as in previous versions of Windows. Hold down the Windows key, press R, type netplwiz and press Enter to launch the User Accounts dialog. Clear the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" box and click OK. Enter the user name and password of the account that you'd like to be logged in automatically, click OK, restart your system and this time it should boot directly to the Start screen. ----------------------------------------

An easy way to shut down your computer: Right click an empty part of the Desktop and click New > Shortcut. copy and paste: shutdown.exe -s -t 00 click Next, click Finish. This puts the Shutdown icon on the Desktop. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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To put it on the Metro Start, Right click the icon, and click on Pin to Start. ---------------------------------------How to Copy Files to or from CDs or DVDs with Windows 8.1 http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-copy-files-to-or-from-cds-ordvds-with-wind.html?cid=dn_article ----------------------------------------

Windows 8.1 How to Close Apps Put you cursor to the top of the screen the cursor will change to a hand, left click and Drag Down to Close. If that does not work do Alt+F4 on your keyboard. If there is an X in the upper RIGHT hand corner click on it like always. ----------------------------------------

Want to take a photo or video of yourself? Type Camera anywhere on the Start menu, then click on the Camera icon. It will turn your web cam on and you will see a picture of yourself, left click the photo and it will take a picture of you and save it in My Pictures. If you want a video of yourself, at the bottom Right click on Video mode, then click on your photo and the video with start, click the photo again and it will stop. ---------------------------------------Microsoft has integrated the Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essential in one package. You don't have to download it, it comes with Window 8. ---------------------------------------A. START applications are separate and isolated from the operating system itself. If an application crashes, it does not require you to restart your computer. B. These applications are downloaded and purchased from the Microsoft Store. Microsoft will check them out before putting them in the Store. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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C. All Microsoft items will be updated through Microsoft at the same time. ----------------------------------------

Windows 8.1 keyboard shortcuts: •Win Key: Start Screen •Win + C : Charms •Win + D : Windows Desktop •Win + E : Windows Explorer •Win + F : Search •Win + F1 : Help •ALT + F4 Shut Down Current window •Win + H : Share •Win + I : Settings •Win + P : switch your display to a second display or projector •Win + Print Screen: Puts a photo of that screen in a folder named Screenshots in your Pictures folder. •Win + Tab : switch between running Programs •Win + W : Search •Win + X : Quick access Menu •Win + Z All apps •Win + K : opens the Devices pane •Win + R : opens the Run box •Win + U : open the Ease of Access Centre •Win + + : launch Magnifier and zoom in •Win + - : zoom out and in •Win + , : Aero peek at the desktop •Win + Enter : launch Narrator •Win + PgUp : Move the current Metro screen to the left-hand monitor •Win + PgDn : Move the current Metro screen to the right-hand monitor ========================================

Find Open Programs Move your cursor to the top of the left corner and hover. Then move the mouse down to see the other running programs. To close any of the above: Right click any thumbnail and click Close. ----------------------------------------

Lock screen

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Windows 8.1 opens on its lock screen, it asks for you email address as your ID and then wants you to Enter your password to begin. Please don't do this. Most people do not like to do the ID and Password thing to use their computer. ===================================== SCREEN GRABS (this is great) If a Metro application is showing something interesting and you'd like to record it for posterity, then hold down the Windows key, press PrtSc, and the image won't just go to the clipboard: it'll also be automatically saved to your My Pictures folder with the name Screenshot.png (and then Screenshot(1).png, Screenshot(2).png and so on). ---------------------------------------Always Show the Full Path in Windows 8 Charms, Search, Folder options, Settings, click on Folder options, View, Display the full path in the Title Bar. ----------------------------------------

The Best Tips and Tricks for Getting the Most out of Internet Explorer 10 http://www.howtogeek.com/123902/the-best-tips-and-tricks-for-getting-themost-out-of-internet-explorer10/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=100912 ----------------------------------------



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Big time Stuff: DON'T DO THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE TO. Be very careful here, you will lose your programs. RIGHT click on the flag icon on the right side of the system tray and open Action Center On the Right side click on Recovery and it will give you the option of "Refresh or Reset" Refresh goes like this: 1.The PC boots into Windows RE. (Windows Recovery Environment) 2.Windows RE scans the hard drive for your data, settings, and apps, and puts them aside (on the same drive). (WOW!! NOTICE IS DOES NOT SAY IT SAVES YOUR INSTALLED PROGRAMS LIKE WORD, EXCEL, ETC.. I did this and lost Microsoft Office 2007, eClean and several other programs. Be sure you have these programs to reinstall.) 3.Windows RE installs a fresh copy of Windows. 4.Windows RE restores the data, settings, and apps it has set aside into the newly installed copy of Windows. 5.The PC restarts into the newly installed copy of Windows. Reset: Restores your computer to its factory default configuration and it goes like this: 1.The PC boots into the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE). 2.Windows RE erases and formats the hard drive partitions on which Windows and personal data reside. 3.Windows RE installs a fresh copy of Windows. 4.The PC restarts into the newly installed copy of Windows. ======================================== ======================================== To View App sizes: Go to Charms, Settings, Change PC setting, General, Available storage, and click on View app sizes. ---------------------------------------Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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Windows Defender Offline Now this is a different Windows Defender than the antivirus program that comes with Windows 8.1. You use this if the regular Windows Defender won't do the job. It's important to always have the most up-to-date definitions installed in Windows Defender Offline. It can detect malicious and potentially unwanted software. Download Windows Defender Offline on a CD, DVD, or Thumb Drive from an uninfected computer. Then with your Windows 7 or 8.1, XP or Vista computer, select the 32 bit or 64 bit version, depending on your computer. Windows Defender Offline http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/what-is-windows-defender-offline

Turn the infected computer on, insert the CD, DVD, or Thumb Drive, then restart the infected computer and follow instructions. (Takes 2 or 3 hours to run full scan.) ----------------------------------------

PROGRAMS FOR YOUR NEW COMPUTER (If these programs are not already on the new computer.) 1. ADOBE READER: PDF viewer Download http://get.adobe.com/reader/

2. ADOBE FLASH PLAYER: DOWNLOAD: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ Your Google Chrome browser already includes Adobe® Flash® Player built-in. Google Chrome will automatically update when new versions of Flash Player are available. Play any and all of your Flash videos and movies with this Flash Player. Play Flash files, Youtube videos ---------------------------------------3. GOOGLE CHROME: DOWNLOAD http://www.browsersinfo.com/review/googlechrome/?kw=download+google+chrome&subid=BICHUS&cust=downlo ad+google+chrome&type=chrome&gclid=COXO2baFlboCFSJlMgodrR4 Aeg&utm_campaign=BICHUS&fwd=1 Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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4. WINDOWS LIVE ESSENTIALS http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials MAIL, WRITER, PHOTO GALLERY, MOVIE MAKER 5. BELARC ADVISER Belarc Advisor is Free and it's great. Belarc will tell you exactly what is inside a your computer, computer's components (CPU, motherboard, RAM, adapters, cards, etc.), make and model, and all the software installed on the system, complete with license numbers. http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html

======================================== ======================================== ======================================== Windows 7 & 8.1 simplifies everyday tasks: 1. Jump Lists: New in Windows 7 & 8.1, take you right to the documents, pictures, songs, or websites you use to each day. 2. Snipping Tool captures a screen shot of anything on your desktop, like a picture or a section of webpage. 3. Windows 7 & 8.1 New Taskbar Better thumbnail previews, easier-to-see icons, and more ways to customize. 4. Runs Most XP Programs 5. Better Protection for PCs ========================================

BIOS CHANGE Soon Basic input/output system) Will Be Replaced by UEFI, ( Unified Extensible Firmware) and Your PC Will Boot Almost Instantly It will be the default in new PCs. The primary function of the BIOS is to load and start an operating system. When the PC starts up, it will initialize and identify system devices such as the video display card, keyboard and mouse, hard disk.

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HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language) is the next major version, changes how browsers can handle video. It is a big improvement over Adobe Flash. Which is resource intensive, causes browser crashes, and is exploited by malware. When you visit YouTube, Hulu or a thousand other sites, you're seeing Flash. -----------------EMAIL ADDRESSES Government plans upgrade from IPv4 (32-bit addressing scheme) to IPv6 (128-bit addressing scheme) by 2014. We need more room for email addresses. -----------------7. SSD Solid-State Hard Drives (SSD) Use less power, enjoy faster performance. From this: To this:

SSD drives, coming in 32GB, 64GB and 128GB capacities. Sounds normal, until you realize they pack a mean 230MB/s read and 170MB/s write speed. -----------------BING: Microsoft's new Search Engine. http://www.bing.com/ Try it, it is Cool, especially Maps, type in your address and see a picture of you and your neighbors houses. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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---------------------YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ To get songs from the Internet: Open Internet Explorer: and type YouTube, Artist, name of song. While the song if playing click of File, Send, Shortcut to Desktop. ======================================== Windows' overall market share is 91%. The rest of the market includes Macs 5%, Linux PCs 1% and Apple iPhone 0.5%. ======================================== THREE FINGER SALUTE. (If your computer freezes up.) Control + Alt + Delete If your computer freezes up, first try the three finger salute. Control + Alt + Delete, you must have all 3 keys depressed at the same time. A screen will come up with the offending program highlighted. Click on End Task and it may resolve your problem. -----------------KEYBOARD shortcut commands. CTRL+C Copy. CTRL+S Save. CTRL+V Paste. CTRL+Z Undo. Control + Home: Jumps to beginning of page. Control + End: Jumps to end of page. Esc: Stops loading of current page. Great Computer Tip and Suggestions

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F11: Toggle between full screen and regular view of the browser window Alt + Left Arrow: Goes back to the previous page. -----------------SCREEN SAVER vs. POWER OPTIONS: Go to Start > Control Panel (classic view), click on Power Options. In Power Options: Set your: Turn off monitor: in 10 minutes. Turn off your hard disks: in 15 minutes. Please do not use a screen saver it wears out your monitor, increases you electric bill, and pulls lint through your computer. A well-equipped PC running at full steam will burn from 200 to 300 watts. You'll conserve most by using Power Options. This is much better than running a screen saver. ===================================

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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.